What is Sweden really looking like with Muslim immigration? It's greatly exaggerated, right?
What is Sweden really looking like with Muslim immigration? It's greatly exaggerated, right?
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no go zones are actually just escape rooms set in entire suburbs
No man it really is pretty much as bad as it is made out to be. Police no-go-zones are really a thing and immigrants get goverment gibs while natives get rejected by their own government. Sad to say this but its true
You must be exaggerating, I bet. It can't be that bad.
maybe you should have sold more iron ore to the germans during their 1939 growth spurt
in case you actually want to know the truth, the answer is yes, everything you hear online and especially here is greatly exaggerated.
it is however true that the government HAS spent too much money on immigration and failed in integrating many immigrants, but imo in the long term they will become integrated to a greater extent.
most swedes' daily lives, mine included, aren't at all directly affected by muslim immigrants. my school has literally zero muslims afaik since you need somewhat good grades to be there.
>I bet
I'm a eastern european who visited some of sweden recently to see a girl.
Lol most people are brown or foreign, there's talks about some forms of welfare, education is bizarre (just like in norway, except norway has less migrants, I have a friend who went there to study and he said he was the only white guy there out of nearly 60 students in one class) crazy shit.
Given, there's white people in the city areas, and some of the shitskins are callous and peaceful, but they still shouldn't be there. Bet whatever the fuck you want.
Most swedes present an even worse image than what I saw, so I can't really know if I've seen the worst of the worst.
No aryan ''masterrace'' to see that now, meanwhile in bosnia (where literal muslims live) someone tried molesting a kid in Tuzla and they beat the everliving shit out of him.
It's exaggerated but at the rate things are going it won't be 10-15 years from now
Not really, i see more hijabs around, beggars outside of supermarkets that weren't there when i was a kid, life hasn't been affected in the slightest.
>tfw there are more men than women in sweden now
This might however.
>you ask if x
>other person answers and says it's indeed x
>you still rejects the idea of x
You shouldn't make a thread based on your confirmation bias.
Also, 10% of the country's population immigrated to Sweden in 10-20 years. Can't remember the exact number, but you're free to look it up. Regardless, it's bound to have happened for a reason and have some effect on the society at hand. Generous standards of living offered to migrants was a leading cause, and large scale failed integration was a leading result. Some of the clearly following consequences were one of the worst housing shortages in the history of the world as well as rape statistics sky-rocketing to the highest in all of Europe. Very close to 20% of all taxes go directly to some form of governmental immigration service. I'm not sure what other things you've heard, and those are just some of the problems that come to mind at first thought. But at the same time, other things are going slightly better than before, so depending on which metrics you use to investigate the society you will find that things are either as fine as they always have been, or that society and stability is going down the drain alarmingly fast. It's mainly a matter of perspective. People are just looking for what they wanna see, then the confirmation just reinforces their worldview. That too is confirmation bias.
I'm Swedish.
doubting a claim with zero proof behind it isn't confirmation bias, it's sensible
(granted you would then have to hold the same skepticism towards claims of the opposite)
Considering that the only time I ever hear negatives about it comes from Jow Forums posters I would say yes. Yes it is.
I've talked to a few actual swedes about it and they seemed more surprised that o asked that then I basically have to explain to them the meme that apparently their country is a shit hole and that rapes are going up and crime and all that and they end up even more surprised at what I'm saying.
They basically tell me its bullshit and they have no idea why it's a meme.
>doubting a claim with zero proof behind it isn't confirmation bias, it's sensible
You asked, they told you, and even though there's dozens of articles on no go zones and shit you still denied it like a fucking dolt lol.
It's confirmation bias alright. But it's more the fact you're an idiot
t. Fin hoping you go to sweden and get brutally raped, along with your subhuman family
I lived in central sweden for 6 months. About 2 hour drive from uppsala so not very close to malmo or stockholm.
I saw more somalians/shitskins than I did in my native country, especially around school times you see tons of somalian kids being loud and obnoxious.
I have been to Sweden many times. Stockholm is far whiter than Paris or London or any American city.
