Why do nonwhites exist?
Why do nonwhites exist?
to frustrate life, to slow down advancement through bickering and division
To make gay animes.
'cause evolution.
Litraly the lamest post.
>A united humanity in the generations following the great cleanse, speaking a single language agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. The creator, observing their city and tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them around the world.
To serve as your foil and as a source of amusement.
Because we're born on different biospheres, retard
To make you feel insecure and upset. Without them you wouldn't be here.
I think... Perhaps this is acceptable. They are an obstacle, but only ironically given their innate inferiority.
How do we go about ruthlessly exterminating their kind and reach heaven
Trump will do that.
>not just waiting for them to start fainting due to thin oxygen
seems the creator doesnt understand his own atmosphere, how odd
You'd have to learn how to think like one, but I'm not giving out anymore secrets.I'd rather observe and enjoy my slice of the shitshow while it lasts.
We need a big man to fix all of society's problems and usher in a Utopia.
imagine believing a superficial adaptation to sun exposure makes you better
Imagine pretending brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli is the same thing because they all grow from the same plant.
>whites acting like they're superior when everything they built was parasitized from minorities
lmao talk about lacking self awareness
>a literal shithole from which a pile of literal shit heaps itself onto others
Lol stop
this is absolutely right, we are in the pickle we are in now precisely because we enlisted the help of africa and its people
>He thinks anything in life actually has a purpose for existing.
>Africa acting like it ever had a chance.
At any point in history africa could have risen on their own. Africa got colonized by Europe and the world because all they did was stay at a hunter gather level.
to suffer.
why else would they exist
They exist to serve the purpose of the white, they're our slaves
Yes, goy you are their masters.
They are the children of lilith and samael. They are the product of their unholly union and the birth of ishmael.
They need to be exterminated.
They exist so u can appreciate whites.
Say that to them niggers with a lactose intolerance faggot, they might all be intolerant to braincells aswell
how come africa never used their "wealth" by themselves? why do they need the white man to tell them about their "wealth"?
The worst thing is probably Egypte it could have been a great country with rich history and culture but look what the Muslims did. They fucked it up royally
everything about your looks is based on environment.
only reason white fags getting triggered cause they got smaller dicks and will eventually be eradicated by black bulls. Get cucked you pieces of filth.
>tfw no white master
>that Iberia without any coins
>that eastern Europe with coins
Boring psyop go elsewhere
To make dumb threads it seems like, lol
Why does anyone exist?
Soon the blacks and yellows will take over the world.
Jerking off to this thread rn. Hatred+anime reaction images makes my pp hard
Oh shit you're right. I never really put two and two together. Based, Bible poster.