I think if you are an r9k beta you should just transition. It will improve your life, you'll be desirable, maybe a man will take care of you and you won't die alone?
I think if you are an r9k beta you should just transition. It will improve your life, you'll be desirable...
Fuck off discord tranny
I wonder if the suicide rate of transgender people is the same as that of cisgender people
Yes, Start your transition today, Take testosterone and become fit.
I don't want to be the trap I just want the trap
PepeHands ...Billy... PepeHands
I have always wanted to look like Ricardo, but I never truly succeeded because the bandanna wasn't enough, and I don't want to have plastic surgery
You could always hit the gym or lift at home. Your choice.
its obv higher b/c struggles in life and whatnot
Stop using made up words like cis. It's normal people, not cis.
You can even just say people and not even use normal since trannies are the weirdos
Or take estrogen and get an ass that will make roasties jelous
Nah. You only have to take a look at /r9cute/ to see how ugly and unhappy the faggots on there are.
Thats because some faggots don't try to look pretty, this is r9k after all. Some people will be hits and some will miss
>You should just transition, your life will be better
>Except some people will be misses
Nice try, discord tranny
Based and Anikipilled
I already transitioned but I transitioned before r9k (2014 edition) even existed. All of you are just chasing a dangerous trend that will end in your suicide. If you think living with dysphoria is bad imagine being a hon that will never pass and you need to correct every stranger every time you meet them that you are a girl and not a guy.
If you are below the age of 19 then yeah start HRT, if not you are just making your suffering worse.
>t. started HRT at 15 and pass well in the southern USA where people aren't just "being politically correct" and would call me out if they clocked me
>be a trap and be gay
what if i want to be a girl but am only attracted to girls
tfw started at 16 and am 18 now and dont pass for shit
Why do the mods refuse to regulate this shit?
Well hormones arent magic, but if you start younger you have a better chance than if you start late. You cannot change your bone structure, only body fat gains sadly, so if youre too tall or your face is too manly there may not be hope for you.
>if youre too tall or your face is too manly there may not be hope for you.
this probably describes me accurately.
i feel too hopeless to really put in effort other than not getting haircuts and taking HRT pills every day.
I don't enjoy getting fucked in the ass
They're so predictable lol
so the discord gang of deranged trannies are spamming our board again?
Well that's another issue too, don't be so fucking lazy. Real girls need to spend tons of time and effort into beauty regimens and maintaining their appearance. I bet you don't even bathe regularly let alone have the capacity to learn how to do makeup correctly so you don't like like a clown, or do your eyebrows so you don't look like a caveman or eat right and exercise.
If you want to have a good appearance, you need to WORK for it. Not everything in life is going to be handed to you.
i mean at this point i kind of just need someone to force me to do that stuff for me to actually do it
Then what the fuck was even the point of you taking HRT in the first place?
i thought it would make me feel better, but when i really think about it there was no point in even bothering.
Why can't I just be gay like I'm already doing? I'm told it's much more difficult for women to stay fit.
yup, r9k should transition and then have the boy fucked out of them! :3
Exactly. Be like this incel turned cute girl :3
He wasn't even an incel, just a kid. That's fucked up.
fucking normalfag fuck off
Be free now, brother. I have seen your true face and liberated your heart from the snares of darkness.
I am too manly looking and hairy for that and I am not gay so what good would it be
Nice cock tho
user people are unhappy for various reasons. If there is one thing that will magically make you feel good then it isn't really going to make you feel good it will just be fleeting distraction from how you really feel.
Please try to talk to consoler or something counsellor about your feelings so you can understand them and be a better person by solving the root of your issues and not just seeking a quick relief.
It amaze me how apart of the people in the LGBTQ++ community like to self-diagnose themselves with depression, dysphoria, bipolar disorder, borderline personnality, sometimes Asperger, etc etc. I bet it's part of a "I won't make an effort to change but find an excuse" kind of logic, or just a way to feel like the ultimate little snowflake.
But if you tell the same part of people than being trans is a mental disorder, they all get a breakdown or go full rage mode over you telling you are a an oppressive asshole.
So basically, with all this post-transfeminist fact-proof rethoric (#notallmen, privileges etc), you just have the right to shut the fuck up and agree on mental disorders they picked from themselves, but do never point the real one to them. Their reality is the one of the oppressed, you can't understand what suffering is so you are not legitimate (remember your privileges) and are an opressor to do so.
It make me sad to think society is somewhat adapting to fit those miscasts.
