>kill a pregnant woman
>charged with double homicide
>pregnant woman kills her baby
Why is the law so morally inconsistent?
>kill a pregnant woman
>charged with double homicide
>pregnant woman kills her baby
Why is the law so morally inconsistent?
>hate women
>want gf
Why are robots so inconsistent?
The baby wasn't growing inside whoever killed the pregnant woman, dumb dumb. It's not rocket science.
Most people dont consider a fetus a baby,
You're not understanding that real robots DON'T want a girlfriend.
>abortion clinics are self-service
Amazing, I did not know this
Then why do fembot threads get over 100 replies every time?
because of the eternal battle between mind and body
also not a lot of legit robots left here these days
you bore me
put on a dress and act sexy
>gay couple goes to private bakery for a wedding cake, gets refused
Bake that fucking cake rightwing bigot, you are violating their constitutional rights
>Youtube/facebook/twitter censors right wingers
Wahh. Poor baby wants his constitutional free speech! Haha, its a private company.
>>kill a pregnant woman
>>charged with double homicide
No confirmation of whether or not the woman WANTED the baby, depending what term, the call is obviously much easier
>pregnant woman [aborts a fetus]
No shit, she didn't want it, or couldn't afford it, why let it be born to suffer either an unloving mother, or grow up in essentially forced poverty for no reason?
>>Youtube/facebook/twitter censors [nazis] who whine to republicans about being "censored "conservatives" "
I'll still give you the cake thing though, it was fucking stupid.
they censor a lot of lefties too that talk bad about israel but lets just ignore that and call them nazis
That was my point. Go to/make your own bakery/site that lets you do it or fuck. And its completely politicized too, which is the problem. Like, once marriage is no longer a legal arrangement between a man and woman, then why not polygamy too? All the boomerfags who virtue signalled for this shit and mocked "le slippery slope" know child rape is the inevitable final frontier for these fucks.
And then they'll be the bad guys when they hang you all from the streetlights. I see what you did there. Classic 'goad them into murdering me' trick. Classic.
Because abortion is birth control stupid
because the idea of a fetus being a person is an extremely morally complicated issue with no clear yes or no answer
You kill human then the murder rule applies.
Aborted fetuses are not human. If it doesn't breathe air, its not a human yet... egh something like that.
also laws and morals don't really click. They kind of click on the peripherals but not really. Maybe the whole thing about trying to satisfy every person's moral subjectivity is the thing which doesn't work. If some one or body (like the church), just set the moral code then you wouldn't be asking the question but shit would be boring then. Moral inconsistencies keep shit interesting.
oh cool so if some mom in poverty tells me she hates her toddler then I can kill the kid without murder charges.
I didn't know the morality of murder hinged on this!
>porn not illegal in my country
>but importing porn is
I had no idea I had been breaking the law all these years, hopefully the gubbermint does not come for my JAV DVD & idol mag collection.
But when does the featus becomes a person ? I was born 10 weeks early,they shouldnt even have the right to prevent my death honestly given the suffering they caused me.