I was only briefly in Sweden so I can't say much about it, but my time in Berlin (which if you don't know is the most """open minded""" and """tolerant""" city in the world) was really the one experience I had in my extensive travels which made me think Jow Forums was right and European society could be heading towards disaster.
The area I stayed in was the shittiest part of the city because I am a cheap ass piece of shit and I wanted the cheapest hostel, and it was absolutely unreservedly disgusting and worse than a third world country.
I was just across from Goerlitzer park which they call 'the drug park', and the whole park, area around it and train station are completely overrun with NIGGERS openly selling drugs. When I say niggers I don't just mean black people because I'm very tolerant and not at all racist, I mean filthy fucking nigger pieces of shit. There have been countless muggings, assaults, rapes and murders in the area. They will yell out to you, follow you down the street harassing you and sometimes even grab you and shit, I had a couple of guys trying to sort of corral me down an alleyway, ostensibly to sell me drugs which I told them I didn't want, but I got very bad vibes from them so I think they were planning to mug me. I'm a really big guy, 6'6 and >90kg, so that's pretty bold. I love drugs so I dealt with shady drug dealers all over the continent as well as back home, and these guys were totally different. They just had that dead look in their eyes, purely reptilian with no human emotion, seeing you only as a target to prey on.
They will try to overcharge by 10x or more for drugs and you have to haggle with them to get down to something more reasonable, and even once you do they sell you complete garbage if they realize you aren't a local, so even as a total druggo there is nothing good to say about their presence.
>countless rapes and murders
Statistics don't agree with you. Did you actually go there or are you just making shit up like a Jow Forumstard?
Naturally I was a little confused by all this so I did a bit of searching online and talked to a few people, turns out the police had tried to crack down on them a little while back and came in and started arresting them, but the ABSOLUTE FUCKING KEK FAGGOT RETARD Berlin hipster scum staged a protest because it was """racist""" because by some great coincidence everyone they were arresting was black. So the arguably even bigger faggot Berlin police just gave up and left them to rape and mug and murder and anything they want.
Possibly even more concerning was the attitude of the locals to all this. When I asked about it (I tried to act as though I was curious rather than concerned) I was quite cheerfully told that yes there are some muggings and things but that can happen anywhere. They are mostly just trying to sell drugs because they don't have jobs, just avoid eye contact and keep your head down and ignore them and they should leave you alone. As if that is a totally normal thing to have to do in the capital city of probably the safest and most civil country on earth.
Aside from the niggers there were homeless Arabs, I presume mostly Syrian, begging for money and sleeping on the streets, rubbish all over the place, absolute trash graffiti on EVERYTHING (I don't mind graffiti if it's interesting and artistic in some way but this was just scrawling with spray paint for no reason other than to ruin things. This was another retarded thing I saw online, people talking about how the area had 'interesting street art', but none of it could even remotely be considered 'art').
Just fucking disgusting all round.
I also went around the Arab areas and like most European cities they weren't that bad at all, I think it is only places where new immigrants are highly concentrated and there are a lot of Africans that go to complete shit. The old Turkish areas of German cities were not quite as nice as other parts but not really bad in any obvious way.
Give me statistics please because I tried to find them and couldn't. I also tried to find whether the murders were immigrants killing each other over gang and drug related shit or if it was just random people, but I couldn't find it because German media won't talk about that kind of shit.
'Countless' is probably an exaggeration but I heard about them from cucked locals who were trying to downplay it and from a DWTV documentary who are also known to be more on the """tolerant""" side, so I doubt they would lie. Replace the word 'countless' with 'occasional' if you please, it's still highly concerning because none of it should be happening at all.
I'm not watching that whole thing, if there is anything especially pertinent in it you would like to point me to then go right ahead. I'm not anti immigration and I'm not a Jow Forumstard, I quite enjoyed the Arab parts of some cities and was always treated well by them, not to mention that I spent half of my time in Europe hanging out with immigrants including black dudes and Arabs.
