>omg you have such long eyelashes user! i'm jealous~
wh-what do girls mean by this?
Omg you have such long eyelashes user! i'm jealous~
It means that they don't see you as a potential mate, so like a permanent friend-zoned mane.
>men and women comment on your soft skin
what do I even say to this
I've legit had like three girls say this to me. I don't know how I should feel about it
Girl at workplace
>you have fascinating eyes
or even worse, from a MILF
>you have such wise eyes
How the fuck does one even react to that shit?
It does not seem sexual at all, and as compliment it feels backhanded at best.
He's worse than friend-zoned. He's girl zoned. They don't even consider him to be male. Op's probably a tranny though so it's a good thing
they mean you have long fucking eyelashes dumbass
It means they want to stick their futa cocks up your ass.
Girls compliment my eyebrows sometimes. Its really confusing, as they always ask me, what do you do to your eyebrows. What does this mean?
yeah, girls say that to me sometimes. I never have any idea how to reply.
tfw no soft skin long eyelashes femme bf :(
And you won't get one unless you were born XX female, so shoo!
I am born XX female. :)
Tfw not a lesbian but only attracted to really feminine guys but they're gay 90% of the time :(
That's a kind of compliment a friendzoned guy would get, don't think too much about it, you're out of the game already, men have longer eyelashes than women by default, if you get that kind of compliment you're just having the kind of conversation they would have with another girl.
In other words, she's just being friendly, you're in the friend zone, don't think too much about it and move on.
>but they're gay 90% of the time :(
If that is true I can only implore you to find it out for sure by yourself instead of making that assumption then.
I can't count the amount of girls who managed to dismiss anything that might ever happen between us by an audible "aww, bet he is gay" to a friend on sight.
Trust me, I am not inclined to try proving them wrong or even being in the same room with 'em after getting that gutpunch.
This sounds too good to be true. If it was just a random compliment it would be whatever. I was told its a sly, underhanded attempt at emasculating and humiliating you
Long eyelashes suck dick, I hate getting shit in my eyes
Can anyone confirm this? Are girls really that evil to do something like that?
I compliment guys eyelashes and eyebrows when I think they're handsome and I like them user. The real key though, is if they ever fixate on your hands or something. "Your hands are bigger than mine" or some dumb shit, that means she likes you. Eyelashes are a lower tier of that, eyebrows are slightly above eyelashes
If a girl puts emphasis on eyelashes or other subtle feminine features, does that mean she wants to peg you?
>Are girls really that evil to do something like that?
You have so much pain to endure in your future, grasshopper.
To answer, YES.
No, that does not mean all of them of them are, or will be that way to you.
But never expect less capability for evil from the vagina than you can imagine in your own worst moments, and then some added.
The only person to ever comment on my long eyelashes is my sister, nobody ever notices. I don't know if that's good or not.
I just want to know about this specific case.
Can't speak for all girls since I've never wanted to peg anyone, but it just means they think you're cute. And I don't mean emasculating cute, I mean like wanna kiss and squeeze you cute. I usually go for random compliments like that because I'm too shy to directly say "you're handsome." Think too, if she notices your eyelashes then she's looking at your eyes, and paying more attention to your face
I wanna add though, some girls are really just jealous. They might really have just off-hand noticed your eyelashes and wanted to compliment you, not necessarily because they like you. Like I said, hands are the big thing, or mentioning your shoulders, height, or just complimenting you multiple times on random small stuff.
Underhanded insults that sound complimentary on the face?
Yep, all the time. That is a fem special actually, both among themselfs, and toward males.
They sometimes even seem to gauge your verbal intelligence by it. If you are dumb (or overconfident) enough to not notice, you will probably be easily to manipulate.
So negative in here, I don't think eyelashes have ever been a negative on a guy? It's universally a good thing
If it was a compliment on smooth skin or lack of hair I could see it, but something genuinely good? Maybe I'd even agree if it was some random girl he never spoke to saying something big out of the blue like "you're handsome," like one of those bait and bully when he gets happy scenarios. I disagree that this was anything less than neutrality, and could even be positive for user
Lol, the fact that this is a discussion showcases how shit females are in general
It's true, but I think user is safe for this scenario
So which one is originally right
>mfw every time a girl comments on my skin or eyelashes I just compliment her back no matter how shit her's are
This is a basic way to score some good boy points with roasties.
But in the specific case of the eyelash compliment, if we're being realistic and not regurgitating blackpill propaganda, does it seem like an emasculating thing or more just an empty compliment given to guys in the friendzone like said, but isnt necessarily malevolent/insulting?
This thread made me realize that i've literally never been complimented by anyone except for my parents in my entire life.
At least no one beat me.
Possibly both of them, that is the rub.
GL finding out which you got.
here btw.
How would I know without more info.
Were they alone? Was the giggling bff watching on while it was said? How long do they know eachother? How are talks between them going sually? Casual/Serious? Bantz? Sweet-ish and some sexual tension?
Off the cuff I would assume it "empty friendzone talk" without having any further context.
