This thread is for ladies to post about their lives. NO BOYS ALLOWED!
i'm a male boy and i'm posting in your thread
go ahead, no disciplinary action can stop me from posting in your thread. I'm gonna find my gf here too. I have a good feeling about this one.
why not just go to crystal cafe- oh wait i know why, it's because you are a man
what about if im a handsome but autistic boy master baitsmen
post face sperg
It's soooo awkward visiting my boyfriend's family because I'm a mentally ill NEET autist who tends to be covered in cat hair.
How do you explain that to your family? "Hey mom, this is my girlfriend. Yeah, I know she's kinda weird, but she's a really nice person!" Meanwhile I'm hiding in the bathroom eating drywall because my pica compels me to do so.
I like being orbited by pathetic virgins!
this is now a male thread about masculinity,
boydudes get in here
hi life is poop but that's ok its poop for everyone. If you wanna hear about the reeeeaaal life of a 'lady' it consists of:
-complaining about period cramps
-eating food to forget about period cramps
-eating food to forget about sads
-regret eating food cuz calories
-eat more food cuz sad
(repeat x 5days until period is over)
did you not read the rules you silly goose? how about you post first
Peak masculinity is being confident enough to wear lipstick and heels in public before getting plowed by homoChad.
Manly man reporting in
>binge eating only when you're on your period
lol fucking plebian. real girls binge eat all the time.
>met a nice bf material non-autist Jow Forums goer
>really fun to talk to
>won't ask me to be his egf
what should I do...
you can just stop right there you CULTural marxist. Real masculinity is about chopping down trees and programming computers to chop down trees, then building timber frame houses to plow your wife in.
>silly goose
Find another one. Confidence can net you a good boyfriend even if you're a dysfunctional mess.
brooke, is that you>!>!?!?!?
Good job user. Based and red pilled.
i dont know what type of crack youre smoking cause my name isnt fred nor toby you silly billy
i knew a girl who said letting her boyfriend fuck her hard always got rid of her cramps
i was her boyfriend
i'll be your bf instead. I mean sure I'm autistic, but i'm also employed and fun to talk to
fuck his dad
and/or abandon real men and get a 2d boyfriend
good job maleanon, as expected, since most male manly men do all the jobs around here.
Tripfags are pigdogs.
Fembots only server, no bully allowed
tfw my biggest achievement is not killing myself but I still get delusions of grandeur
Can sissies with boiclits post?
are u a fembot? i want a fembot for sexual talks on discord
My biggest achievement is buying a house, but I'd like if the one to top that were bringing our first child up in that house.
I have a boyfriend. And cybering is boring.
this id take a qt sissy thats not a thot over these whore fembots anyday
Is it in the detroit ghetto, though?
Try asking him out? Why are girls so opposed to being the one that's forward?
>he hasn't realized that gays and trannies tend to be twice as slutty as women
I need someone to spend time with so I'm not sitting alone at home playing Vidya.
Just don't get one that's post op, they grow hair in their cunnies.
that was the point of me saying "not a thot" im well aware they tend to be more promiscuous im implying that i want one that isnt in that stereotype excuse my poor wording
Would some fembot date a cute boy like I am?
I'll send you cutesy emojis every day if you're willing to be my paypig.
what isss a paypig??
you shouldnt even have responded to this whore user youre already to good for her friend
Children. That's another concern: how well do you think a mentally ill r9k mother could raise a child? What if her dysfunctional ways were to influence the kid negatively?
im just looking for more e girls to orbit me desu
Nope it's in a Massachusetts small city
It's when you give a girl money or gifts.
hey jasmine hows it going
Better I'm sure than lots of dumb normies can manage. Plus she'll have me to help her, and I can be very calming to a mentally ill femanon
Nope that ain't me. I'm a male manly man, and my house is my bachelor pad until I put a wife in it, and a baby in her, to complete my domestic turducken
Fembots don't exist
Women can't be lonely, fuck off
if you can do that without paying go for it user just dont be a paypig or watev and that whore was trying to convince you and i thought you were gonna be naive enough to listen to that and i had to stop it i just couldnt let a fellow bot go through that
Love can't cure mental illness. I know that from experience, sadly. I have compulsively self harmed while in relationships.