The thing is I grew up in a bad place around a lot of bad people and I know the signs of a society in decline in an otherwise peaceful country. I'm extremely left wing in my political beliefs, but I'm not able to bury my head in the sand the same way most left leaning people are because I've seen the way things turn out if you prioritize blaming whitey for everything, sparing people's feelings and excusing people's actions in the name of tolerance, etc etc.
It's not even an exaggerated you're just saying shit
Fucking dishonest to the core lefties
>my school has literally zero muslims afaik since you need somewhat good grades to be there.
AKA it's fine as long as it doesn't directly affect me. Nice attitude friend.
Actually I read my original post again because I forgot my exact words, and I was right and not exaggerating because I was talking about all those crimes as a whole being countless, not the rapes and murders specifically. Rapes and murders occasionally, muggings and assaults much more common, and probably rarely reported if they are happening in conjunction with the drug activity. All things considered the incidents of violent crime are pretty much countless.
Looks a bit like you intentionally misrepresented what I said to pigeonhole me and disregard my opinion rather than address the obviously concerning reality. Makes you go hmmm a little bit.
You said Berlin is the rape and murder capital of the world. And now you are backpedaling. The absolute state of Jow Forums.
>You said Berlin is the rape and murder capital of the world
Oh did I? Please point out to me where I said that.
>Actually I read my original post again because I forgot my exact words, and I was right and not exaggerating
>I'm not anti immigration and I'm not a Jow Forumstard
>The absolute state of Jow Forums
Looks a little bit like you're mentally retarded there friend. Did you find me some statistics or are you just going to talk shit?
>my school has literally zero muslims afaik
There you have it .Middle class white suburban baby tell you "its greatly exaggerated".
There is literally (LITERALLY) a young swedish girl, who must be around 15 now, who was raped by an immigrant when she was 12 (TWELVE) who is now being terrorized by the immigrant rapist and his buddies. I forgot whether he got a few months jail time or just community service but the punishment was laughable and doesn't come close to what he has done to the girl and her family since then.
It goes without saying that the p*lice don't do shit about the harassment campaign targeting the child he raped.
Are most of the muslims niggers from north africa? Or are they actually arabs? The black ones are always the worst
It's always the way man.
As I understand Somalis are the worst almost everywhere you go. My country has very few and the one I got to know was a really good dude and actually pretty much the personality of a beta white dude, but I think most of the time it's Somalis who are the most niggerish in Europe.
>granade attacks in places like malmo
>no go zones
>somalians and blattar sell drugs even Teens
>go to workcenter all full off immigrants
>go into welfare office 80% immigrants
>i've had personal problems with them all bad
use to be text in swedish and some finnish...now there is fucking arabic and somali text everywhere. a whole new era of trash
in my city there were arabs who robbed ppl at a nearby park.
also ive walked by arab gangs and they shout at me "fucking swede"
>FUCKING citizen of the country that decided to welcome me, provide me with food, shelter and a job
It's looking mighty fine OP. Move along.
>The UN census is secretly a nazi dogwhistle
It's been stated time and time again that Sweden does not report rape in the same way that most countries do.
An abusive husband "raping" his wife hundreds of times over the course of a marriage would at best count as ONE instance of rape in most countries (but probably not even that.)
But in Sweden they would add each individual instance to the statistics.
Basically nogs and muslims rape a lot but the statistics are worthless because they are not carried out the same way.
>staying in Berlin
>across of goerlitzer park which is known everywhere in Germany for exactly the reason you gave.
Sorry but if you stay in such a shit place it's your own fault and is not representative of the country as a whole. Like judging the USA as a whole by only visiting Flint Michigan.
Its exaggerated. If anything arab immigration is the best thing to happen to Sweden. The place is basically a haven for pale colored people caused by malignant recessive genes.
I'm not judging the whole country, I'm judging that area. The OP asked if it is really bad or if it is exaggerated, I gave an example of how it can be really that bad and possibly even worse than expected, but as I clearly stated, not even all immigrant areas are anywhere near that bad, let alone the whole country.
It was not my fault in my opinion because a place like that should not exist in Germany, and besides even if I had done some research there is a lot of conflicting information because so many people are trying to downplay the problem.
