don't be a mong and use filters edition
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So do mongs use filters or do they not use filters? I'm confused
erotica of a weasal and baboon raping my daughter
Wahey forced gimmick lad
Don't most of the targets walk anyway? And why doesn't the target just walk away when they citizen arrest them? They do anything it will be assault right?
Starting to hallucinate posters appending :3c to their posts
I jerk off 5 times a day pretty much everyday, I thought it was fine but now I'm hearing it makes the veins weak and causes erectile dysfunction?
Fuck me this thread died a death.
No one is talking about anything worth talking about.
How do you get into a comfy mood? whats your process?
sorry lad, we all got state issued gfs
Nobody wishes to talk with paedophiles
because it was only single linked in the previous thread
I only just found out there was a new
>went to sperm bank to make a donation
>thought I'd wank into a cup
>instead they jam a needle into my balls and drain it directly
What's your cringest memory lads?
>be me
>walking past the "cool kids" smoking outside the local shop
>decide to try impress them by throwing my half empty monster energy can on the floor and keep walking assuming they'll think wow he just doesn't care, we were wrong to bully this guy
>think about this moment every night from that day on while cringing
>owner of the shop saw me do it and all these years later still seems to look at me different
Cheers for leaving me in the old thread you mongs
>because it was only single linked in the previous thread
If you paid this much attention in real life you'd be dead
I wasn't the only one
I am a fanny.
this might be worth keeping an eye on
Oh great. Moni made the same mistake as me, maybe I'M the mong.
I've just realised something.
If Europe & the UK were 100% white I would be pro-EU.
Got abandoned in the old thread :3
Welcome back flower :3 xoxo
But the EU would ruin it by inviting the 3rd world in for a cheap labor force for their corporate owners though.
any of you lods ever watch deadliest catch?
Thanks babes happy to be here :3 did I miss anything?
Anyone know where I can buy a minimal as fuck platform bed like pic related in the UK? None of that headboard shite
Build one yourself lad.
Aye a mattress on some wooden crates pal
used to back in my tv watching days. sacked that shit off a few years ago now though.
also liked goldrush and a thing called alaska last frontier.
I could but worried I won't get the measurements perfect so that the mattress perfectly fits like in this pic
Chuckled lad, I want it really low tho
>just practice
>only example is of a female
>>just practice
Yeah I can confirm this works.
You don't watch TV anymore?
Who the fuck paying up to 2 grand on what's essentially 3 bits of wood?
>not paying extra for superior nippon wood
Do you even want a comfy sleep?
I want a comfy sleep. And that's what I'm just about to have
Not in the ye olde way. I watch netflix and stuff on youtube.
Got fed up of adverts. Can't get ublock for tv. And most of what's broadcast is meh at best. That's the same with netflix to an extent though, think it's just the nature of the beast eh
>watching telly in 2019 where you can get everything you want on the 'net
different user here, i only have TV on for background noise 99% of the time, just saying
Sometimes it's nice to just tune out and watch some cooking programmes
No matter what combination of streaming services I use I can't get everything I want on the net in good quality.
Fuck lads don't you feel sorry for the poor bastards this happens to?
I was reading about how this guy got a hells angel tattoo because he liked how it looks and they found out so they pinned him down and burnt it off
I miss old Red Dwarf.
So comfy.
what's the story then?
what does it even mean?
>Rat gets branded a rat
Better than most tbqh; snitches usually get stitches
>I watch those gore videos now since about twenty years. Beginning with faces of death and then, later with the internet,, stileproject and so on. But with the brutallity and cold-bloodness shown in this video I have the feeling, that the level of atrocities, a human being is capable of doing to another human being, can not be increased.
I simply don't know how it should be technically possible to to raise the level of cruelty and sickness. IS beheadings are the outflow of humanity, the Nazis civilized, compared to this amigos here.This video of this father and his son is, regardless of what they`ve might done, an absolute disgrace to mankind and hummanity
Sums it up really, how are people like this allowed to exist?
He snitched on a drug dealer, got branded as rat
And people want to ruin the UK, the greatest country there ever was or ever will be.
Fucking sucks.
Bloody hell, it amazes me how much the human body can handle. Saw a video of some lad that got ran over by a car and was literally split in half. He was alive for a couple minutes just lying in the road as a torso with no legs.
I must be really attractive.
Looking at wardrobes and just sat here chuckling at this image. Nothing sells me a piece of furniture more than photoshopping an entire room together and badly photoshopping a model into the reflection
A girl from Tinder asked me if I wanted to fuck tomorrow (I said yes)
The only issue is that I'm a virgin
How do I not embarrass myself, lads?
