Risk - urup

y'all know the rules

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>Byzantine Empire

I changed my mind T.B.H. give me purple instead of red

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game starts at 5 people

>Soggy Bread Land

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>German Empire

friendly reminder you can start AROUND cities, but not in them. on your first turn, if you started around a city, it would be wise to remember to take it.

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Very well, thank you OP!

SFR Yugoslavia
Near Belgrade

Oh well, wish it wasn't so late here and I could play...
Good luck there, Kaiser!


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wait nevermind its 5, sorry. the jews close in on jerusalem, then expanding and filling israel

To you as well, my old rival!

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Take Berlin, then take Hamburg. Spills to take Hanover.

Take Byzantium then fill Turkey

soggy breadians continue filling out sicily, then up mainland italy

Take Belgrade head towards sarajevo

Afrikaner Resettlement Colony

Sub-Saharan Negroes
Around Luxor

Luxor, Egypt.

note: 10 minutes is given to take your turn after the update post. if it is not taken in 10 minutes, you must wait until the next update (looks at yugoslavia)

ill join but I dont like to play if there has already been over 2 rounds
have fun everyone

Once I shall join as the Papal State again, old friend!

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this is the first update. you can join, man!

oops sorry didnt see you yugoslavia. sorry man


Ah, it is a pleasure to see you return, your Holiness!

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sorry, time limit reached :(

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take tel aviv and the city north of it

Alright, another time then!

Take luxor and expand towards the coast.


no no! just tell me your color, you can still join :)


take istanbul and ankara, fill turkey

Take Sarajevo, charge towards Zagreb!

Take Napoli and the surrounding countryside


Continue towards Hamburg, spills to Hanover.

Fill Netherlands and Belgium

I just guess its too late for me to join. Not to mention that Italy has been partially occupied already.

We desire a NAP so we may better hinder the europeans rather than one another.

yeah italy is mine go away


why yes! you must immigrate peacefully into europe

amman, move north for damascus and beirut

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Ok, this motivated me. Place me in Rome with the colour as white as possible

Good to have you here, see you in another game mein freund.

Fill Netherlands

take malatya, fill turkey

Go to take the city in Danzig and then to Königsberg.

you sure you want to start in rome this turn?

Head towards Podgorica and Tirana

Yes, we are a peace-loving people after all.

Expand to the east along the coast and then north.

Yup. No Pasaran!

I meant north along the coast, not crossing the sea, and take Cairo if possible.

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Take everything surrounding Roma
I will not let this filth steal my land

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God I hate niggers


Well, I was trying to form HRE with Kaiser, but I guess he is on his own now...

good luck, catholics

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That word is racist.

RIP Pope, Turn 2 -Turn 3.

British Empire
Any color

Fill more of Netherlands, spread into Belgium.

fill turkey

Take Ljubljana, then head towards skopje

If I'm still alive - fight the invaders back!

Africanize the rest of the Nile Delta surrounding Alexandria.

Fill these territories.
Spills go to assist Sicily.

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Proceed to invade the Pope

I'm sorry, Pope. But I must do it.

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We could've formed the Axis, you fool!


Fight your way without me, my friend! I have hope in the German Reich!

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Fixed bonus.

Then so I shall. Farewell, old freund.

Axis? What do you mean? We could form the Central Powers once again, if that's what you're implying.
At least a NAP? We must protect our own nations, and I shall not assist the Pope any longer.

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Come at me, whitey.

I shall accept your NAP. We are indeed the most civilized here.

The fighting in mainland Italy is fierce. But, the German's assistance has only let the Catholics survive a bit longer.

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t. sicilian subhuman

Sorry, I just read this! Well, you only gave them support 1 turn, not the rest, right?

fill turkey

Hey, I'm still alive! In that case - fight the unholy invaders!

and take Izmir obviously

Crush the Pope! Invade at all costs, head towards Roma first.

Indeed, that is quite admirable of you! Danke.

Continue to take Deutschland, aim for the cities.
Spills to Austria.

Ya, that is fine.

Best of luck to you, mein freund.

Fill London, keep filling UK

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Looks like I will need it!

Fill Netherlands. Spill into Belgium

Is there any benefit to filling in an entire country on the map?

Africanize the Sinai peninsula up to the border with my best ally.

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Take Tirana then head to Sofia.

Any spillover can fill serbia/croatia/any other country I own

>Is there any benefit to filling in an entire country on the map?
No, that's why this map sux


Yes, we will NAP

