Reminder that the only reason blacks have a higher crime rate is because they are falsely convicted by the racist justice system, and if you disagree with this you are literally retarded
Reminder that the only reason blacks have a higher crime rate is because they are falsely convicted by the racist...
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that any time you're asked to prove false conviction, you'll jump around the point or avoid it entirely in service of smugness because you're dumber than a nigger.
Even if you refuse to look at cases when they were only considered guilty, there are still more cases where they are provably guilty compared to other races.
Prove the true conviction then, you're dumb if you don't think that black crime rates are artificially inflated
Pic related
And likewise Whites have lower crime rates because the supremacist justice system let them off the hook easier
faggots like you aren't allowed to use this image. also FUCK NIGGERS
no they just have nothing better to do because they are retarded. they have nothing better to do than to be edgy and commit crimes because they aren't smart enough to understand society.
the black in Africa are completely different than the black in the usa. they only evolved differently because white people propped them up. they play a more advanced game of tribal warfare in the usa. because the white men evolved them a bit more higher than in africa.
usa black and like adults that play laser tag with real guns.
any white man can do that too. its just white people are actually smart enough that they dont want to die or go to jail for the rest of their lives.
I agree because all the science says the same thing
>nothing better to do
Or it might be because thier over policed and thier neighbourhoods are in extreme poverty
>aren't smart enough to understand society
Well shit maybe if yo didn't stop them from going to school for over 100 they would
>white ppl more evolved
Ok then why are they hooked on opioids
Killing them self's
>more advanced tribal warfare
Hey remember that war in the Middle East white ppl started even with thier big brains they still haven't been able to end it 12trillion thousands dead and nothing to show for it
LMAO this nigger got lost from Jow ForumsBlackLivesMatter/
Well that and the culture in black neighborhoods that have created so many single mother households and the fact that they tend to have around 85 iq which is the sweetspot for crime. Also the govt fucked them up with drugs.
hey Billy why don't come onover to the barn I got something to show yah
>darkies cope with being subhuman: the thread
Its not the ONLY reason but it is a big part of it indeed
>single mother households
Only a problem due to cultural stigmatization.
>and the fact that they tend to have around 85 iq which is the sweetspot for crime.
IQ is meaningless outside of measuring abstract puzzle solving ability.
>Also the govt fucked them up with drugs.
Dark Alliance has been torn to shreds as fake news for years m8.
Racism is literally subhumans cope with being subhuman by associating with the achievements of others
Take a good hard look at yourself and realize you are even more subhuman than those niggers you look down on
op is based and blackpill
So what is the problem then according to you?
keep coping bro. that'll get you out of the ghetto lul
What problem? There's no such thing as race in the first place.
>Race doesn't exist
>IQ doesn't matter
Tell that to the Bell Curve. It is shown that in American society low iq correlates with higher criminality. Of course this is talking about blacks as a group, it doesn't mean every specific black people (or low iqs in general, including whites) will be criminals. But if you get a 100 of them you'll start noticing a pattern. So of you think statistics doesn't prove shit, you are rejecting all inductive reasoning, thus scientific reasoning.
Both videos are strong arguments against what you're saying, but you probably won't see neither because your attention span is fucked and they doesn't have bright colors and loud music.
You are comepletely false and you have no sources to back your claim
>bell curve
>literally 2019
Brainlet pol
No. Niggers have a low iq. Low iq leads to quicker temper tantrums and ignorant moments.
>"But the Bell curve is pseudoscience conducted by racists"
There's a paper written by the American Psychology Association defending the thesis. If you're saying they are wrong and IQ doesn't exist you'll have to say things like depression and anxiety don't exist as well, for the same organization proves both.
Talking in buzz words won't get you very far in life. Also, read this.
The bell curve was written by a Jew
IAm gonna need that link bud this isn't pol/
there really isnt any police in the nigger neighborhoods thats how they get away with all the shit they get away with.
>Is every black a criminal?
No, but statistically...
>Does every Asian have small dicks?
No, but statistically...
>Is every white a fucking faggot?
No, but statistically...
>Is every Jew a Zionist fucker?
So I'm and so forth
Taxonomic classification is not based on genetics but ancestry. Chimps and humans are separate species as chimps do not descend from archaic humans due to splitting in lineage. All humans directly trace ancestry to the same homo sapiens and there such persists too much ancestral overlap amongst all modern humans to warrant any further speciation into "races" or whatever have you.I can tell you haven't read the Bell Curve as it's main point is the "cognitive elite" who will come to rule society when barriers like race, class, and gender are removed.
>But if you get a 100 of them you'll start noticing a pattern.
