How do we make friends with you guys? I've been looking for a female friend off r9k for a year but had no luck. Its easier to relate to girls more than boys for me
Question for fembots
Just find someone who identefies himself as a girl.
lmao if you want a friend get a dog
what are your interests? we can start with that if you would like
Female interests:
>Having fun
>Having adventures
>Social Media
I like listening to a lot of japanese music. I think my only favorite genre is shibuya kei but Im open to more. I play vidya sometimes and Im trying to get into art. My drawing skill is bad. I also like watching movies and anime from time to time. I don't mind voice chatting either.
Oh, I forgot travelling! Did I miss any?
Why specifically a female friend? Won't any friend do?
I'm stroking my cock during the writing of this post.
If it's a male that's feminine I wouldn't mind. Androgynous people are nice to talk with too
No. Normies only want poon
This is why you wont make a friend. Females know that this is a bad ruse by betas to try and get laid.
How can you get laid over the internet though
Or maybe they want a relationship? Fucking retards
kemono friend OP pic! yay
anyway i don't like adding people off Jow Forums because my discord has my irl name on it and i don't want to enter a friendship knowing the other person wants gf and/or sex
Hmm I guess. Not sure why youre posting in this thread then
>get closer to girl online
>ask to meet somehow
>pump and dump
So they should say they want one instead of beating around the bush like a retard, you retard.
Seems like a lot of work to fly over somewhere for pumping and dumping.
just providing explanation as to why fembots/anons are so hard to contact. sorry if it was unwelcome!
also i wanted to post the fox girl.
Do you have a throwaway email or an alt discord? Im just looking for friends
Its the internet, I dont know why you act surprised that people would try something as desperate as that.
Because it seems silly to do all that when someone could just pump and dump a girl in real life.
beta desperation boi's!!! If you want nudes from a girl off r9k just go to a ideal bf thread you fucking dweeb. Don't waste your time being friends with these girls just for the chance of seeing some titty
I don't want that though. Im mostly gay
yeah, I tried that one when I was 16 too buddy
Thats kinda sad then
sorry, i have a bf and don't want any more friends
i didnt ask if you had a bf tho
Question for fembots: can I have a mommy GF
sorry just explaining why i don't want more friends
what are your qualifications and what do you have to offer? im seriously asking
Are you a fembot (female) mommy tier though?
>I just want friends
>but it has to be a female friend
>i'm not interested in anything sexual or relationships hahaha
>but it has to be female and she has to be cute and have no bf also show me attention and fall in love with me
>but just want any friends haha
I'm sick of adding people, saying that i'm male and instantly getting ghosted because the "looking for friends" part had a secret "has to be female or a mentally ill tranny and want to suck my dick" part.
I will be your friend for real user I'm not like these niggas, I want someone to play Vidya with and talk about whatever when I'm free
Also if anyone wants to add me too feel free to do it
you cannot have female friends as a male.
Men and women can not be "friends," there is literally a sexual magnetism that will push it further than that.
You WILL end up asking her for nudes, she WILL end up sending them, you WILL get bored of her, and she WILL shitpost about you here on r9k when it happens.
Sounds like youre pretty insufferable to be around. No wonder people ghost you.
You're absolutely right user. Thanks
np my dude
Physically? Or how, user?
lmao op what the fuck are you saying. women can't be a friend to anyone on earth and women have literally admitted they feel no sense of loyalty or genuine bond/connection to anyone, not even their own kin. women are soulless primitive beings incapable of any emotion that is not relating to themselves.
if you want friends, talk to a guy, or get a pet.
>You WILL end up asking her for nudes, she WILL end up NOT sending them, and she WILL block you and shitpost about you on here
I've had girls sending me nudes and having sex-vc or Snapchat, conversations didn't last that long tho, at least I got nudes and some sexual experiences
>I made 3 female friends and have only been here a week
Someone posted a link to a discord and it has girls in it and we talk and are friendly. I don't know what you think having them as friends will do for you though. They aren't much different from my male friends at all really.
That is bullshit though, like half my closest friends are female irl and that has been the case for like 12 years now.