>Imagine being this guy
>Imagine getting mogged to such an extent
>Imagine wanting to die
Why do attractive 10/10 men even exist?
>Imagine being this guy
>Imagine getting mogged to such an extent
>Imagine wanting to die
Why do attractive 10/10 men even exist?
sapiens is pretty cool ....I don't know
He's very ugly. What're you talking about?
They are both ugly af, righty is just younger.
>mfw gay guy OP thinks a 3/10 dressing nice is a 10/10
wew lad you should get your eyes checked out, but you have also proven that "ugly" guys just need to buy new clothes and be considered hot by someone.
That is an absolutely fantastic book by the way. Chad or not, I'd have to start a conversation with him.
Imagine being this stupid
Muh I read some memes about jaws
You can't rate shit
why is it so fascinating seeing chads on the subway
it's like observing an exotic animal in the wild
imagine being gay but also mad about being gay?
>ywn be attractive enough for a girl to take a creepshot of you
>a girl
all taken by a gay guy and probably put on a porn tumblr
These guys mog your guy, OP.
Looked like a hobo with a dog licking his crotch.
looks like 69
he looks like a dirty puerto rican
If that guy is a 10, I'm an 11 since I'm an even better looking version of him.
And I'm not good looking at all.
shitty jew book
>reading a book on a public transit that isnt an airplane
>sitting backwards too
long bus/train rides are fine too. but nobody reads while riding the subway
The absolute state of Jow Forums
neither is attractive. Its like a 3/10 being mogged by a 5/10
>peabrained liberal arts student has to read a shitty book too big brained for his microscopic cranium so his jaw has actually dropped
pencil gives it away.
Alain Delon was so handsome holy shit.
Imagine the life you could have with a face like this
what does mog mean?
Doesn't seem like he did much with it. I was watching Le Samourai the other day, and I thought to myself, this movie is really bad, they could only get away with it because the actor is so attractive.
Its from the latin Mire o Generalis which means sort of marvelous general because he had the best hat and when he walked in all the other generals would be envious since his plumage would steal the attention ie they were 'mog-ged'
Unironically kys
He is my eternal bf
Mire o Generalis means the Admiration of the Public. Learn latin you brainlet.
well there you go, he had admiration of the public. I dont speak latin
women consider this guy average looking btw, its over for actual below average males
>Wasting time on a dead language
He isn't even that good looking desu.
Sorter version of AMOGed. Alpha-male-of-the-group'ed.
Sapiens is fucking trash for pseuds
>durr pre-agricultural people were probably happier starving to death and having most of their children die in childbirth/infancy/childhood and getting literally genocided in brutal tribal warfare on par with fucking chimpanzees
>Low forehead
>In a weird get-up with a stupid haircut
>Not Asian/Amerindian
This guy is probably dumb as a rock.
you need some soi with that?
why is he so thicc
>At the beginning of "his" book (probably given to him as a prop by his more erudite photographer)
starting strength
its not an original regime
He's got a bit of an enrique theme going on
lmao these ugly ass white boy incels calling thw dude in ops pic ugly LMAO yall delusional keep saying that to feel better about your shitty ass
pitty party niggas crying on shitty ass image board lmaoo niggas be kissless and shit and call otjer ugly lmaoo niggas be ugly af and rate others yer never touched a girl lmao white ass
pic related it yall
lmao niggas be posting poorly drawn frog and anime pics discussion shit haha
I don't even think Sapiens is a valid summary of human history. I can tell, just from a 4 second glance of the Wikipedia page, that it's a silly book written by a guy with some serious bias and likely incorrect.
I'd hate to be that guy, but the author isn't even a real Ashkenazi Jew.
I look like this and I'm a woman, it's cause I've been mewing all my life without even knowing it.
It's nice to know I mog most users here in terms of jaw aesthetics
I'm not white myself, but the average white guy is definitely more attractive than him. I'm an Asian female.
There's only one decent book with the word Sapiens in it and that isn't it.
White men are more feminine than Asian men in the face.
You just have low self-esteem because you are biologically East Asian. You are integrating in to the wrong society. White people will never accept you in the same way you would never accept a black man. This is just how life works.
