Killing oneself should be easier.
It's too hard to do it right.
Why is suicide hard?'
There was one guy who would post a "suicide general" with shuiaby or whatever his name was as the OP for months. Suddenly it stopped getting posted.
It's hard because deep down you don't want to do it, because the spark of hope is always there. Call it survival instinct (which is it) but it's the only thing keeping you from doing something very irrational.
A true suicide never speaks of it, he simply goes and gets it over with.
still, it should be easier
It shouldn't be easier. It takes an exceptionally strong will to do so. Suicide is not for the weak.
If god was real, life wouldn't be this hard or killing ourselves wouldn't be this hard, it's a instinct but also could hurt depending how you do it.
God tests your will user, not everything is easy. I don't recommend suicide, you gotta live life. No matter how bad it may seem.
Some of the realest shit here user.
you wouldn't want to kill yourself if i gave you 5 million dollars huh
the thing about suicide that makes it even harder is the possibility that it may not work, and you're left with some disability.
My mom tried to kill herself by shooting herself in the mouth, but it didn't work.
She is now blind on one eye and she limps
I fear something similar.
>I don't recommend suicide
hahaha what
Look at this doge, don't try it op
>tfw your son dosent end your misery
because it provides no net gain
my biggest fear in doing suicide is flinching. I am sorry about your mother user
this speaks more of the fact that people are so kool aid on life that they will force others to live that clearly want to die
The human body does everything it can to try to get you from killing yourself. It's survival instinct, it isn't hard to just give in to that and keep living. Death as a phenomenon has always terrified humanity. Crossing the veil willingly takes true determination and will, more than what most people have. This is why "suicide is le cowurd way" is complete bullshit and something normalfags happily eat up like the idiots they are.
your body doesn't want you to die, that's why most successful suicides are done on a whim no that there's no chance to back out
self preservation is a very powerful instinct. It's evolution at work, people with strong dispositions against committing suicide spread more of their genes around. It's the same reason it hurts to be kicked in the balls.
>people with strong dispositions against committing suicide spread more of their genes around
ok this is epic, and not entirely truthful
I had a dream the other night in which due to some now forgotten circumstance I was forced to take my own life. I had a pistol, I put it in my mouth and shot upwards into my brain. In the dream I survived, and determined to die, put the pistol to the side of my head and pulled the trigger again. I don't recall anything else happening from that point onward.
The dream has convinced me all I need to be able to take my life is a firearm, and the circumstance to drive me to it. I have the will within me, I just need to wait. It's only a matter of time.
She shouldn't have been saved in the first place. It's just more misery for her.
I read something similar to this where a girl survived a shot to the face and got rushed to like 3 different hospitals and at the end of all the surgery, she doesn't even look human. Nobody would want to live like that.
So that you don't end up doing it. You're supposed to live and see that your revenge comes to fruition or at least witness those who wronged you eventually get their due.
Don't read too much shounen.
not everything is about vengeance, little kid
its not their fault, if they let someone die theyll cop it, they just want to live their life, people should be able indicate somehow that they dont want treatment, i think this already exists
>This is why "suicide is le cowurd way" is complete bullshit and something normalfags happily eat up like the idiots they are.
it makes normies think they're not pussies and strong willed, or compasionate people like anyone truly fucking cares about them for not killing themselves, when in fact it's the opposite. They like to pet themselves on the back
No. It's easy.
>people with strong dispositions against committing suicide spread more of their genes around
there should be a scientifc study on this
Probably because most people who attempt suicide are retarded. If you want to kill yourself, gas yourself with argon, nitrogen, or nitrous oxide. Don't use helium though, since it's usually mixed with oxygen due to there being a helium shortage.
If at first you don't succeed, try again.
well, it's common sense though, because people who commit suicide die prematurely and are therefore likely to have fewer kids than people who don't commit suicide.
In todays modern age things may be different, but its obvious that "willingness to commit suicide" is a trait that by it's very definition should be eliminated through evolution
>If god was real, life wouldn't be this hard
The good ole "I don't have a single clue about religion" trick.
Literally just read 30 pages of the Bible. Read Matthew and stop polluting the world with your false ideas.
Death was not designed to be you who chose it.
That's how we know that we are in hell, there is no exit. Those granted the priviledge of early leave by suicide where never people at all, but only decoys to further taunt us in our stay in being on this hell marble.
Woah, user, careful on that edge.
>tfw you kys then end up waking up again the next day
STFU, I live in fear of risk of injury due to failure, and any possible bullshit thereafter even if successful. I'm fucking trapped here in this body, tied into these circumstances.
Your moms a fucking retard and so are you.
Don't shoot yourself in the mouth, shoot in the general area of your head, just blast ones and even if it doesn't hit your stem or kill you it will make you bleed out your fucking skull and you will die if you're out of sight. Just do it somewhere out of sight of other people retard.
You have to be retarded to fuck up suicide with a GUN and 1 fucking BULLET.