I find so called 'beautiful' women really offputting.
I like the upper end of average, like 7 out of 10s.
Not even half as bad as some of the shit I've seen; what a fucking pussy.
Congratualtions, some kraut saw his first Aztec-style cartel takeout; at least the killed the guy almost instantly after taking his heart out. 20 years my arse, that's nothing compared to the swamp one where they partially skin a guy and hook up a camera to speed up showing him get consumed by the swamp/bugs while still alive.
Whadddabewhaddado, the 3rd world is still the 3rd world. If anything, newfags need to see shit like this so they can understand that we aren't all one human race.
Girls don't plan sex. 50 pence into the jar my good friend.
I don't ever want to leave my bedroom again
don't put it in the wrong hole. now fuck off you failed normie; shoo, shoo, back to your ded@nite shit/pol/
Got a link laddo?
>supposed to be doing an essay
>can't focus
I'm fucking retarded and I want to die
Never seen or heard of this swamp video. Reckon you're full of shit lad, I've been around a long time.
It seems that you're incorrect
Assuming you're not telling porkies, just put your hands in places, do a bit of fondling.
She can direct you if necessary as every girl is a bit different, which is a good excuse.
If you're lucky she might do most of the work as she seems quite forward, but otherwise just put your dick in and do the moves, it comes naturally.
I hope you know how to put on a condom.
Sadly no. Used to have it saved but lost it on a hard drive. Not too hard to find though; it used to be quite common and I've seen it pop up like 2 or so times over the last year. It's about as common as seeing zippocat or shoveldog on here nowadays.
>asks me to fuck tomorrow
>said that on monday
>it is not thursday
5 quid into the jar now lad
>I hope you know how to put on a condom.
I do indeed, but I don't own any condoms
Seems like I will, for the first time in my life, have to buy condoms
Mate you're getting set up; you sure she said she's legal?
I cut out most of the conversation sweetie
Lad. Don't shit us around. Fuck off back, Jow Forumstard
This is the ideal female, lads.
>Ya weren't talkin' to yer fookin fuck buddeh duck.
>Ya were talkin' tah me! the decoy ain't 19, she wer 14!
>Go on Big Dave. Hold him down. We've got the chat logs yah vile bastid.
She is clearly legal and honestly I may cancel simply because I don't find her all that attractive
Nonce Alarm is going fucking mental here.
You can sometimes get condoms for free from uni, if you're not a total NEET.
It's lower than you think but not that low
>Sadly no. Used to have it saved but lost it on a hard drive.
Haha yep, full of shit.
Pro life tip, you can get johnnies for free from your GP at any age
Had a nightmare. Woke up sweaty and with a headache. Had some waters and pills might go back to bed
Oh Jesus how unlucky is that?
Yeah but he can't exactly book an emergency appointment just for that can he?
What did you do to make her want to fuck. What do I say to them?
You lads ever had a really bad injury and realised how lucky you are to live in England? Some basic injuries will fuck you for life in other countries.
Nah but if you go to your GP they'll just hand em out, they keep them in a box under the desk. Least they do at mine
Fookin 'orrible.
He's fooked, mate.
Broke my leg on the beach at like 3am and blacked out. Woke up at 7am on a rock. If we didn't have a good life guard service I'd have been fucked. Got a cool helicopter ride to the hospital though
I don't make the rules mate.
these stings just keep getting more and more grotesque. What the absolute fuck.
That was her first message to me
Mine's stingy as fuck desu, don't think they do.
When I was sick a while back I had the HR team giving me shit for handing them a 'fake' appointment notice or w/e you call them.
Really it was just the GP printing on shitty A4 and manually cutting them up with scissors.
Stop watching nonce videos all day you weird fuck
Lol that's hilarious lad. It probably helps I live in a rough as fuck area where everyone seems to be getting pregnant underage. So they probably keep them stockpiled
>calling people weird on britfeel
oh how times have changed in this place
normie scum
Shit how'd you manage that? I broke mine slipping on ice and had to crawl home once because I didn't have a phone
Might have a nice wank before I go to sleep lads
Stop posting nonce shit at this time you annoying cunt, save it for the day threads.
>oh how times have changed in this place
oh glorious oldfag tell me about the good old days where people didnt call each other out for being weird
What's up with you? It's just a youtube video of a sting, nothing weird or offensive
>He hasn't filtered the word nonce and instead spends his days howling over hunterposter
oh i am laffin