Reminder that she's talking about you
Reminder that she's talking about you
Bitch is blaming everyone but herself.
What did you expect? Honesty from a woman?
"creeped on" and "taken advantage of" is female retardation for 'some unassuming lonely harmless guy I didn't find attractive tried to befriend me and/or make even a remote romantic gesture, and I didn't like it, so he's a creepy predator.'
She's not, I give off a school shooter vibe, and come across as creepy, which is most certainly threatening.
how "dangerous" can a "nonthreatening nerd boy" be? what the fuck is she even saying
women don't make sense very often
if you find yourself ever taking anything a female says into account, you'll feel your brain cells leaving your body
She's saying she gets drunk enough to fuck losers at parties and it's the losers fault because they're a loser.
Pretty much. It's really sad when you think about it, so I try not to.
nonthreatening nerd boys can get you in a position where you're vulnerable and then rape/sexually assault you. that's what she's talking about.
>I fucked some ugly nerd and regretted it later
That's all she had to say
Maybe she's got a point though
Sure but they only do it cause it works sometimes. Some point you also have to look at yourself and wonder why you fall for manipulation but they are women and self reflection is a pipe dream.
>it's called faking being literally autistic
Makes sense if you think about it though. Chad fucks her and dumps her, while we actually want companionship which she dismisses as manipulative. Makes sense but it says a lot about her more than anything though.
Isn't she just describing all women though?
But I'd never rape somebody :(
Welp that hit hard
These women are gonna be alone forever with this kind of perception of the world
Just more proof that women are selfish cunts.
Women claim they want to "connect" and feel "understood" but do they want to do the same with you? NO! they don't give two shits about you or your feelings in my experience at least. The majority of women will always try to one up you and they won't be giving any empathy or even sympathy back.
I've only had one girl in my entire life give a damn about me and I mean truly care about me and no it wasn't my mother.
Girl makes a nice gesture
>Idiot beta male couldn't recognize my signals
>Creepy beta male thinks being nice is an invitation to flirt
Ah, only women
I mean, she ended up dating a non-Chad, so she can't be that bad.
The only reason they've never been "creeped on" by a frat boy is because they find those guys attractive.
Nigga she won't go out with anyone asking her out she'll only go out with guys she asks out how is that not a red flag that she's fucked in the head and probably controlling?
She said she wanted him to ask her out though, but he wouldn't so she had to do it. That doesn't seem too bad. I'd be thrilled to have a girl ask me out.
sexual predators come in all shapes and sizes. she was taken advantage of by "softboys" or whatever because that's who she hangs around. she didnt go to frat parties, and if she did, she'd be talking about the sports team tore her rectum open while she was passed out on the sofa
The irony is women do that shit all the time, primarily to exactly those sort of guys because they know they're easy to exploit. Perhaps they hate seeing themselves in those men?
So yeah, stop being beta. You don't want to be a terrible person, like a woman.
No, I'm a good boy and she's a slut. pbtbtbtbtbt
blacks are way worse. they like to kill and rape women.
>Reminder that she's talking about you
I didn't go to college
Jokes on you retard, I never went to college.
I don't think she's talking about me it's almost 5 am the only sounds the should be making is breathing sounds because she's sleeoing faggot
>tfw black but also """nonthreatening nerdboy"""
Feels pretty good. I've been asked if I was going to shoot up my school a couple times.
I've called myself a pussy cat, a soft cock wuss, and a boy scout, I'm not those things, its a good thing to do because you're trying to make them not think you're a serial killer, but you're still saying you're gonna try and sex her up. At least its clear.
But I never deliver a 'woe is me' story. It puts the relationship in a weird place like she's your nurse or something? Grow up if you do that. At least try and make it funny.
My crush of 6 months just reblogged this
I don't know what to feel. This is definitely me she's describing
can we wait until i've actually gotten laid to call me a predator
lmao holy shit best post. That absolutely sums it up.
Fucking god damn it, what am I suppose to fucking do!
>You can't hit on girls or you're a creep
>if you don't put yourself out there then you're not trying hard enough
>you're expected to make the first move
>but don't talk to her or else you're a creep
>just b urself bro women will like u ;^)
I'm done! I'm fucking done with women! I'm just gonna sit on my crypto and stocks and die rich and alone fuck whores!