A pattern of what? Why aren't most black in prison right now? Why are you just ignoring all other possible factors? There's so many holes in you idea it's laughable.
>Both videos are strong arguments
No they're not.
There are much better ways to explain it and many more if you want to explain it an not be racist if you're going to go down this line of argument.
Low job opportunities because of prejudicing corps
Poorly structured and funded education for black majority areas
Culture perpetuating poor life choices
Low opportunity due to being born into the lower class
it's literally a meme
>if you get a bunch of em you'll see
IQ is more of socioeconomic indicator thus more low IQ blacks (poor ppl) the more crime
Of you're talking about the American Psychology Association paper, here it is
And I've forgotten to mention that they haven't just written a paper, they assembled a literal task force of proeminent American Psychologists for it.
>they get away with it
>more of them in jail
Ok bud imma need you to pick one
>Ok then why are they hooked on opioids
>Killing them self's
only blue pilled betas do this
>>more advanced tribal warfare
its a game of control that even the two of us cant understand if it was a real war they would be going all out and they arent going all out
>Bell curve bad
Prove it wrong then
>Iq is not hereditary
Apparently you didn't read it.
>Environmental factors also contribute substantially to the development of intelligence, but we do not clearly understand what those factors are or how they work. Attendance at school is certainly important, for example, but we do not know what aspects of schooling are critical.
>The differential between the mean intelligence test scores of Blacks and Whites (about one standard deviation, although it may be diminishing) does not result from any obvious biases in test construction and administration, nor does it simply reflect differences in socio-economic status. Explanations based on factors of caste and culture may be appropriate, but so far have little direct empirical support. There is certainly no such support for a genetic interpretation. At present, no one knows what causes this differential.
>It is widely agreed that standardized tests do not sample all forms of intelligence. Obvious examples include creativity, wisdom, practical sense and social sensitivity; there are surely others. Despite the importance of these abilities we know very little about them: how they develop, what factors influence that development, how they are related to more traditional measures.
You fucking liberal faggots are so easy to debunk. You don't even have any base to support what you're saying. You guys are not better than parrots.
They literally haven't answered anything in thier findings genet environment even fucking nutritional
>the alternative hypothesis
Bitch get that shit ottta here this ain't pol/
these damn LIBERALS
With thier fact and logic
You're pretending to be retarded, right?
Topic number 6 says the results were not biased against blacks. The reason for the low iq were not known then, in 1996. But...
nowadays we have more data on the subject. You may not like AltHype (I don't either, he's literally gay and mildly autistic) but you gotta prove his analysis wrong.
Here's the real redpill.
American blacks are capable of creating successful societies and were on their way to doing so up until the 1990s. The Liberal Progressives pushing globalism and communism need this hugely important and reliable demographic that always votes for free shit. Instead of encouraging this success, Jews pushed gang culture through media such as record labels, advertising, etc to a point where casual sex, drug selling and use, murder, criminal organizations, etc are indecipherable from black American culture. And they slowly began to destroy themselves because that's what they need to be; divided, poor, dumb and violent.
Blacks need to blame blacks for their problems. But they also need to wake up and see that the root of it is the eternal jew. Some, such as Kanye, have seen the truth.
Oh by the way, *ahem*, fuck kikes.
criminals are criminals
there usually major city jails have more blacks.
but there is also 90% or more white jails.
ive been to both.
i believe its something metaphysical or cult like that collects criminals in jail.
if black people could control themselves more less would be in jail.
they only commit crimes to compensate. they cant compete. they band together in jails more than whites also to over compensate.
>The American Psychological Association says masculinity is bad.
What now?
If that were true all black communities wouldn't be so much more violent than all white communities
Again over policing and not just that the longer jail times blacks recieve and since their poorer they also can't afford a lawyer
The only post that really matters in this thread
>and if you disagree with genetics you are literally retarded
It's been proven wrong years before he made that shitty website.
IQ measures a specific type of intelligence that involves abstract thinking, the important of which is subjective and varies considerably from culture to culture. The Igbo are what we would call black Africans and they are amongst the top groups when it comes to IQ.
I don't know were you got any of that data
blacks have a higher crime rate because minorities are statistically poorer than white people and statistically being poor means you get a worse education and education is one of the biggest influencers on likelihood to commit crime
the reason they're poor is because of racist policies (search up redlining) that directly influenced where minorities could or could not live, intentionally setting them up for perpetual poverty due to the terrible infrastructures (lead in the water & no funding)
it has nothing to do with any sort of genetic inclination to commit crime. its all a result of their environment
Send the article. It says risky behavior in the subtitle, and if I guess right it'll be referring to things like hunting and exploring and dangerous sports/activities.
