This sucks my depression is come back now and My college start next mouth . I still can't get the nerves to talk to this cute girl who work at 7-Eleven. I hate my fucking life.
This sucks my depression is come back now and My college start next mouth...
>my college starts next mouth
sometimes it really do be like that forreal
bird of a feather flock together until the beta uprising comes
>this cute girl who work at 7-Eleven
too late. shes getting dicked by a blackman(PBUH) this very moment
Sometime i type to fast sorry about that m8
God I fucking love 7-11, used to go there with my dad after school every day and get a slushie with all the flavors mixed in. I called it a rainbow slushie, probably why I used to be so fat
Shame there's none in my area
>no, she is mexican we good
Yeah I like to go there sometime when i am High
Allah is always with you my friend. As long as you remember that, everything will be fine.
Even when I'm jacking it?
{I guess so}
Just go for it user. She works at 7-11, literally the only way she could look down on you is if your a neet. Since your already going to college your technically a bracket above her. Wost case scenorio she says no. Best case you have a datr
Yes. Thats why he keeps telling you through multiple prophets to stop doing that shit, because he aint gay and he doesnt need to see it.
\yeah your right how do start a conversation with her without be to nervous/
Well, if your old enough, buy some decent beer, spur a convo about how you cant finish all of it buy yourself and jahe should help once her shift os over.
Does she recognize you enough to know your face? Like do you visit often?
> no I am nineteen so i can't buy beer and tried to talk to her but i just can't my mouth is too slow for my mind to talk to her and my hate beat go to zero to hundred in one second.
On a scale from zero to hundred, on how much drugs are you atm
Firstly, try breathing excersizes before talking to her. Keep your lungs emoty more so then full to control your heartrate. If you cant buy alcohal id just go for a causual, "hey this is outa nowhere, but you free this weekend"
I mean, try to work it through a casual convo, but your young enough it really would just come off as a nervous cute thing.
i will tried
Just chug alcohol nigga
How did it go orgioolo