She's right. A lot of you retards walk around like you're asexuals and try to get close to women, then out of nowhere, when you think the mood is right, you try to whip your dick out and show her you're a man, which is what she's calling being "creeped on". Other betas take it to the next level and feel like they're entitled to pussy because they were nice and may even rape a bitch but it's ok because they're male feminists and would never hurt a woman
>A lot of you retards walk around like you're asexuals and try to get close to women, then out of nowhere, when you think the mood is right, you try to whip your dick out and show her you're a man, which is what she's calling being "creeped on"
I think you might be clinically retarded
Somebody watched Rick and Morty and is now applying an episode into real life situations.
I've been alone for so long that I don't ever "expect" to get laid.
"oh but you're so entitled"
DESU I don't think she is talking about me
She's talking about the "I'm so sad I just broke up with my GF" brad. These are the kind of people I would see as an asshole but females tend to sympathize with. They tend to see me as an asshole who demands no sympathy
That reminds me of that one black teacher I had that said black kids that bring a gun to school are just looking to shoot a specific person(s). You already know what he said about white kids and shooting up schools, so why bother typing it all out again?
For example, I knew this one guy who got a girl to give him feet pics because he said he was sad that his dog ran away. When she figured out that he didn't have a dog, they still were friends even though he kept bothering her for feet pics.
I would never do that kind of shit.
Also, I somehow made a girl burst into tears by mentioning how America lost the Vietnam war while I was drunk (She was fucking 19? I don't get the sensitivity) and all the college stacys in the room were like "wow you're an asshole user"
What a fucking humblebrag goddamn.
>im such a compassionate and good girl!
>these softboy nerds are all faking it they are a bunch of psychos
>not me though im such a good,proper girl tehee
Yeah im pretty mad at this because it hits home at how akwardly i go about interacting with women.But the implication that im a bad person/rapist/whatever is fucking nonsense.This thot is stupid.
>have sex with someone
>regret it
>I was raped/exploited/abused/taken advantage of
all of the hos have gotten out of line
What she actually means
>sexual advances are only creepy when it isn't Chad
It's pretty easy to read this as orbiters she kept around as easy self-esteem/attention taps thinking they had a chance with her and awkwardly tried to escalate, which of course she sees as an affront because how dare they think she's low status enough to date them.
So it's "being taken advantage of"
I find it really really fucking hard to believe she was this compassionate person who earnestly tried to help a depressed beta who then cornered and groped her or whatever she's trying to imply
This is right. Remember when women complain about men (outside of the "my beta orbiter thinks he's human" spew), it's about men they're attracted to but can't hold onto. Problem is that they're never honest or specific about the details, so all "soft anxious guys" get scapegoated and not just the players they fell for and got used by.
Actually this girl gets it unlike most women, I'm not a virgin and been approached by multiple girls but when I try I'm seen as a creepy loser. Though to be fair they were bipolar so it never lasted.
She was thinking of you.
>just change your inability to read/respond to social cues breh
right let me just go back in time and fix whatever went wrong in my upbringing that left me incapable of doing it. fucking women.
Everyone is acting like shes full of shit but it's the exact guys shes talking about that worm their way in just to be manipulative
Case in point my first bf was a much older incel guy who i dated bc he made me feel like i owed it to him and kept having panic attacks and crying when i tried to reject him physically so i felt responsible and would jerk him off just to calm him down. I was 14 and completely naive about sex and stuff.. He was in his 20s.
Then my brother who is a neet and acts pathetic and self deprecating until a girl lets him get close and then hes really cruel to her and knows how to hurt her until she tells him to fuck off and then he threatens suicide. Hes been doing that crap for years.
Also the one time I tried to talk to a guy on discord here that kept trying to get me to buy him stuff on Steam and a WoW sub like the third time we talked and I've seen another girl on here complaining about the same thing.. I guess it could be the same guy though lol.
Yeah yeah I'm a roastie whore/kill myself etc. That's fine I can't stand you guys either desu.
