Is she right? Is gaming the reason I don't have a gf?
Is she right? Is gaming the reason I don't have a gf?
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Who cares? Know enough gaming women and not all are totally shit-tier, even if their tastes can be abysmal. But so can be mine.
And between women and games I know which has brought more enjoyment and less pain into my life.
There's literally someone with an open thread on the board currently who fucks themselves in the ass with BBC dildos and still has a girlfriend.
yes, but the question is would you be happier sacrificing your time, money, and energy to temporarily satisfy someones impulses and then roll the dice on how bad the fallout from the breakup is?
Women hate anything that detracts attention from themselves. They just cant handle us giving a shit about something other than them. If she dont like it get the fuck out
No stupid. She hates the qualities that she believes gamers to have, not the fact that they play games.
I got my gf into WoW and now she won't leave me alone and always wants to play with me. We watch each other play games, I watched her play Far Cry 4 for around 2 hours.
Most women do not play games, but there are some who do. Nothing is 100% user and I hope you realise this one day.
the fuck is a gamer? Almost everybody nowadays play some kind of a game.
Having that as your defining characteristic is pathetic unless you're under 16.
It being a hobby is fine but that's not what this is about.
short answer is women want productive men. If you spend 8 hours gaming or really any hobby they will not find you attractive unless you are in that 20% and even then they will consider other prospects.
even normies and chads who get laid all the time play a lot video games now, it's become normal among young people. the woman in the video is some self important but irrelevant 40 year old who is so far removed from us it doesn't matter what her or anyone else from her generation thinks, they're retards.
gamer is usually implying that is all their is about you, that it's verging on a lifestyle
If you just play video games then no.
If video games are this massive thing in your life, and you sacrifice time working out, learning new things and socializing then yes, you're going to come off as a very isolated and weird person. You will almost certainly have poor hygiene and eating habits. These are all red flags for any sane person let alone a woman seeking a stable boyfriend
It's nothing to do with playing games as such. It's just that the social rejects and undesirables tend to gravitate towards hobbies such as gaming as a means of escapism and coping with their place in the gutters of the social hierarchy.
Literally every hardcore gamer I've known (Including myself) fits into that reject/undesirable category. None of the attractive, popular chads from my school were ever big gamers. I mean why would they be? They get to enjoy real life. They don't need to find solace in fantasy.
Gamers are people who are obsessed with video games and play it daily.
No thanks, that is why vidya>women.
$10 says she spends +3 hours a day watching TV or playing with her phone.
lol, okay.
why would i want a gf when i can just play fallout with sex mods
is it the same for guys?
Don't ever listen to women regarding pretty much anything, especially women