how soon do you think the day of the rope will be? getting really sick of non-whites
How soon do you think the day of the rope will be? getting really sick of non-whites
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the day of the rope will be followed by the day of the Reich
in which all you undesirable Untermensch whites will be culled
boo hoo edgy poltard
im not an untermensch white if i wasn't so shy id be a chad
this IS my home. nonwhites are in MY country not the other way around
based, i wouldnt even be classed as workshy in the reich, too bad for neets
>says on Jow Forums
>says while living in Indian ground
>implying this is indian ground
fuck off this is not injun land
fuck off the entire world belongs to the original owners, the dinosaurs
okay, you're obviously shitposting.
Oldfag here.
Do people still get this?
seething redskin, not giving respect to the original owners of his land
wait what
i'm not a redskin.
and the dinosaurs didn't own shit
they hadn't the concept of ownership, or even land.
Finally a zesty post
I'm non-white and did nothing to you
you will outgrow your "muh race" phase before your "day of the rope" happens
lol never. stop trying to make "extremist" whites look bad on Jow Forums you kike
Nationalism is on the rise everywhere in the western world, so post a few more pissy replies why don't ya' :^)
Gene bomb would be a lot quicker and might save a lot of infrastructure.
Injuns lost fair and square.
Also, Injuns walked over the land bridge from Asia.
Not my fault the Redskins didn't invent gunpowder or had horses.
>Wasting oxygen
>"I be gud boy. Dindunuthin."
Stop living on my planet, shitskin.
They will breed us out
>tfw I could heem every wannabe tough guy white autist in this thread
If you want to rope me so badly, I'll drop you cuckbois into a fucking grave.
you whitoids have already kinda fucked yourselves over, your day in the sun is finished. should have gone full nazi when you still had the opportunity but its too late now and you're clearly declining
I don't care.
I'll let a Hollyjew explain it for you;
There's no need to be so aggressive about this, Daquan.
This isn't personal. It's just how the world works.
Try it, faggot. Either way, you die.
Quit being a nigger remoboth
You three faggots wouldn't even dare to mutter or whisper these words to me in person. I would lay you out cold on the fucking streets, and all of these fantasies you have of roping us are just fantasies in your fucked up head from a traumatic childhood, and you getting bullied by a nonwhite that was stronger, better looking, and had more social skills than you. You can't even kill a black person irl, so you can only hope that your 'day of the rope' will come , but it never will. Even if you do actually kill a black guy for racial reasons, you'll get sexually abuse by one of us and you'll get reminded why you hate us so much; you are literally our bitch and we live in your heads RENT-FREE and we make you seethe in rage by just existing. If you don't kill yourself in 10 years, you will be celebrating your half-black niece's fifth birthday, little bitch boy. Suck on this BB fucking C. You whites are going extinct while every nonwhite race is growing, baby.