>Permanently destroying your endocrine system causing lifelong emotional and mental issues
Stop preying on the young and vulnerable you disgusting cunt. You psyop is gay and you're less than human scum for perpetuating it
>yeah bro, just give up on being a man and improving yourself and just become an ugly hormone-medicated abomination
retards like you who push the HRT agenda on people should be locked up and shanked in prison.
i would but im ugly and balding. plus im sure 25 is too late for hrt so i would just end up looking worse than i do now
You're better being a flawed but sane individual than a messed up trans.
In the long run you'll be happier that way.
Nobody wants to deal with your reiko bs. Fuck outta here
>Please try to talk to consoler or something counsellor about your feelings
how could i make sure to find a good one though? in the past i had one but they werent very helpful and only said things that anyone could think of.
Yeah sure. Take drugs that will ruin my body forever, completely change my sexual-orientation, intentionally give myself a higher rate of catching a mental illness, depression, and STDs, give myself a fake vagina that I have to wash for hours everyday, make myself buy girl clothes, make myself buy makeup in order to pass, make myself buy a wig until I could grow long hair, and change who I am as a person for the 0.1% chance of even passing and getting a relationship only to hit the wall at age 25, then commit suicide shortly after. Seems like a magical solution to all of my problems, you damn faggot shill.
OP na ura makes such great drawings.
>that face
original sdasddasfga
Wish i could work in a place like pic related
>have men penetrate me
>maybe orgasm from it
>earn money
life would be so easy
Yes transition now dont you wanna be cute user???
This. Do it for Billy
No it's too much effort and I'd still be a shut in NEET so why bother
The million dollars question.
There is no hope for this man (girl (male))
Why all the self harm stuff? I am serious I even have a fetish for brainwashing but the cutting shit is so childish and offputting
I struggle with the same thing, but at the end of the day sometimes it takes looking someone in the face for change to happen.
tfw can't open up a brothel with cute r9k boys. with the same needs as me and earn money
this picture is fucking hot OP
>tfw 5ft 6, 119lbs, wide hips and get mistaken for being a girl even though i dont want to transition, meanwhile there are people that do want to be a girl but can't.
Its just sad for all involved
Fuck off reiko you tranny faggot
Teenagers acting out same old story
Couldn't you just date men and do the same thing? Shit bait, but this board is braindead so enjoy your 300 angry replies.
>need to correct every stranger every time
I don't think you them well enough to ask that of them. I don't even correct my grandparents because at the end of the day it's my cross to bear. It's something you realize over time when you're a non passing tranny. At least it's something you should realize if you don't want to be a joke. With really close family it makes sense, but really you can only ask so much especially with people who are more distant.
>Take testosterone
Doesn't that fuck with your natural hormones? Best to just exercise and build T normally.
Jesus fuck he's hideous, was this supposed to convince people?
You don't need to """""""transition"""""""" to accomplish this, retard.
think imma just stay a depressed 5'3 manlet maybe I will find a girl who likes skinny white manlets :) false hope
Show me one REAL trap with an ass as good as a woman's. You fucking can't mate.
cant really see her ass to good in that pic but she has the best ass. and its a trap. so fuck off dude.
That's not a trap, you can tell it's a man
Get this tranny shit off Jow Forums
>Stop using made up words like cis. It's normal people, not cis
t. brainlet
>It amaze me how apart of the people in the LGBTQ++ community like to self-diagnose themselves with depression, dysphoria, bipolar disorder, borderline personnality, sometimes Asperger, etc etc. I bet it's part of a "I won't make an effort to change but find an excuse" kind of logic, or just a way to feel like the ultimate little snowflake.
ehh, it's more like the lefty side of holistic/"natural" medicine.
Much like how medical professionals have to deal with dumb people thinking vaccines cause autism, and that some stupid juice will "cleanse" you.
Mental health professionals lament these kids thinking they can self-diagnose, and any shout to knock it off tends to be silenced by the void of anecdotal evidence online.
>But if you tell the same part of people than being trans is a mental disorder, they all get a breakdown or go full rage mode over you telling you are a an oppressive asshole.
Well of course, because that's based on your end of things. You aren't trans, so you think they're evil weird mentally ill faggots. That's kind of an issue.
>So basically, with all this post-transfeminist fact-proof rethoric (#notallmen, privileges etc), you just have the right to shut the fuck up and agree on mental disorders they picked from themselves, but do never point the real one to them. Their reality is the one of the oppressed, you can't understand what suffering is so you are not legitimate (remember your privileges) and are an opressor to do so.
This is just Jow Forums tier rambling of someone who's never looked past the youtuber or e-celeb saying "the feminists HRRR"
>It make me sad to think society is somewhat adapting to fit those miscasts.
You're on r9k, aren't you also a miscast?