Love of my life ghosted me. What do I do? I know you guys been through similer stuff. How do I win her back??? This is the worst feel. Hold me bros. I need ideas.
Love of my life ghosted me. What do I do? I know you guys been through similer stuff. How do I win her back??...
Maybe you should talk about the differences you have, and if you notice that she is annoyed at your presence, just leave her alone for a couple days and try again
ghosted you for good? naw nigga you move on
Why the differences?
Trust me, sometimes there are small things that happen to fuck up a relationship, happened to me.
Have a crowd of 40k people sing love of my life in front of her window. 40k people both number and in theme costume. That should work
>Love of my life ghosted me. What do I do? I know you guys been through similer stuff. How do I win her back???
I've never successfully rolled back a ghosting and I don't know anyone who has.
Ghosts are dead, man. You have to just pretend that she's dead.
fuck 10 people
see the fish in the sea
She's dating a redneck nigger now user, move on.
That'swhat happened on me
You want real advice? The best thing you can do right now is not reach out to her.
i was in my feelings now its fuck kiki
I agree. I got back with my bitch after 2 weeks of her saying that she wished I was dead in a ditch. Time heals all wounds.
that's what happened to us
Op here. Okay if I say I won't talk to her for the next 2 weeks. Then what? What if she doesn't reach out even then? Am i just fucked? Or do I try to "talk about our differences" like the other user said?
How close were you and what provoked it?
Also remember: When we get obsessed with someone and lose them we tend to think that they were the only person for us and that there is no one else who can replace them. But you will eventually find another person, and probably sooner than you think.
Also remember: When you're moving against the storm and all seems lost you must persevere and keep moving.
We weren't close at all. But I still always had crushed on her before we ever talked so that's why I said "the love of my life". And I don't know what provoked it women just cut contact at random it feels like.
>if you notice that she is annoyed at your presence, just leave her alone for a couple days and try again
This doesn't work at all.
Did you get beta and start professing your love to her? If a woman suddenly ghosts you, it is usually for that reason.
She already moved on in her mind, there's nothing that will bring her back. The not talking to her tactic doesn't work anymore, it only worked back in the day where she couldn't get 1000 distractions immediately after shutting you out, including talking to an infinite number of other people.
If you try it nowadays, the only thing you'll get is "fuck this guy is contacting me again even after two weeks/months/years/decades, what a loser" and an even worse treatment.
>just cut contact at random it feels like.
They cut contact when they realize you actually genuinely like them, especially if you tell them. They're really fucked in the head because of media brainwashing and they can't deal with this.
That's exactly what I did. (Originally of coarse)
>professing your love
Don't be a part of the problem dude.
There's literally nothing "beta" in this, you did the right thing. If she wants a supplicating loser who roleplays someone who doesn't give a shit about her, her loss.
I won't tell you that you'll eventually find someone who'll appreciate you for who you are, because you won't, but know that you'll die a man.
>Love of my life ghosted me.
maybe they had better things to do than put up with you games, and immaturity.
>What do I do?
stop making threads on r9k to get their attention, it just makes you look like a pathetic faggot, who doesn't know what they want.
I don't expect her to browse r9k she's not a degenerate like us. Also don't call names you mean jellybean
>you mean jellybean
true, but it still doesn't make what I said any less true.
Why does it make him look like he doesn't know what he wants, when it's obvious he wants her?
Love of my life ghosted me 5 years ago.
Still hurts me.
Rip the bandaid off and let it go mate. This is extremely tough to do. Almost impossible. Im sorry you have this problem. It is one of the worse problems to have.
My sympathies go out to you. I know that it doesnt help in the slightest. I understand your torture.
This cutie girl who I've been into for a few months blew me and took my virginity recently. That was really nice.
She's not the love of your life if she ghosts you. I hate betas so much.
So it was the love of your life yet you werent close, care to elaborate? I'd like to hear the story since I do understand your pain, I've been ghosted by whom I felt was the love of my life (the most compatible girl I had ever met) and we got really fucking close (but friendship-wise) and when she started to notice I liked her as more than a friend she ghosted me. It took me almost 3 years to get over it (read get over it as stop crying about it), I do think about her sometimes though
What's there to elaborate, he was close to her, and she was just "close" to him like a woman tends to be. All these stories are the same.
And Beatrice wasn't the love of Petrarca's life either, right? What a loathsome incel he was, baka senpai yikes oof.
Yea i know how that feel,i dont understand a fukin thing to be honest.she played me like a damn fiddle.
The fukin bitch made me not kill myself only to torture me for years and now i feel like i should do it yet if i do it she win.
But i do not want to make a bigger mistake than suicide but fuck im really losing my temper here,they might as well al burn in hell,ill be by just there and it will be the smallest of consolation.
>And Beatrice wasn't the love of Petrarca's life
It was Laura you illiterate idiot.
>pretentious incel refers to some fucking historical figure or fiction to support his delusions
Like clockwork.
lol this their so predictable
This. At least wait a few years before you call her that. Last year alone I racked up 3 "love of my life"s. At this point it feels more manipulative than flattering.
Give it up with her, OP. There will be others. You deserve someone better, someone who at least cares enough to properly say goodbye.
Being a guy who almost went to jail for stalking my love. I have this wisdom. Your love wants money. My love wants money. I am incapable of giving her the money she wants. Get wealthier than you already are and make it known to your love. Profit.