Go to your own men. They are valuable.
Oh look, r/hapas has arrived
idc if ur female or asian. aint giving you
any more credibility lmao
that pic is r9k. no average white guy browses this shit unironically, this is how these faggots look like that post on here whiny asses
Imagine coping with being subhuman by convincing yourself that a guy who mogs you in every aspect of life is actually inferior to you because of a made up categorization of people
to the extent that race is superficial and hence arbitrary and made up so too is height and i hereby declare that it is no long justifiable nor tolerable to discriminate on any level, including sexual preferance, against persons of greater stature and of smaller stature including but not limited to dwarfs and pygmies.
Did you see anyone except yourself use the word "superficial"?
True, made up implies it isnt even that. However, even a blind man could tell a nigger and a man apart.
>reading and holding a pencil
based and penis in the anus pilled
>made up categorization of people
You think this is a made up categorization?
>Fat ugly granny
It's true, but it's nothing much more than "Gray wolf" and "Red wolf"
It's just sub-species of one species.
Whites are only 20 IQ points removed from West Africans. The average person has a 20 IQ point spread (90 IQ when sickly, 110 IQ when healthy)
>posting the most handsome men ever
This is the true story
>design a mental capacity test based on one [group/country/nation]'s experience and culture
>other [group/country/nation]s with their own experiences and culture don't score "high enough" on it
>lolthey r so dum
IQ "tests" are inherently skewed to produce flawed results and deem others as "less than" according to their own subjective experience
Its good she made her IG public again
So you're talking to someone to someone else. Thanks for admitting that.
The difference those people is not made up. The idea that there are no differences between each of the individuals in that picture and the ethnic groups they belong to, is.
The idea that you are personally better than other people because some othet people of your ethnic group are, is made up too.
Vietnamese don't have a problem with taking those tests. They aren't getting 90. They're 94 IQ.
The racial numbers repeat themselves for immigrants in their native and foreign countries.
It is impossible for those tests to be true because physically the brain of any human has a far higher neuron count than that of any ape, yet according to these tests some humans have a lower iq than certain species of apes (there has been a gorilla that tested 77 iq).
You have to underdstand that a person doing research specifically on iq differences in race is very likely very biased to say the least, and when the findings show results that are simply not physically possible, you can change that likely to 100% sure.
>There has been a Gorilla with an IQ of 77
It's believable.
Human beings aren't exactly incredible. an IQ of 77 for a Gorilla is pretty much an IQ of 170 for a human being.
The entire reason you hand a Gorilla an IQ test is because you find it to be intelligent.
If you honestly rate yourself above or around this guy there's zero reason for you to be a robot.
If you have a testing methodology that tests a 40 year old computer to be better than a computer of today, then the 40 year old computer doesnt suddenly become better and the new computer worse, it just means your testing methodology is wrong. Reality doesnt change when your test doesnt align with reality, your tests is just wrong.
But we're not comparing computers that are limited by technological discoveries. We're comparing organic lifeforms.
You simply aren't taking into account the performance range.
To use your metaphor: there are, in fact, some computers of today that are worse than computers from 40 years ago. Namely, the broken ones. I have a laptop with a fried motherboard. (I spilled orange juice on it.) Since that computer is non-functional, there are a non-zero number of computers from 40 years ago that function better than it does.
Its an analogy to explain simple terms what it means when a test evaluates a physically inferior brain as superior to a brain superior in all aspects to it. Reality doesnt magically rearrange to suit the test, it means the test is wrong.
>I spilled orange juice on my computer
>Let me tell you what's going on in life
I am well aware. The testing was done on healthy adults. So you have a good point, but it's not relevant to the discussion.
Kekked tbqh. These guys are a riot
Unironically though most kids wouldn't have made it to 18
>Why do attractive 10/10 men even exist?
Because you let them.
IQ tests are rebaselined to local languages and contain very little cultural bias at all.
I used to not eat or drink near my computer - but computers today are two hundred bucks. There's no reason to inconvenience myself to try to protect an appliance I can just replace.