I'm not afraid of rough areas with a lot of crime, I come from one and stayed in a few in other cities which seemed not really that bad, this place was something else entirely.
Yes, it's exaggerated. There are issues, shit happens, politicians are retards, too much money is wasted on it. It's worse than it was and should be, but it's not actually bad. It's still better than pretty much everywhere else.
I live in the middle of the 'red zone' and honest to god, my muslim friends are as appaled as me when it comes to criminality and whatnot.
It's as bad as they make it seem, I can't walk five miles in my city without seeing one of them. One of these days they're going to take over if we don't do something about them immediately, and they'll be worse than ever Hitler or Mussolini you can imagine.
this is as close to the truth as you're gonna get, OP.
>They just had that dead look in their eyes, purely reptilian with no human emotion,
I see that a lot, in all people, some more than others. That plus those almost calloused sunken eyes, people who have their facial structure stuck on that expression a rodent has when it has seen food but it's calculating the risk of taking a bite + dealing with being a hollow shell filled with animal hunger, as if some humans are just less detailed than others, inside and out.
In Sweden, if you are accused of rape, you have to prove that you got consent. Basically if you get accused you get convicted.
>five miles
If you're going to LARP at least do it correctly
Yeah I'd encountered it before in different races and environments, but I have noticed you see it a lot both in the hoods in the US and in Africa. I'm not saying it's a black thing necessarily because it may be more to do with growing up in difficult environments where they are basically treated as animals from an early age, and obviously the majority of black people are not like that, seems to be more prevalent with them though.
Wrong. Stop spreading Jow Forums untruths.
meme from americans to make tthemselves feel better.
humorous and underrated post my white brother
brown people are retarded: news at 11
If you're a poorfag in live in a scuffed suburb then yes, but if you're middle class and up you'll be fine
Pretty bad Sweden now has way more young boys than girls because of immigration but the lefties chose not to see that as a problem. So tons of Swedes are gonna be pretty much forced to be lonely incels now because of our politics... Here's a sauce, we even have more young boys compared to girls than CHINA
People need to talk about this more imo, this will be a huge problem in the future. Either you have to make it culturally acceptable to import your wife or the society will turn violent because of all the lonely men
>hanif bali
But why is this a problem? What issues did China face?
It is extremely, extremely bad but not really in the meme ways you see on Jow Forums and such. All the autistic cuckyness is exaggerated, but there are indeed entire cities comprised of shitskins. However, they live in a completely parallel society to us and we really don't see much of each other.
Anyway, "civil" war is extremely likely within the next 20 years, and that is the best case scenario. The mudslimes would be quickly wiped out and we'd be able to restore our nation. The same thing that's happening in the rest of Europe is happening here, shitskins are imported to "boost" the economy through enslaving themselves with debt immediately and forever, and to be used as voting cattle for leftist parties to stay in power forever. However, once the muslims have enough retarded inbred niglet babies, they will start forming Sharia parties and obviously block vote for that across the board. Then you will see Swedes start block voting together in direct opposition to that, until one side gets over 50% and the other side loses, and since neither side will accept that, it means civil war. Still, like I said, that would be the absolute best case scenario. Pic related would be the worst.
You don't see how having significantly more boys than girls would cause any problems?
What this guy says. It's greatly exaggerated. I spend my time in Uppsala and Gothenburg, two of the problem areas, and the issues are mostly contained to a few areas (the ones where all the immigrants end up). I haven't noticed any effect at all in my daily life.
>Implying the pic hasn't already been happening for 30 years
>Implying it is immigrants to blame and not capitalism
The capitalists have managed to manipulate course of socialism to a capitalist based welfare state obsessed with invented problems and trivial distractions. Growing awareness of the true nature of society's structure got them spooked, so now they are importing enemies of the people in the name of """socialism""" in order to make people pick a side in this contrived moral dilemma and stop the people from realizing who the real enemy is.
actual swede here, it has gotten a lot better past few years but there are certain zones in stockholm and malmo that are filled to the brim with them (poorer suburbs) but if you live anywhere else in the entire country or in richer areas they're a rare sight
This is about gender disparities in violent deaths, not the effects of an unbalanced gender ratio.