>It's been proven wrong years before he made that shitty website.
Ya it's racism, not the culture, not the distain for education, not the fact that you could get shot in the hood and no one would call the cops, the single motherhood or the general lack of intelligence or ability to call out their own for shitty behavior. It be D Whit man son, slay QUEEN slay
It's been disproven many times over in the past 5-10years
We know Asian do better on iQ test because they focus more on education South Korea japan etc they have very work entestive cultures and on top of that we know that the more test you take the better you are at them much like any other form of exercise psychical or cognitive, we also know that it's in many ways afected my your surroundings and what is seen as vital in your society eg some African village needs a farmer or lowskilled worker not fucking scientist but if you go to a European nation they need more high skilled workers and also access to education play a huge role in IQ . Now iam not saying black have a higher IQ but what iam saying is that iq tells you more about a persons financial background than their intelligence
You already cited it in this thread.
Yh I wonder what external forces molded that culture
>no one calls the cops
Yh because 25years ago if you did the police would have killed you and your whole family and gotten away with it
>not calling out thier own
Don't act like black ppl aren't doing shit we both know it's hard to do anything especially some thing that has festered for over 3 decades without any financial support (remember all of them are poor )
reminder that our justice system could be worse. we aren't pheonix wright or japan.
The average east asian has less wealth than the average American white.
OH yes
Totally, it has nothing to do with different actions noooooo its all racism
>they focus more on Education and are richer than the average black person and work harder in school than the average white
All I see is excuses shitty excuses but this is Jow Forums so I don't blame you, do black people have no accountability, are they animals, can they take no risks, if it was so bad there would be no successful black families. "Police killing you and your family and getting away with it" this kind of stupid stuff is why blacks are dysfunctional
So why do they focus more and education and work harder in school? I get that you think there is a cultural difference, but what causes that difference if not genetics?
Keep in mind that there's a huge diversity of white cultures and a huge diversity of asian cultures. Why would they diverge in this relatively uniform way?
Or maybe it's Jim Crow or segregation and being called and treated like a second class citizens all the way into the 90s , even now if your black and own a gun legally and decide to use some of that free speech you'll get called a terrorist and thrown in jail
>be me
>be black
>living in 50s
>bullied by kkk
>commit bunch of crimes because of racist justice system
>blacks are accused of higher crime because they are more aggressive
MONEY and historic stability , are you not listening
>inb4 japan was nuked and Germany was bombed to ashes
Yh yh America literally rebuilt their nation nation
>Prove the true conviction then
The prosecution already did, which is why they're in jail
>Me white and me read pol muh bewtsnaps hurr
>be me
>be black in the 50s
>get bullied by the kkk
>get lynched
>wife calls the police
>police officer is in the kkk
>wife gets lunched
>kid commits petty crimes to get by
>kid gets arrested
>judge is in kkk
>gets 60years for stealing a apple
>have some faggot cite me in his study proving thier more blacks in prison in 2019
I had a racist experience with the cops, me and some friends broke into a building to smoke weed and then it got surrounded by cops, we were all white except for one black guy and he was the only one who had to do community service. He deserved it though really because he just started crying and walked out and gave us up while we were trying to think of an escape plan.
oy vey, it's racist genes
>In humans, an association between the 2R allele of the VNTR region of the gene and an increase in the likelihood of committing serious crime or violence has been found.[9][35][12]
>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups:[10][11] of the participants, 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[12][10][11][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]
>blacks have a higher crime rate because minorities are statistically poorer than white people and statistically being poor means you get a worse education and education is one of the biggest influencers on likelihood to commit crime
actually it's not a very good predictor of crim
0.57 Homicide rate + Poverty rate
-0.31 Homicide rate + non-hispanic White %
0.68 Homicide rate + Black %
0.73 Homicide rate + Single Mother %
0.51 Gun murder rate + poverty rate
-0.36 Gun murder rate + non-hispanic White %
0.77 Gun murder rate + Black %
0.74 Gun murder rate + Single Mother %
it's right there on the fucking image, it's a peer reviewed journal article. more here: non-blacks also have the same fucking gene, just at a lower frequency.
>IQ is more of socioeconomic indicator thus more low IQ blacks (poor ppl) the more crime
being stupid and poor doesn't make you go around killing people
What is with the n bomb in this thread anyway
>not pictured 5000+ years in Africa where they achieved nothing more than mud huts
ok nigger
What about the crime statistics in African countries where the government is controlled by Africans showing worse crime statistics?
Gg nice bait though