>>design a mental capacity test based on one [group/country/nation]'s experience and culture
>>other [group/country/nation]s with their own experiences and culture don't score "high enough" on it
>>lolthey r so dum
Can you show us some IQ tests designed by the "other" groups/countries/nations?
>The testing was done on healthy adults.
IQ tests are given to handicapped adults all the time. They're on the IQ distribution range.
I have very little difficulty believing that some animals can outperform mentally handicapped individuals. Watch a Downie try to walk across your house, and then watch a cat walk across your house. If a Downie has lower executive functioning than a FUCKING CAT, it's not hard to believe that they have a lower IQ than a gorilla.
It's a bad analogy.
Computers are not comparable to intelligence distributions. There's no true overlay. The technology just did not exist, not even in a primitive way. The bell-curve for an archaic computer is set so way back that it's impossible for it beat-out even the lowliest of modern technology.
The ceiling for an ancient computer is set in stone. The ceiling for an intelligent animal must be discovered from the animal itself.
There could very well be Gorillas that are as smart as mentally slow human beings.
The people that were tested in this case were healthy adults
Its not a bad analogy.
Lets change the analogy because that one escaped you.
If you have test that tests a 200 horsepower car to be weaker than a 100 horsepower car, then the cars dont suddenly change, and one becomes weaker than the other. It just means your test is wrong.
Regardless of race the guy in OP pic is just average. Delon is an actual 10/10.
In what case? The linked metastudy refers to literally scores of different tests administered over the course of decades. Most of which were administered across large populations precisely to produce averages. Valid averages can only be generated by including persons on both extremes.
He is still better than you though, face that. Thats his point. Some(many) people cope by being subhuman by assigning some imaginary value to themselves that they use whenever they're faced with someone who is better than them in every way. White people are not good because they're white, being white is good because the individuals that happen to be white are good. If you arent good an individual level, you dont magically get some of that goodness by virtue of being white. Thats the point.
But you don't know the "horsepower" of the average Gorilla.
You can only observe the outliers.
If you have a test that you apply to one group of cars with horsepower in the 75 to 200 range, and a second group of cars with horsepower in the 50 to 80 range, and that test produces results that indicate that *some* cars in the second set outperformed *some* cars in the first set, you'd have absolutely no reason to consider that an invalid result.
The human brain is not a "200 horsepower car". It's much more comparable to running speed. Some humans run very fast; other humans can't run at all. If you were to say, "I can't believe any test result that says that a gorilla ran faster bipedally than a man, because humans are natural bipeds and gorillas are not," you'd be an idiot, because I can show you any number of "healthy adults" who can't fucking run twenty feet without stopping from exhaustion.
In the case of the studies we are discussing now. The majority of people are healthy adults, mentally handicapped people are statistical noise. So again, it's a nice point but it's not relevant.
You don't really get it. It is impossible for a gorilla to have a brain with a higher neuron count than that of a human. Gorillas have 33 billion neurons, humans have 86. Its physically impossible for a gorilla to have a brain that performs better than that of any human that does not have a severe genetic disease, and before you bring that up again, we are not talking about those. If your test shows that an animal with 33 billion neurons outperforms an animal with 86 billion neurons, then something is going severely wrong with your test. Even if the gorilla was an outlier with an exceptionally high neuron count, it'd be something like 35 or 36, even that is high. Not anywhere close to 86 billion
To put it into perspective once again, in the most simplest terms i can hoping you'll understand me, this is like saying that you measured a shack to be taller than an apartment. I dont know what you are doing when measuring, but there is definitely something going wrong there.
Elephants have 257 billion neurons.
And they have bodies like 50 times the size of yours. All those extra neurons go towards motor control of their humongous bodies. Gorillas are two times your size, yet their brain is 1/3 of yours
>Humans have 16 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex
Isn't that where all of the thinking happens?
>9.1 billion neurons in cerebral cortex of average Gorilla
About the same size as well
Looking to be 30-50 IQ, but evolved differently
Source for that? Regardless, even if we assume its true. Thats like about half of the cerebral cortex of a human. Still not even close to being comparable as i said..