>so i felt responsible and would jerk him off just to calm him down
>jerking off 20+ year olds at 14
Lmao this absolute whore
>pussy brother threatens suicide when gf is about to ditch him
Wow, your family won the genetic lottery
This a man that type this.
>wouldnt get with a nerdy dude of your age
>but got together with a older nerdy dude
You do realize that is how incels are created?
In the past of the older dude there is a good chance that the girls of his youth ignored him.
That is what the resentment towards women is based on for many incels.Its simple.
At least the same hold true for me and many incel-indentifiying dudes out there.
>Everyone is acting like shes full of shit but it's the exact guys shes talking about that worm their way in just to be manipulative
Of course, but she's not actually talking about shy virgins. She's about guys who know how to work women. But the shy virgins make a convenient punching bag.
13-15 yrs old girl with a broken home is the absolute best girls for training thats why
This is so wrong.. I was fat and funny looking and I asked two diff nerdy quiet boys out in middle school and noone ever asked me. They both said no and one of them told like everyyyone so I got teased even more for weeks. He was literally the first guy to ever show me that kind of attention thats why I was so obsessed with him.
Fembots are a myth. Spread your legs for random strangers until someone gives you attention and leave our board the fuck alone.
If direct approach has been made dangerous, indirect approaches will be taken.
Sure, blame his dad (or lack thereof) for not telling him to be more assertive and grab 'em by the pussy, but blame yourself too.
one of my schools fat girls lived a couple doors down from me and she was desperate af sucked every guys dick who would let her but she never had a boyfriend or even had sex as far as i know
we called her chicken head and grape ape. fat girls don't deserve love sorry but u literally have 1 job and thats to not be a fat fuck.
Rare woman that would actually use Bumble properly.
Why were you so horny at age 14
I didn't even ask a girl out until almost 5 years after I was 14.
That's why you're a hoe. You think it's normal to be sucking cock at age 14. bitch please
I honestly don't think she is talking about genuine manipulators. I think she's just a total retard who had a bad breakup with someone who had depression and now reflexively labels anyone with mental issues a manipulator to cope.
Its the typical women's strategy of getting other men to feel sorry for her and to do tasks for her. This was developed because they lack strength to enforce their will so they have become expert manipulators. This is not good or bad, its just how they evolved.
If you work out and have a good body you will never have to deal with these issues, women make it very obvious that they are into you.
There was just a huge thread about this on /v/
Definitely worth reading, anons made lots of interesting points
Dude here. I know a LOT of women in my peer group (and +/-) that lost their virginity at the 14-15 yr mark. I didn't lose mine until 19. In almost all cases, the girl lost her virginity to a throw-away -- either a dude in his early 30s or some other kid of similar age that she didn't plan on seeing again. And, for a few, to their bfs at the time. By far the more likely of scenarios is the loss of female virginity to a dude that played little to zero permanent role in the female's life.
That was my final blackpill when dealing with females. I realized that everything I valued about a relationship had zero relevance to their own personal inclinations and all a woman would ever do is play along until such a time as it is no longer possible for her to gain anything (or perceive to gain anything).
I wasn't horny and I didn't ever give a blowjob.. I still haven't. I don't think it's normal either.. I literally didn't say any of those things lol.
Yeah, nobody is paying attention. The autismo that responded with his sperg out is the level of attention you attract in places like this. Have you checked out Tumblr? I think you might really like it there.
a whores gotta justify her taste in men by demonizing even the most unassuming of them. They are nerds, she is a whore, and the men she likes are assholes.
You're probably right and that makes it all the more disgusting.
>But the implication that im a bad person/rapist/whatever is fucking nonsense.
Don't think about it too much, don't take it to heart.
She is just rationalizing her lack of attraction towards beta males
You were horny. You dont need to be in a relationship having sex at 14. And just because you asked 2 retards and got teased doesn't mean "welp, I guess I've tried everything. Time to abandon morality."
And if you opt out then you're "gay"
Fuck off. Jerking someone off a few times when I was young and naive and desperate for attention doesn't forever brand me as some horny teenage slut with no morals. Noone but you thinks a few handjobs means losing your virginity, that's reaching so far.
