my hamster just died and im really sad... why did this happen? im so sad and empty now... how do i fill this void.
My hamster just died and im really sad... why did this happen? im so sad and empty now... how do i fill this void
Eat your hamster op. Or his death was pointless
i was legit thinking of doing this people in peru eat guinea pigs so why not?
Depending on how long its been dead its a pretty bad idea. Dead animals aren't good meat. Old animals arent good meat either.
you can start by going the fuck back to r*ddit you actual faggot
i mean they only live like what, 1~3 years? seems like a waste of time to keep a pet with such a short life span
thats pretty mean man. you must not love anything.
>why did a rodent with an average lifespan of a few years die after a few years?
bravo r9k
>put your dead hamster on the neighbors doorstep
>make a note saying "you are next"
>light the hamster up
>put the note a few cm away from it
>ring the doorbell
The only way to truly fill the void and honour your hamster
>normie empathy
yet they want us to pretend they are human and good
I'm sorry OP. I can't offer any good consolation, but I'm sure he had a great life if you loved him.
either you fucked up badly or you bought one that was way too old
i've had a hamster before i thought i was doing fine DDD: thats why im so sad :(((((
toadally legit literally epic idea user. but really op this is the only way to make the best use out of hamtardos death and corpse.
Maybe the Hamster died because you're such a colossal faggot, it tried to escape
>i've had a hamster before
how long did that one live?
and I guess the only other explanation is that it was very sick and you didn't realize it. If you bought it from a store then there's a good chance it was half dead anyway. hamsters bought from breeders bond better and live longer
it was trying to escape....
that one lasted around 4 years
>it was trying to escape....
was that shitty tiny glass box really all the space it had? i hope you took it out often. thats like prison. no toys or nothing
i let him run around in his ball all the time :(((
You need stuff for him to play with inside his home too, otherwise what the hell would he do when you're gone 8+ hours?
They usually sleep throughout the day, if they have a decent place to sleep.
Putting hamsters in plastic balls really isn't a good idea. Instead you should create a large enough space where it can run freely and hide without escaping.