Why do all homophobes/transphobes end up closet cases?
Why do all homophobes/transphobes end up closet cases?
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Porn and morality are often at odds. You get off to things you find wrong/taboo
Because they have hate inside their hearts.
State your non-anecdotal sources.
That pic isn't true at all
Because they are unironically stupid.
>because hatred is hot
Closeted what? Gays? Ive never had a problem with gay people but trans are a bit different for me since where Im from ive only seen like 2 but have met a bunch of gay dudes.
but that pic is actually true, lmao.
Why do faggots and trannies think we care about them?
>Why do faggots and trannies think we care about them?
you do, you spent much of this decade obsessing about gays and trans getting right. thousands of people here literally think that two gays getting married and having that marriage recognized by the state is literally causing the west to collapse
you stupid faggot
p.s we're winning, we went from being widely reviled and no popular support in 2004 to full legal recognition and widespread social tolerance in 2014. transfolk are slowly chipping away at resistance to them. we only have to get lucky once, you have to fight us forever
nobody gives a shit if youre gay, however it seems that OP is a massive faggot
Homophobia is dumb desu. Transphobia, for me at least, isnt good but i get how some people are uncomfortable by them.
Lmao this, go look at a thread about trannies on Jow Forums. They all post shit like
>fucking degenerate I wanna fuck her boipussy good
>tfw no qt tranny to mold into my tradwife
p.s being a tranny is a larp
I really don't understand either honestly. Idgaf if a tranny takes HRT because it makes her feel better, doesn't affect me at all.
Conservatives just want closed borders and for SJWs to whining about unimportant things.
Good for you nigga, now stop trying to make everyone on this board a tranny. We dont need hundred of these posts spamming every day.
Fucking traps is the most masculine practice you can ever imagine because basically you are sucking the masculinity of weaker males and left them totally obliterated and left to die, many alpha males in the animal kingdom do this and through history the most alpha males (greek warriors, samurais and warlords) fucked weaker and lesser men to demonstrate their heriarchy
Eh for me at least ive felt uncomfortable with some trans people that Ive met that dont our any effort into looking at least passable. Met 2 or 3 that just look like men in dresses. Think Chris Chan.
>basically you are sucking the masculinity of weaker males and left them totally obliterated
that's hot
Yeah there are a lot of trannies that should just stay on boymode honestly, even if it's not the full transition they wanted. The only trannies I hate are the ones who obviously put zero effort into passing. It's not your fault if you have a masculine face/frame trannies, but the least you can do is lose some weight and do some voice practice.
Normal people don't care, it just doesn't effect their lives. Same way half of Jow Forums is Jews and neo-nazism is just edgy atheism for Jewish teenagers who don't want to go to synagogue.
Also get annoyed at the fact that some autists seem to just do it for attention. Met a guy that said he was a trans girl but wasnt going to transition cause he was happy in his male body. Thought that was the complete opposite of gender dysphoria. If anything if you have that and have always wanted to be a woman then go for it, but if youre just doing it for attention then youre just a faggot.
fuck you faggot, i'm a right winger and i only jerk off to fart porn
Nah you are just a faggot lol
It's pronounced "Samurai".
It's already plural...you wouldn't say "Chineses".
Your thinking of NeoCons not the normal cons who are like 14/88 yay
Well gender dysphoria isn't the same for all (some trans women will tolerate living as a man for social reasons or whatever, while some are the opposite and want to chop off their dick), but yeah, I don't think someone who is trans would be okay without some sort of transition.
I see this a lot with women that say they're a trans man, yet they don't plan on ever taking hormones or getting surgeries and they still like guys, but they think calling themselves a "cuntboy" or something online is enough, even though they're really nothing but tomboys.
Yup seems like this correlates a lot with autism. When people randomly just want to be trans and identify as the opposite gender almost over night without actually ever having dysorphic thoughts. Again, think Chris Chan.
I dont give a fuck what depraved shit you do in the bedroom or online whether it includes trannies, lolies, or other disgusting fetishes.
But if you go walking out into the street dressed as some hulky man with barely passable tits or an abviously female chad wanabee and demand to have more rights than the average person you deserve to be tortured in prison like all the other psychos and crazies.
Is a transition really the best choice? They are chasing something they can never have. They aren't women trapped in men's bodies, they are creating a caricature of what they think a woman is. You cannot develop into what is fundamentally a woman without biological female anatomy.
Transsexualism should not be promoted and should be treated like any other psychological disorder.
Transition is the only cure for gender dysphoria that we know of. Even trannies that stay in "boymode" say that just being on estrogen clears up a lot of depression and brain fog, as well as other negative self image problems. Even if transition won't turn them into a real woman, it's better for them than to continue going on as they were before transition.
The more important question
Why do all pedophobes irrationally support mental illnesses like hemophilia attraction and gender dysphoria?
I hate gays.
Trannies are okay tough.
Dunno Iran has a good point,homos can either choose to have their heads chopped off or their dicks and become wommenz.
Homos use the whole "greeks were gay" thing to justify themselves but thats not really true,being exclusively attracted to the same sex was pretty rare and even then same sex sex was a thing done by friends.
I demand more titties.
Theres no rational reason why someone would oppose pedosexuality so vigorously unless they were in the closet
I think it's just because of a bunch if edgy teenagers who want to create more needless hatred and bigotry
Get in a gas chamber you absolute fucking degen
Saying "Y-YES IT IS!" isn't proof
Reminder that's just an abstract/hypothesis and not an actual study.
But you aren't smart enough to read so I'll let it slide.
fetishism does not equal support
>people who jerk off to rape doujins must want rape to be legal
implying thats not true
i wouldnt let someone who reads rape doujins babysit my daughter
whose got the "you wanna fuck spiders"