Where my vocels at?
Where my vocels at?
>normies who think vocels are a thing, even though "celibacy" itself is typically voluntary
Pff blue eyes ultimate dragon is so much better gtfo loser
Isn't it volcels?
Celibacy itself tends to be voluntary.
So saying you are in voluntary celibacy is redundant.
Is a small nitpick anyways, anyone getting mad at volcel being used in contraposition to incel is just retarded.
>posting reddit memes
I'm between volcel and incel. I could have sex if I tried and I really want to but I don't have the energy and don't give a fuck.
Me. Sex isn't that great as normalfags like to say so I think I'm happier remaining a virgin for life.
Yeah me too. I got w/a/ifus to fantasize about.
I've been a vocel for about 20 years uninterrupted
back on the grind now
Volcel here.
I used to very occasionally try to get laid when I was filled with raging hormones and succeeded a few times, and this was before tinder existed so it is probably even easier now.
Sex is good but fapping is good enough and I hate leaving my room so yeah.
I beg to differ. Do you think I want to be associated with those who are wanting it with great desperation? We are not the same, not even close.
>unironically think sex before marriage is wrong
I'm probably going to die alone but at least I didn't wife up a slut
Like I always say when people say I'm narrowing down my options "It's better to be alone than in bad company"
lol people always say that
>you don't want to end up old and alone do you user?
I dread being with some moronic cow more than being alone, alone time is cozy.
Everyone here could probably get laid if they went for the literal fattest, ugliest bitch on the entire planet (like those really huge whales from those TLC shows about 900 pound people.
Shoo pesky incel shoo
Probably not as easy as you are assuming.
Where would you find them?
Would she have unrealistic standards?
Would her self esteem be so low that she would reject you right away out of fear?
I didn't say it was easy but it would be possible. You could also be famous for being on a TLC show.
Do I want love? Absolutely. Will I give up my own values for some chance at it? No I won't
It would also be possible for them to get with normal girls...
Feels good to be an advanced life form.
I'm incel but want to be volcel. I wish I was just asexual...
Technically yeah, but it would be much much harder. When people say "lower your standards", they don't mean go for normal girls, they mean go for ugly gorilla bitches, because normal girls are in high demand.
I think I'm a volcel now. since I've been going to church I have old ladies trying to hook me up with different girls and a few of them seem genuinely interested in me. but I'm fucking terrified anons. I think I would kill myself if a girl betrayed me. I don't trust any of them. I would rather die alone than get cheated on. I just autistically avoid them. I can't do it. I just can't. the guys keep giving me shit for not having a girlfriend but I can deal with that. I've been dealing with that my entire life. but I can't get into a real relationship. it's terrifying. I can't do it. I wont.
Its not all its cracked up to be. You still have urges, your just disgusted with yourself for having said urges. Asexuals are just repressed people. Most have unspeakable fetishes. Trust me on this one.
I'm a volcel but I'm not asexual. I just reject most of the trash
>tfw a strong man
no hes trying to say that the abb. should just be cel
altho that fails at communicating so imo keep saying volcel but just say celibate when u say it
makes u sound like a dope priest