The article states that this number is calculated from adding every asylum applicant, assuming 100% will be granted. Which obviously will not happen.
>Sharia parties
Take your pro-rapefugee propaganda to Jow Forums, Shlomo.
>Which obviously will not happen.
You don't know Sweden very well do you?
Less than half, closer to a third right now.
There is no capitalism anywhere in the world. We're rife with Jewish crony """capitalism""", though.
Already exists in Belgium and they are not a small party.
from sweden here
will base this not on some fucking statistics but instead on my own experience and on how it ACTAULLY effects me. first of all yeah it is over exaggerated but not untrue. it has become more like in the us where the places of shooting and shit affects the immigrants more than swedes, but of course if you live in these immgiirant ghettos specially malmo it might be hard but since im living a bit further north jonkoping to be precise i do not feel dangerd at all as the majority of them just work and you see them in town not being troubling at all, the only difference is that they might talk louder or be in a happier mood than the rest but unless you are completely disgusted and just an incel it does not hurt anyone.
in terms of quantity of them, no sweden is not overrun by muslims at all, we have certanly become more diverce but i think all and all about 10-13% are muslims in sweden tho people from other countries than sweden is 20% but then other europen countries are being counted. now they will seem like more than just 10-13% but that is because most of them live in a city and only 2-3% came from recent years
now criminality has increased but I think it will soon or is starting to decrease as sweden is fully aware of it and the type of criminality that is popular is the one involving smuggling drugs and weapons. did encounter a group like that nothing more that i saw them at a fine resturant 50 arabs and they had clearly got the money from something like that. Sweden is not an hell hole and is fully possible to visit, maybe don`t go in the ghettos if I can give any advice and specially at night then. just know that some of these guys that live in sweden are nazis that basicly get their day ruined as soon as they see a woman walk with a hijab in the town,
>just know that some of these guys that live in sweden are nazis that basicly get their day ruined as soon as they see a woman walk with a hijab in the town
you do know that those muslim women wearing hijabs all have 20 inbred shitskin babies each, right? that means classrooms full of allahu akbar tier rapists. how will sweden look one or two generations from now?
so you're part of the 99 percent white part of sweden huh
I guess you know how it truly is then huh, welp, better keep importing the muslims, but not to where you live though, amirite
Don't give the Jow Forumstard facts, they confuse him and make him angry.
t. anti white cuck
go kill yourself if you're white pls
>Already exists in Belgium and they are not a small party.
It is a small party, they don't even have a single representative. Stop spreading disinformation, Shlomo. We won't let you destroy the white race.
Remember that not all whites are worth saving.
A good portion of whites want their own destruction.
Treat those traitor whites as though you would treat a nigger.
Beat them up if you could get away with it too.
(You), got me to reply, nice bait dessu.
Swede here. 30 years old. Anyone younger than me is automatically disqualified from commenting on this issue because Sweden, the real Sweden, simply did not exist for them to remember. It is like the frog that is boiled slowly, each generation grows up in a progressively worse society and they don't notice it, because it was already kinda shit when they were born.
Sweden used to be a literal white paradise. Safe, rich, incredible rate of inventions, engineering etc. I have travelled to almost every country on this earth and I genuinely believe that nothing would compare to an all white, all Swedish Sweden. and it is all going down the drain. I live in Malmo, which is by far the city most affected by the mass immigration. If you want to visit Sweden, you should stay out of cities. Go to the north where you may still experience a true nordic landscape, nature and atmosphere. Do not visit cities.
>source: trust me dude
sweden is shit and importing niggers was a mistake, period
Because tons of single men totally won't be an issue. Females are already hypergamous as it is, how do you think it will be when males will outnumber females by a lot?
>explains the already existing numbers of 10-13%
>thinks adding that each woman has 20 children will increse those percentage
if we are going to go for some statistics and hope that the goverment don`t inport more the numbers wont change as swedes and assimilated swedes only get 2 childs per family
>le true Sweden
You're 30, not 80. You have experienced hardly anything and are not qualified to say anything about "true Sweden".
