Post your room, rate others' rooms
Post your room, rate others' rooms
thats alot of mony
not having a glass half full of pure milo and half pure milk
whats up with the children my nigga
>Tim tams and apple juice
No mas m8, you trying to get the 'beetus?
>not eating a tablespoon of milo and following it with a shot of milk.
Step it up.
good to see the bene's being put to use
rate plz gamers
looks comfy AF
very based.
I'm embarrassed that I live in the same country as you do
>Room posting but actually just showing off my pet
how's army life? Is everyone a low iq npc?
Pretty chill in this time of the year, most of the recruits were discharged, now we have just the retards that decided to stay for another year. Now that many, most of them are just young twats looking for a some kind of work or young twats with no future
I only see one nightmouse.
My room right now
The other half
Homeless. This is the bench I sleep on
What happened?
Got depressed. Quit my job. All my friends and family lost respect for me and ended up getting evicted
Hey I'm a pedophile too.
I miss those days. I miss my fellow soldiers.
That sucks man, at least you don't have any other mental illnesses.
I bet you do ;^)
took a while to find the pet, but i was not disappointed
hey man, my account got banned its gunjy add me back?
I can prove its me
you can see in the bottom of the shelf there is about 100$ canadian dollars worth of beans, but since i recently went on a no salt, no oil and no sugar diet i cant eat any of them. cucked out of my mind
also i have a ton of food to sell to my neighbour because hes so morbidly obese he cant go to the store himself, so he spends all his welfare bux on me and tells me what stuff he wants me to buy so i just hold it in my room until he pays me
i even recently decided to stop selling non-vegan items as im a vegan myself and i dont feel comfortable doing so, so from now on im not buying anything non-vegan. but for this month he'll get stuff like mac n' cheese, cheese slices in the fridge, mayonaise, etc
also im down to only ONE piss bottle, which i keep empty at all times, and only use when the toilet is being used or if its the middle of the night or if i cant go to the bathroom
this is part 2/2 of my comfy room. i need to re-organize stuff so i can have even more space. but this is usually the cleanliness level of my room
i made food yesterday and i was so bloated that i passed out and slept for like 12 hours couldnt even clean the pan
I added you back but you didn't add me back.
>Got depressed
magic mushrooms are the single most potent way to cure depression. they are vastly more effective than any SSRI and dont have any side effects besides a 6-8 hour hallucinogenic trip
dead serious i ALWAYS tell robots to take mushrooms once every 2-3 months for depression. theres so much science available these days, go to the library and watch this video or do your own research about magic mushrooms and depression
in terms of getting them, some countries like canada you can just raw order them like otherwise you need to grow them. drugdealers sometimes carry them too, try asking around. i strongly vouch for them as a kv robot myself
otherwise yeah being homeless sucks massive donkey dick. i used to live in homeless youth shelters on and off between 16 to 21 for a cumulative total of about 5-6 months, then i get on government assistance. if my bux was cut off i'd be working some stupid minimum wage job probably security guard, or be homeless, or both. my parents kicked me out at 18
Your graph shows at best, it tends to lower depression a bit for a few weeks after a trip. It doesn't work long term, and it doesn't "cure" depression.
I'm a 30 year old boomer who has been doing psychedelics for longer than some robots have been alive, and I'm still a mess.
oops forgot video, watch this in the library
just because you're homeless doesnt mean you should be needlessly suffering. keep your self up to date
yeah, it wears out after 2-3 months, and i can testify that my depression comes back after 2-3 months. and im much more likely to be depressed than virtually anyone in this board because im a castrated eunuch. i dont have testicles, and consequently i dont have ANY testosterone i have bloodwork if you dont believe me, and pics of my balls
testosterone is a potent anti-depressant in itself, and when i got castrated my depression skyrocketed. the ONLY thing that helped me was mushrooms, i have to take them every 2 months otherwise i get a ton of mental pain
nigger nigger carty wiggler
Litch king why don't you become a tripfag instead if a name fag? I saw you in
trip fags and name fags and avatarfags are always shit people, they should be burned alive. any respectable poster always posts anonymously
Maybe, just maybe, you might start to feel better and be like a normal human being if you stopped keeping containers of urine around you and had a brain that wasn't on drugs.
I've tried that too. Doesn't work. Cleaning your room also doesn't work.
this should be a cunny thread
Well go ahead and start it off.
why are you grinding up all your weed in one sitting, that dries it out
r8 h8 appreci8 m8s
>this should be a cunny thread
It's shake, it's already dried out. It's not as if the THC is affected, other than what falls through the filter in my grinder.
>unironically reading superhero comics in 2019
>hp laptop
>jack daniels
it's shit
clean that fucking shit up dude
1/10 you disgust me
i like it deal with nerd
>implying that was my desk
That's like $12 in real American currency.
fucking hell this is rancid. Why do you keep your piss? There's a reason I have one single piss bottle that I empty every day or two when family are out. That shit effects your mental health regardless of what you think.
No reason to clean.
