the other day on a board with flag one guy reply to my thread saying that my country is:" litterally r9k the country".
i found it very funny but i dont know why since i've never been there.
can r9k explain thus to me and guess from where im am im not from the US tho.
The other day on a board with flag one guy reply to my thread saying that my country is:" litterally r9k the country"
Either Finland or Greenland
Finland would seem like a very good guess
Northern Mongolia
Finland would be my first guess, but was already done twice so I'll go with South Korea.
>Finland immediately three times
W-what exactly makes us r9k: the country? Not that I'm a Finn or anything, just curious haha
The Finns tend to be introverted. They also like personal space. These are not bad characteristics user.
You should feel bad for Greenland. They were my second guess because the ratio of women to men, coupled with the isolation of small villages means that there are villages with men who literally have nobody to date.
I sometimes think that in South Korea you're either Chad or a literal robot, as in, there seems to be no middle ground, any korean bots that can confirm?
On the other hand Finns also have sex and have jobs, so not very robotic from that angle.
How does masturbating while watching some brown guy pound your wife count as sex?
Are you struggling with the idea that different races and cultures will have different perceptions of each other?
im totally not finn, im european btw
why you think finland is r9k the country?
>go to int cause bored once
>western countries gayposting
>asians gayposting
>south americans gayposting
>middle easterns and eastern euros gayposting
That's gonna be a yikes from me
Lithuania. We are quite a depressed country
>eastern euros gayposting
>Jow Forums
That board is a mistake.
Nope im not from a cold place, so basically he says im depressed?
Ok from what i learn on this thread
a "r9k the country" is
>like personal space
>isolated with a lack of female interation
>a nation with no social half measures, no middle ground so you are a chad or a bot
>Quite depressed
am i right? someone would add anything?
Sounds based and progressive
Just tell us so I can move there.
Since nobody reply anymore im gonna tell you, im from italy.
Im not confident that he's telling the truth or just shitting me.
I'll wait for you user.
Che the la fuck? Its the most chaddestest country. Ive been there, people only drink, habe casual sex, party, do drugs, have barbeques. If youre not extroverted you dont belong there.
>italy iz robot cuz muh romance wine pasta and SPQR
Probably some nord cuck whose gf got fucked by a med BVLL
>Jow Forums
garbage board ruined by gayposters
ok haha so italy is not r9k the country, perfect. but i still think that pun it's somewhat funny and i laughed heartily laugh at it.
they guy who wrote it was american so idk
garbage board ruined by gayposters, my ass faggot, you're rigth btw
Italy peaked 2 millennia ago.
i guess i gibberish in my statement but the robot did nothing about it, is that gibberish somewhat accetable or what?
That's Sweden, user