You criticize his source but where's yours? Your ass?
Implying anyone that was born after me was taught anything about Sweden and our history. The school system here is now a tool of indoctrination for multicultural values.
Literally shut the fuck up about this. You are not a native to this country. You have not grown up here and you know nothing. Even growing up in the early 90s you could tell the difference. Born after the new millenia? No fucking chance.
How do you know anything about your school system if you're 30? By reading about it on Jow Forums? You are a NEET and a virgin, correct?
By living in this fucking country and part taking in society? I'm fucking thirty. You don't think I have colleagues and friends who send their kids to school? I am neither of those things. Jesus christ, how fucking dumb are you. Do you not know anything about how your own government and society works? Can't you tell me about the school system of your country? If not you are probably a NEET yes.
I seriously doubt the Swedish school system is a "tool of indoctrination for multicultural values". You are clearly just a delusional butthurt Jow Forumstard.
you see a lot of brown people but that's about it. at least in norrland
>Be from New Zealand
>Everyone thinks it is the best country in the world but it's not
>Get annoyed with Eurofaggot retards who come here thinking it is the best country in the world without really knowing what its like to live here
>Crime and violence is a totally normal part of life in shitty areas
>On social issues where Europeans are open minded and progressive New Zealanders are closed minded and reactionary
>Wages only just enough to cover the ridiculous cost of living
>It's hardly the worst country on earth but seriously behind most first world countries, especially if you live in a shitty area
>Dream of one day moving to one of the actual best countries in the world like Sweden
>European countries decide to import crime and violence since their own people almost never engage in it
>Become far too """progressive""" on social issues to the point where they lose touch with reality in favour of ideology
>So much tax money goes to supporting these people that they aren't rich anymore
>Ruin what were once the best countries in the world
>Had hoped New Zealand would get better and catch up to Scandinavia, Germany etc but instead they just got worse to come down to our level
>New Zealand is now best in the world by default
>Forced to accept that the Eurofaggot retards were right, but for the exact opposite reasons they thought
It hasn't quite got to that point yet but I think it will in my lifetime. Based Estonia is looking pretty good right now desu.
It is exaggarated. No go areas are not a thing , their main Capital had a ghetto though in which a few muslims radicalized. The government is not giving them everything , thats a myth for every european country that took immigrants. Rape also didnt increase. Laws were reformed that much so that touching a women without consent can get you a fine which goes into the statistic. But also , calling someone an idiot can be considered a crime in most countries.
>No go areas are not a thing
Why have I seen interviews with Swedish police saying they do not go to certain areas in Malmo?
Dont ever post again without knowing what you're talking about. Fuckface
Because you have not seen actual interviews but cherrypicked soundbites compiled by Alex Jones.
Are you a fucking efterbliven javla idiot? Our police last year released a fucking map over 55 official no go zones (which is far from enough), but that is literal black on white no go zones.
first fucking sentence lmfao
"I Sverige finns i nulaget 55 geografiska omraden dar lokala kriminella natverk anses ha
negativ paverkan pa lokalsamhallet."
When I see shit like this I start to wonder about all these Jow Forums conspiracies about (((a certain group))) astroturfing and spreading propaganda about stuff like this. Even the best case scenario where this is all hugely overblown and exaggerated wouldn't go so far as this post.
I fear there is an attempt at some trickery going on in this thread.
are you referring to the guy I was replying to
But that's wrong you fucking retarded loser. I have never watched anything by Alex Jones other than to laugh at him, I have however seen full, in depth interviews with uniformed police officers discussing the issues. Same from Denmark.
Yes, I was agreeing with you and elaborating with my thoughts about his post.
oh yea, l agree, he's blatantly ignorant
He doesn't leave his basement and gets all his information on Jow Forums. Did you expect any facts from him?
He doesn't know what he is talking about. I'm from Malmo, I've lived here for 30 years. Just today they blew up a convenience store btw tell me more about the safety of this city. Or take a strol there yourself good luck.