I leave my adult diapers and little girl panties laying out, it's not like anyone cares enough to come into my room.
it literally makes you less happy though. I lived alone for 5 years and felt much more content with being a NEET when I did shit like make my bed and sweep crumbs/pubes/snot off the desk
Why do you drink so much milk
at least it's DC
this is wrong, don't do it
a low low dose, like a 32nd of an oz will give a light buzz and improve your mood for a few weeks
but if you have any even slightly non-normie brain chemistry, mushrooms will exacerbate the problem and make your brain much, much worse
My chinchi is my everything and also mh only friend besides my dad which is kind of my dad i guess
ocd is unbearable help
I even put my laptop away when I'm not using it
Great colours, excellent cleanliness and organization and the position of the desk is peak comfy
fuck off, it looks an unused holiday home bedroom
>but if you have any even slightly non-normie brain chemistry, mushrooms will exacerbate the problem and make your brain much, much worse
dude THANK YOU for the science that you pulled out of your ass. PLEASE and i beg you, PLEASE link your medical reference where you got this information from
because from what i can tell you just pulled it out of your ass. magic mushrooms are the safest drugs in existence, and they promote brain communication and are amazing for depression
PLEASE link where you read that it makes your problems worse, or shut up faggot normie ass up
give rating
it's ok user, no need to be so defensive. we're all here to learn and grow
TLDR PLS I did not understand shit of what you said just now and my hand is hurting
Morphine seems pretty high up ther doesn't it?
Answer me pls sir.
wtf do you live in a gmod map
Why don't poor people just get jobs? Fucking lazy bums.
I hope you kys and die in a ditch like a piece of shit
why tf you saying ur a pedo on Jow Forums wtf
your room is surprisingly clean for a Jow Forums user
I'm a pedophile. I'm attracted to girls between the ages of somewhere around 5 to somewhere around 11.
You mad?
Playing xbox and watching some Netflix
be kind not gonna clean yes I live in a shed
You're all disgusting and I hope you at least smoke copious amounts of weed to be this fucking lazy. I hope none of you have any disillusions about having a girl come anywhere near you.
This retard can't even post a picture let alone have a room.
About what I started to expect.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
Would be comfy if you weren't a slob
Not only a pathetic loser but a pleb who reads capetrash in 2019!
You don't have OCD you're just not a complete slug
Not THAT bad if you smoke that cigarette outside.
i said please link your scientific references where you got your information from, because you had the nerve to say
"but if you have any even slightly non-normie brain chemistry, mushrooms will exacerbate the problem and make your brain much, much worse"
the study i linked was a medically controlled study involved people with PHD's and medical degrees and it showed that magic mushrooms were exceptionally safe and effective at curing depression of people who have a history of treatment resistant depression
you msg me 4 times asking me to respond to you, yet you dont read my post?
pic related, mushrooms help isolated regions of the brain communicate with eachother
thanks for being honest, army dude
I always love these kind of threads.
Here's mine.
Nice mic, wish I could see more though.
what the fuck is the computer on the left? specifically on it's display
It's a video monitor.
>that brown piss
You need more fluids
>the picture
>made food yesterday and i was so bloated
what the fuck were you making? meth?
Works for me, mat3
>i have bloodwork
send pics
green split pea soup with potatos and mushrooms and spices and stuff. ive never took meth and i hopefully never will although i did take ritalin before and abused it and permanently damaged some of my eyesight, so i quit it
but i made too much food because i used the whole package of split peas, which is 900 grams and 2700 calories, so i was super bloated because i ate it all
I cannot believe they let you zoomers use your phones in basic training.
Here's the view from my bedroom in my parents basement right now.
I'm 24 and have never brought a girl home.
here you go bug origanloo
what is the graph though?
Part 2.
Here is my friend
Need a way to make an image smaller ( im on phone and cba to turn on pc + i have problems transferring data from phone to pc so rip) so that its not 3mb big?
I literally dont know (im too dumb to even the most basic shit/part of the reason why im on here i guess)
So ye?
Awesome Games Done Quick
There's 2 days left.
Why'd you blur out your dildo
I have those same duvet covers back at home.
It's so comfortable. I will never give it up
Then i hooe you have heart cayse you gotta have heart!
Part 3
I'm a huge little house on the prarie fan.
do you like being a pedo? would you stop if you could?
I too live in a shed.
robot/10, but you seriously need more lighting
go to a thrift store or something, they usually have a lightbulb holding thingy for like 10 or 20$, sometimes cheaper
Why would anyone want to be a pedophile? Anyone who says they like being a pedo is just lying to themselves. You can never trust anyone, not even your family. You learn to never let anyone know you, and you eventually start to isolate yourself.
Many pedos are emotional children. They never progressed into the real world and like to live in a carefree fantasy world. I'm probably like that a bit, but at least I don't see myself as a child. Most pedos seem to think you can actually have a worthwhile relationship with a prepubescent girl. They're nuts. Pedophilia is not a good thing.