>Massachusetts small city
oh fuck mate im in mass, mind giving me your address so i can come rob you senpai?
How long ago did you meet? Some guys have difficulty getting the courage to ask. He might value being your friend over the risk of being rejected.
Nah give me yours and you can rob me when I come over to chill
Female privilege is being able to convince everyone that you're a sweetheart just by acting meek even if deep down, you're a nasty shark with a heart three sizes too small.
tell me about it that shits disgusting
sure but before i do, what part are you in?
and what is your age?
26 and Berkshires
you live in Berkshires thats damn near the country senpai kek .. tell me user how is it down there?
Pretty fckin chill to be honest. Mountains and townies and farms.
Should I go to a drawing event tonight and try and make friends? I haven't been able to get out of bed all day and my head hurts from crying. I don't even know if I want friends anymore.
Yeah it'll be fun
stil not gonna give me that address tho huh?
Nah I don't think I will. Maybe if you were my gf tho
lets be a couple instead, i will be your friend/BF at the same time
Jow Forums is such shit now that larpers are infesting it and beta males are encouraging this shit.
That's not true in their minds they are innocent through nonadmission.
how bout another manly bro ur inviting to ur house for a beer and when i leave i just take some shit with me then we go a few rounds your get ur punches for revenge i get mine and we do again next week or you could be a mentor or some shit as im 20
How about you leave my shit alone and stay outta my house. Touch my things and you won't be getting up.
now your speaking my language senpai cmon test your might. youre not the least bit curious who would you. you are saying youre a manly man user dont make me think youre a larper
>youre not the least bit curious who would you
meant to say "least bit curious who would win" kek
all i want is to be whisked away Sound of Music style into marriage by a handsome aryan trad husband and impregnated after marriage.
No I'm not curious. I didn't buy a house to invite robbers over
hmmmmmmmmmmn contact?
why are women so evil bros?
imply you want to suck his dick and he'll do it retard
Why don't you ask him?
>constant attention at college from guys
>could chose from 100 cocks
>nobody that interests me
>not lesbian either
idk whats wrong with me fembots seems like guys are just complete losers that I have no interest in.
hello i want a nice ebf
You're probably a dude
I had the chance to fuck some chad type 3 weeks ago at uni and we got to third base and i kicked him out of my room lmao. yet all i do is complain about guys not being interested.
hello Im one, contact?
That's not true, you need us in your life
I need genuine and interesting people in my life. All the guys I talk to are complete fakes or boring as heck
No I meant us femwhore, you would be nothing without us robots
but you're as interesting as a wet sock
I don't pretend to understand the appeal I just know you need us
What do you mean with fakes?
I'd gladly maim all the females in this thread, with my sword
trying to be something theyre not, or just straight up lying about stuff.
need you for what? really lol
I met my cute acquaintance in my computer science class. He's a virgin who's never had a gf. He seemed pleasantly surprised to see me. :) I have a chance, femanons?
its not a very good thing if hes never had a gf before. take it slow and see what hes really like before taking his virginity
It's so hard to deal with my boyfriend's normie family. I act like an alien in a human costume, there's no way they haven't noticed.
My brother in law is a gun nut and it's so awkward. I have a history with depression and dark thoughts, so I find it hard to think about guns without thinking of bad things...
The gun in the closet, I briefly thought about using it on myself after my boyfriend was disappointed in me yesterday. He didn't say anything mean, he just gave me a vaguely annoyed look and spoke in a vaguely annoyed tone. Sent me in a brief depression spiral. Brief only because I'm medicated. Some years back that would have made me cry for days.
A virgin? Oh honey. You could probably make him cum in his pants using just words.
I smell a butthurt incel.
Here's a secret about boys: they often let their libido rule their mind. Give him his first taste of intimacy and he'll think you're the second coming of Jesus Christ.
That's not a bad thing. It means you can pick your mate more rationally than most people. If you wanna start a family, go for a sane stable guy with good income. If you wanna make your homegirls jealous, get with Chad. If you don't see any advantage to getting with a boy, then don't sweat it. You don't need a relationship to be happy.