Is being an alcoholic fun? My friend is always in a good mood, and always takes shots before we go to the mall or out, always has a beer in his hand when at home.
Is being an alcoholic fun? My friend is always in a good mood, and always takes shots before we go to the mall or out...
yeah its a lot of fun. i suggest you try it.
fun only while drunk
Depends on the company. My parent's are disgusted with me and everyone only knows me as a drunk.
absolutely not
its a living hell to be physically addicted to alcohol
This It fucks you up really bad. I have to drink every once in awhile just to get rid of errant anxiety that exists for no reason except that I've messed up my neurochemistry. That in turn deepens the hole.
Unless you have bad anxiety, I wouldn't recommend it. But it does do wonders for anxiety. When I was an alko, I lived an actual life. Now that I'm sober, I just stay in my room, working out and watching movies.
Alcoholism is fun until you face the consequences. The consequences are guaranteed.
Its fun in the evening
but I hate it in the morning. your hangover goes away but your anxiety and depression get worse and worse, and the drink is what chases them away so you spiral deeper into it. a beverage with the boys is good fun but it's not a healthy lifestyle.
Really depends on what sort of drunk you are. I'm a happy drunk, so it feels good to me, but I think it's the worst kind. If I got mad or violent I'd have good cause to never drink. Instead I'm constantly tempted.
Also you have to take days off just for your body to recover, so it's a limited solution at best.
I dunno, as long as you have the money and you're a good drunk yes. Otherwise shit starts to suck after a while.
Shit will invariably ALWAYS suck if you're a drunk. You can be the nicest drunk in the whole wide world and everybody loves you at the bar/club/where-ever. Then you get busted for a DUI and have to break out a second mortgage on your house for attorney fees. Bad shit is guaranteed to happen.
Not really. You'll only be able to be okay with yourself when you're drinking. Most alcoholics also resort to heavy drinking when on stress, and that's the most fucked up part of it.
t. Alcoholic
heh this. same with drugs. when i smoked and dropped acid for the fuck of it i was always hanging out with degenerates who literally did nothing else. i don't even smoke weed anymore and i went back to just being an autist on Jow Forums.
idk. but people always tell me I'm way more fun when I'm drunk, so I guess.
how degenerate were they
Only fun when you're drunk, but only for the first few months, and then it gets awful
retards who sit around smoking weed watching tv and have nothing to talk about besides partying and when they're going to get their next fix. retards who will spend literally all night driving around just to pick up drugs and grab some drinks.
>yoooo man so i've been talking to this girl right...
>hahah dawg i was SO high last night you have no idea
>i was fucked out of my MIND i couldn't even stand up straight
so getting buzzed/drunk will help with my public anxiety? noice.
kek. dumb ass niggers
stay away
Yes jus
Only in the short term. Long term use will increase anxiety.
T. Recovered alcohol-dependant