Women have asked me if I do my eyelashes before
But I have abnormal body hair growth anyway, I have leg hair the length of a thumb, really bushy eyebrows etc
Don't know why I was cursed with this shit
The girl who said it to had a boyfriend, but he wasnt not present or at least aware of it at the moment, it was just an off the cuff comment she made, and i looked at her weird, like what did she mean with that. She saw my kinda surprised reaction and quickly she comforted me and said "its a good thing, im complimenting you, dont worry. It looks nice". There did not seem to be any sly undertone to it.
Though my suspicion is that it may be something they do subconsciously. That they subconsciously experience thoughts about emasculating and humiliating weaker men, and that such "compliments" are a way of "venting" some of the pressure caused by those dark thoughts building up in their subconscious from their psyche in a way that they can stomach
Have you ever heard of the shadow?
I think it means she wants to butcher you in your sleep and throw you into a riverdale.
>Have you ever heard of the shadow?
Only enough to ponder that it would be as applicable to us assuming this was meant to emasculate and humiliate you as well.
Sort of useless to hang around with or worry about what a girl with a bf thinks of you either way but that is just my opinion.
Keep it in mind and remember this if something else colored that way comes up. If there is more where that came from I would gtfo instead of being slanted. But else you probably have more important things in life to worry about.
This is not really a crazy idea my lad. As i said i dont think its something they necessarily do consciously and knowingly. I think its a subconscious impulse that arises upon realization that a male is weak or weak enough for her to dominate. The thoughts that arise from it are uncomfortable, so a way to let out the steam without necessarily acknowledging this part of themselves is to try to turn it into something positive and then actually throw it out to see how the male reacts as a way of gauging just how dark those thoughts really are and if she is accurate in her own assesment that the thoughts are really dark. In a way its a defense mechanism on their side, they hope that you will react positively, which to them would prove that the thoughts were not dark after all, and the internal discomfort is eased. The worst thing is when the male reacts negatively, which would confirm that the thoughts really are dark. I have never seen that happen though and i have no idea how a woman would react to that.
It happened quite some time ago. I have never had a connection with that girl past acquintance, so thats why it surprised me. I never thought much of it until i saw other people here talk about girls complimenting them on the same thing, and some people suggesting that it may be subtly emasculating you.
Where are you from? Do you have italian/spanish/turk/greek/armenian/georgian(country) blood
Women, or at very least many of them, must be assumed to wield social and verbal twist like that as easily and well as a good male worker handles his favorite gear.
So yeah I can see such happening as an unconscious thing that she will only notice herself after saying it.
As for her probable reaction.. denial and strongly suggesting it to be YOUR mistake for misunderstanding her seems pretty likely.
I've been complimented few times by older woman about my long curly/wavy hair.
>oh user, some women would kill to have those curls
>how do you keep them in such good condition
What I do is I wash my hair with just water if needed and once a week I wash my scalp with shampoo, then I just comb it straight and let it dry naturally. It then forms these thick bangs.
>look on their face after how little I do followed up with long explanation how much they use time to keep their hair in good condition
Just fucking kill me that last image seems so nice, even if it was a platonic thing it would be so comforting
I like how you think, but keep a lit torch in your bedchamber just in case.
it means she likes you, is into femdom and wants to fuck the boy out of you to see what a beautiful girl you are
You fagposters are so funny that I seriously can't wait for a vid of your rooftop performance in afganistan
how do you platonically lay your head inbetween a girls legs?
i bet both of you have the same shitty undercut hairdo
Couldn't it just mean that I have large hands?
You lost that bet
A girl once told me that my irises were pretty. A different girl told me that I had nice eyebrows. Did I miss some hints or were those just common compliments?
I don't know man
But I do know what you're talking about
how do cut my eye lashes so they'll stop talking about them?
Just in case you are serious, what do you mean with this
How am i supposed to know, i have literally had no girls like me ever, i don't think im uggo and have never been called that, i can't even be friends with guys irl
>how do cut my eye lashes so they'll stop talking about them?
There are some strange ass devices for it but DON'T. Bitches do it because they are said to regrow longer than before.
fak :L
how do I make it so women compliment me less?
Resting murder face. At least only women who know you well enough to know you are not already pondering where to dump her body dare to do it then.
And if they are that close, that means you can at least take the gamble and answer with "Does that mean you want to fuck?"
Unless your hands are like freakishly huge. No, it's 200% always flirting. If they didn't like you they wouldn't care or look. Hand size comments are almost always followed by hand comparisons, which are also definitely flirting
As someone with somewhat-more-than-usual pronounced supraorbital ridge, a resting murder face is the most comfortable. How do I fix that? I think I actually scare people off with my look.
>I think I actually scare people off with my look
But that is the nice part!
>How do I fix that?
No clue. Plastic surgery or grinning like a fool on happypills seem the most used options.
T-this can't be right.
Shut up
>But that is the nice part!
Perhaps. Nobody ever fucked with me or made fun of me in high school, so it's gotta be worth something.
>Plastic surgery or grinning like a fool on happypills
Too much effort to keep up. Guess I should find some managerial position and sit tight.