You guys say you're broken because you didn't get that kind of attention from girls when you were younger but apparently if they had given you that attention they'd be immoral and ruined for life? How does that even work?
Also there's nothing immoral about teenagers being horny, but it's not such a physical drive like that for young girls. We get "horny" for attention and security the way boys just want to get off. I couldn't even figure out how to give myself an orgasm until a couple years ago and I think that's normal for girls.
>Noone but you thinks a few handjobs means losing your virginity
He didn't even say that
You know if you're telling the truth you're not gonna find any sympathy here
It's fine if you beileve that doing that shit at age 14 maybe with some other 14 year old is moral. Personally I think that's disgusting.
But you went off and found a fucking scumbag in his 20s. That's fucked up and you're a whore for doing that.
just grow up and stop being a nerd
>She said she wanted him to ask her out though, but he wouldn't so she had to do it. That doesn't seem too bad. I'd be thrilled to have a girl ask me out.
She doesn't want you to ask her out though moron.
She wants the exact same thing every woman wants nowadays - a guy she has to work for, in her case it's the nerd Chad.
These women freak the fuck out as soon as you show any interest in her out of your own volition, it all has to be in form of "rewards" for her "good behavior" because they never had a proper father and have NPD/APD/BPD.
Oh and they'll cuck you and leave anyway.
>She's right. A lot of you retards walk around like you're asexuals and try to get close to women, then out of nowhere, when you think the mood is right, you try to whip your dick out and show her you're a man, which is what she's calling being "creeped on".
Normal people just call it getting to know each other first.
No one but women think that, and their opinions are worthless, so I think you're alright there.
He said having sex so I thought it was implied. I know you're right and expected the kind of replies I got but I guess crazy assumptions really get me triggered.
No you're not gonna change how I feel about myself. That guy knew exactly what he was doing and I'm proud of myself for telling his mom amd putting a stop to it before I felt anymore pressured. I was just lonely and he was always there since he was the biological son of our foster mom at the time. You're a brainlet for making up a narrative in your head about me and running with it. I'm going to bed feel free to call me a whore a few more times if that makes you feel better about your situation.
>killing and raping women is bad
I declare you fuck off back to plebbit right this instant, good sir!
That's what growing up without a father does. I bet she never had a real family.
Jow Forums incels are not soft boys
this is what roastie is talking about when she says "soft boy" retards
>I've been asked if I was going to shoot up my school a couple times
same here, my man
too bad I don't have a niche. Basedboys can get woke women, I don't think even woke black women want black basedboys
why did he do that? i would love to do that too.
If you're an adult and still daft enough to be taken advantage of then you deserve to be taken advantage of.
yea this is the type I thought of desu. they always seem sensitive and artsy and have lots of female friends and act depressed and talk about how all the girls they ever like friend zone them and girls all fall for it
Telling my sob story usually makes them reject me or respect me less if I tell it after we fuck. Even a woman twice my age that essentially pityfucked me(although it grew into something bigger) due to my inceldom, is constantly shaming my asocial behavior, like using my phone for anything other than messaging girls. So there is no way another female will know that I was a virgin until very recently. There is no way I'll let them know I was depressed and suicidal as a kid, I'd rather say I was drinking heavily and that got me expelled or something.
>dysfunctional behavior(i.e. being an awkward kid) is now toxicity
jesus I'm so glad I don't live in the first world, otherwise I'd probs be already taken to custody for having below average looks and not being funny enough when talking to girls
Is that fucking Arca? His music is the complete opposite of the "softboy" image
exactly. It's literally the type of guy that art girls loose their virginity to because he smokes american spirits and talks to her about the stars.
i don't think so bud
>a dude in his early 30s
>14-15 yr mark
what the fuck
>I couldn't even figure out how to give myself an orgasm until a couple years ago and I think that's normal for girls.
Let me break you off, it's not.
>tfw you know she's a basic bitch, libtard
again, white, gentle dudes getting picked on again while muhammad rapes and pillages on
I baptise you as Jerky Fat-chan
I've honestly been treated worse by betas than by attractive dudes.
The only guy who cheated on me was a virgin boy. The only guys who lashed out at me were virgins.