Why the fuck to roasties kill every fucking successful franchise they get their cunt hands on? Thank you for ruining outer worlds, seriously, here I was so happy I was going to get another new vegas but wait! Gotta hire a team of feminist dykes! Worked so well for mass effect and dragon age right?
Why the fuck to roasties kill every fucking successful franchise they get their cunt hands on...
Is it any surprise that women don't know how to make games for men? I don't understand why that's so controversial. No one is demanding more male input for Barbie's new dream house.
nothing is sacred, such is the sad fate of all western geimus and soon gook games.
is this just a social justice phase that society will get over eventually or was it all a mistake from the start?
>No one is demanding more male input for Barbie's new dream house.
Achsually, these women probably are. They'll want little 4 year old boys taking pre-puberty puberty blockers wearing makeup and playing with my little androgenous human. I'd be amazed if barbie wasnt too "heteronormative" and "stigmatising", "fat shaming" or whatever else to them .
Well, there is my hope for western gaming killed. I guess I'll only play Japanese games until they get cucked and then I'll just kill myself.
Roasties were a mistake
Just keep reporting those bitches to the IRS
Western WRPGs are 100% dead because of this really. Only slavs keep WRPGs alive now.
Generally speaking women don't understand men; they tend to assume that men and women think exactly the same except with reversed genders.
regrettably the social justice phase the final phase in civilizational decay
It's almost over, lads
The pain will end? Will it finally end?
I don't care about video games, that's baby shit
Destroying successful franchises is their surrogate activity.
All societies have to fall eventually.
This is the real lesson. Let women have video games. Video games are useless bullshit and we'd do well to be rid of them. They just waste time and energy.
You are baby shit bitch, what's your hobby? Doing drugs?
You cant let them have video games for two reasons, one they are fun or were I should say now. And two once you give them what they want, they move on to the next thing to ruin. Like fags and gay marriage. That whole "bake me a penis cake bigot" thing would of never happened if fags were still trying to get marriage rights. They got marriage rights and move on to the next thing to bitch for
holy fuck...tod kazinski was a GAMER
LSD and weed yeah
bottom 2nd left though. and it will be good just wait.
Blue pilled bitch
Just like mass effect right?
Death to bitches for ruining my vidya