what are your plans for 2019?
I'm still thinking
what are your plans for 2019?
I'm still thinking
>save $150 per week
>join the Catholic Church in time for my wedding next year
>visit the dentist at least once
>don't gain weight
>transfer to a 4 year university
>wrap up the first season of a radio show I started
>learn how to fucking relax
Hopping on a spaceship and getting off this planet is all I have planned
>Nofap 2019
>Get a part time mcjob to support my studying
>Save up 1000$
>Make new friends
>Talk to girls more and get a gf
>Get fit
I think kissing a girl. That is pretty much It.
>get a job
>pay for some stuff
>don't worry about anything
> move in a larger appartment
> noporn 2019
> get a gf
> make new friends
> leave the old ones if they are not worth my time anymore
> save something like 300 bucks monthly
> travel
> Maditate (lol won't do)
> get fit (lol won't do neither)
> new wardrobe, I want to show a better version of myself
suicide mostly
of course even killing myself isnt original
>not fail uni
>finally get a gf
>bonus point for losing weight
>keep saving and investing
>get more into minimalism lifestyle
>exercise regularly
>try not to fap daily
>build new pc and get new monitors
moving out of my mothers basement. and burning all bridges.
>new wardrobe, I want to show a better version of myself
nice goal user. I've been saving money for clothes, planning fits and been trying to learn how to adjust them myself.
Yeah, that shit is hard. It's been months since I've read a lot about it, barely bought some stuff (half of it was a little shitty), now I'm living with few decent stuff and I don't know how to upgrade.
But I will find a way.
since there is nothing worthwhile to do here I'll go and see about the immortality of the soul theory. If I end up in hell then so be it.
Might go to university again. I dont really want to but idk what else to do. Probably changing cities as well. Guess that's nice, though fresh starts aren't as exciting anymore. Have had plenty of those, it's always the same shit in a different environment. what needs to be changed is inside, not outside.
Save up and move to Las Vegas to be around my HS friends again and live a better/happier life. Hopefully find a good job out there so I can move into my old house. If not, just keep going to school and saving up until I figure out something else positive for my life.
My new years resolution was to be a better person but after coming back to work for 4 days I already want to kill myself again. I'm going to Japan in a few months then after that I'll probably end it, I can't take 2 more years of military life bros. I hope things go better for you robots
>get product design/software engineer job
>get a cute asian girlfriend
if i can just have these 3 things
>try and go out more
>start saving and investing
>get drivers license
>gain some weight
if it makes you feel any better a vast majority of people that talk about ending it find something to live for and never end up doing it
I wanna get electroconvulsive therapy for my depression
I always think "this year I'm gonna kill myself". But it never happens, because I never accomplish anything. The only reason I'm still alive is because I'm a slacker, yet my lack of resolve is the reason I want to die in the first place. It's a weird thing to think about.
Enroll to art class to hone my skills to become a freelance artist and draw furry porn for a living
>get first real job
>up my freelance game
>make new friends
>first serious gf?
>move out
escape from hikki life
Party time is over for me. Its study time, learn coding. Make my own game. Get rich. 12 year plan
Good luck. I hope you make it, but those odds are ruff(dog)!
In the same boat. I plan on making a hit title every year and living peacefully off the millions I'll make. Easy
>lose 10kg more (already lost 25kg in the last year)
>Make a futile attempt at getting a gf or trap gf on tinder because I'm KHHV
I'm not greedy I only plan on making a blockbuster every other year and living quietly in my summer villa.
>Wants to get rich
>Not greedy
Ill take all the luck i can. But in reality the only tuff part will be learning. Once i have the knowledge ill just hermit in my parents house for a few years making indie games till i get enough money to buy a house debt free. Then ill start on the uber game.
>get buff
>get laid
>get a job
>do well in uni
>get good at music
>not fail at life
Not kill myself mentally or physically with stress and do the things I need to do to be happy and successful.
Im with you on putting money away every week. We're down right now but we'll be sitting comfy in a few months. Hang in there user
I've started a journal and am planning on getting out of my comfort zone more. Maybe even get a gf
Fucking kill myself, none of us are going to make it bros
This is gonna be the year I turn it all around. I promise.
>get promoted to a day position at work
>write a script
>make some good webms
>Start doing a lot of photography
>write some stories
>Lose all the weight I put on over the last two years and get back into shape
>Get back into climbing
>Get back to /fa/
>Get back to visiting galleries regularly again
The really hard part
>Try and meet some new people and make friends to go and do stuff with
I'm hoping I can do that through instagram or Jow Forums or something. I don't know.
Oh, and nofap/noporn. I'm sick of this shit in my life.