has a girl ever bullied you, Jow Forums?
Has a girl ever bullied you, Jow Forums?
No, I avoid females so I do t get bullied
My entire childhood was with mom and sisters who like to grab my head and slam it against the wall any time I acted out.
What do you think?
Yes and I want so much for cute girls to bully me some more
>tfw no hot sisters to beat me up
Yes the women in HS were the most arrogant of all kids. Got picked on all the time.
Yeah. Lots of crazy bitches who'd hurt me or stab me because they had crushes on me. Of course I was young and didn't understand, plus I was and still am too beta to ask anyone out. Pisses me off when years later, men get shit for acting like that as kids but girls totally don't ever bully boys. Gynocentrist bullshit
more thighs
anyone else get both horny and suicidal from certain specific things?
There was this girl who bullied me from KG to 7th grade. She was bigger and stronger than me and also 2 years older. I was malnourished kid (due to liver problems). In 7th grade finally, she one day pissed me off enough for me to get really angry. We got into a fight. Fucking pulled her hair into oblivion and when she let her guard down, tripped her and kicked the fucking shit out of her. I was still weak skelly so kicks did little to no damage to her clothes+fat draped body (She had a BMI of like 25. I was on 16) but I got some good shots in that hurt her and many kids saw it. No one snitched so her parents complained to my parents and I was scolded and our parents decided that we better never talk to each other ever.
Then an actual bitch started bullying me in 9th grade again (she was the only sexually active girl in class. Other girls were afraid of him) but I was grown by then so after about 2 months or so of bullying, I one day spat in her water bottle drank it all in front of the class. Also cussed her out real good.
Good times
based alpha user
destroy all roasts. death to the female species
I get horny from the thought of committing suicide
Boys bully me constantly even though I've never bullied anyone at all
Thanks chad-non
Yes. I was kindergarten habitue then. I've been bullied by local Gen X girls. Since then I hate every teenage female (14-18 years old).
Back in high school, kinda why I get sus if a girl tries to befriend me if at all anymore.
No, but there was a time I was being an annoying 13 year old and sort of light heartedly teased a girl. She burst out into tears and I was very bewildered as to why. Maybe one of the reasons I didnt talk to girls in high school at all.
Yes, also had a relationship. She was on exchange from Russia, stereotypical big tough girl. Alright but like super proud of the soviet union when it came up because of her commisar grandpa. I took offense because my own relatives had suffered and been killed by the Russians and tried calling her out. When she found out though she started bullying me and never really stopped. Even bullied me in the relationship.
>will never have a cute white gf call me a nigger
6th grade this crazy chick, 6.5/10 would always try to push me around, didn't take that shit, finally knocked her ass out. Started acting all nice and loyal to me, she probs had a turn on where she wanted to be abused, probs daddy issues.
post moar white girls pls
Does sexual harassment counts as bullying? If it does then yes
t. cute whitey
From 7th to 9th grade. All the usual mental torment
>hey user stacey likes you teehee~
>went back to her friends and laugh
>fake compliments
>fake loveletters
>asks me about something stupidly easy
>oh user you are soooo smart~
>user pls do my homework for me
>why not? you are such a meanie!
>*proceeds to gossip with her friends*
>dancing in PE
Stuff like that. Destroyed my self-esteem and self-confidence for good. To this day I dont trust females my age one bit. Wizardry awaits.
this. It started my femdom fetish tho
a girl at uni made fun of my flaccid penis (I'm a grower). Constantly called it tiny and gave handjobs with two fingers.
Yes back in elementary school that's how I got my lolidom fetish