The Absolute State of Marriages

You should never ever get married

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true but
>world's richest man becomes half as rich
it's like a late christmas gift

That's why you marry someone richer than you, duh.

t. man married to girl with a big fucking inheritance

But Bill Gates is the richest man on earth

Pretty sure Oprah didn't inherit her money.

Unless youre a man of integrity and wont cheat every chance you get.
>money is everything
Then he can kill her and not have to pay a cent. 50 year olds getting divorced are not something youd understand, kiddo

Is Bloomberg trying to tell Bezos' wife to divorce him here?

nope, bezos trumps him by around 60 billion

You can't stop them

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Bill Gates has given away a bunch of his money unlike Lex Luthor here.

he gave 2 billions to education in usa. Bill gates is exporting his wealth to Africa

>she is stealing half the money of this faggot shabbos goy
Fucking based

>b-but my pride and ego
When the game is rigged against you, you have to play smart.

Because normal people understand you cannot forever have a continent of niggers.
You'll never be able to live life on easy mode with UBI so long as there are people vastly inferior to yourself. While the white race (and Japs + Koreans which are basically Japs) is pure and blissful, others are lagging behind by a wide margin. For the better of everyone, we should at least try to bring them to our level.

And if that fails we can always just bomb the fuck out of the shithole places. The Man In The High Castle did it. Nuked the shit outta Africa.

this is why you marry an Asian woman. western women are the biggest gold diggers on the planet and will drop you as soon as they get bored or think they can do better. Which is always.

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>Be one of the richest, most accomplished men on the planet
>Still put the pussy on a pedestal and get fucked over by women who are way out of your league but totally love you for who you are on the inside
I'm a fucking moron and even I know a gold-digging whore when I see one. How do these geniuses keep falling for it?

lol oprah is the apex self made woman and even her networth is going to be a fraction of bezos ex wife after the divorce, the top 5 richest women in the world inherited their money

Why can't women be creative like men and become billionares

>25 year marriage and freedom to fuck tons of other women
>fucked over
he's not struggling bro

man if I was bezos I'd build a huge glass skyscraper in a country where prostitution was legal and turn it into a giant harem, complete with scouting agency, training academy, multiple swimming pools, on-site cosplay and fashion production facilities, etc.

pic related cost 2 billion to build and bezos has 130 billion

this might be a brainlet take, but why don't more billionaires build their own towers?

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mansions are more efficient lol. tower might make sense in a city but living in the city is shit

Cool things like monuments are often a middle class affair, and there's no middle class anymore

desu if i could just marry rich and divorce i would do that instead of putting in any effort. most people would because most people are lazy shits

because rich people don't become rich by spending a fuckton of money on useless crap

He ain't that rich bro that kinda thing sounds like some sultan ass shit.

A mansion like other user said yeah

towers are only good if you can't get away from the poor people otherwise you just have compounds which if you're rich enough are just your own town to yourself

>literally the richest man in the world
>He ain't that rich bro

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Yeah but let's face it there's hella unreported richer people. There's so much invisible money flying around in this world bro

In this case it is deserved, it isn't some dumb roast randomly leaving and robbing him like normal, it is well known he is a complete asshole towards other people including his family.

It is deserved, women deserve to have their peak be some cunt who divorced well. This is the defining moment of the female gender.

> but why don't more billionaires build their own towers?
A typical tower costs around 200 million to a billion dollars, while a mansion typically goes from 5 - 500 mill. Beyond the cost it is bad for PR, for example the richest guy on india built a skyscraper as his house, and it overlooks the slums. Everyone hates him for it.

Marriage seriously seems to be simply a delayed loss of happiness and income for any guy.
Especially after a certain level of income, you should never consider that shit deal and simply pay women by the hour as a rule.

sure, I don't doubt heads of state like Putin and Xi possibly have more. However they are technically public servants bound by political decorum lol, not like they can publicly flaunt it

In any case, that is something billionaires definitely COULD do, even on a smaller scale. But so far the only real world case I'm aware of is hugh heffner and his playboy mansion, and he wasn't even that rich. There's also dan bilzerian but imo he clearly does not have the money to pull it off but tries to show off on social media anyways and the result is sad to look at. Maybe they're doing it in secret idk haven't looked into this shit

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>pay women
So close yet so far

Because you believe in some shadow world of rich people the richest man alive ain't that rich?

I'd love to go if they ever build something like that. I think there needs to be more edgy and progressive billionaires in the future.

dan bilzeran's life must be so unfulfilling

Better than believing in aliens. We don't even know that much about ourselves yet.

So will Asians. All women, regardless of where they're from or the color of their skin, are looking for a big score.

Believe me, after seeing friends and my uncle get completely fucked over in marriages. I'm steering clear from such stuff.

>yfw 256 females are billionaires and we can confirm 5 at least are divorces that took money
>come to the conclusion that no women can make money from this

im not saying i dont agree with you though

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One day he will realize and it will be a glorious awakening for him.

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Has there ever been a time in history of a man being a gold digger?

Like a legit celebrity.

The absolute state of "female entrepreneurs"

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women are disgusting soulless indignant whores incapable of emotion for others and you can't ever trust any of them even slightly

90% of his wealth is Amazon stock, making it mostly illiquid. If he tries selling off a significant portion, the value of the stock will be savaged. The same thing goes for her if she gets a lot of it. As for Sultan Mohammed al Fucko, he sold a shitload of oil for USD, which means that his wealth starts out as cash, and his main job is to invest it so that it grows and he's less exposed to a USD crash.

men make their fortunes off of others via capitalism.

women make their fortunes off of men via feminism.


Russell Brand, Kevin Federline, Justin Theroux, that guy who married Kim Kardashian for a few days, etc. It's the same story no matter who you are. You get some money, people start trying to con you out of it. And yeah, this is starting to happen for middle-income people where the woman is the main breadwinner in the family, too.

>tfw never want marriage or kids
>accidentally get girl pregnant
>now I am practically married to her against my will
>if I "leave" she can take my assets
Forget marriage, don't even have sex with girls. My life is fucking over.
And yes I used protection.

Hold on you missed a part of the cycle
>men make their fortunes off of others via capitalism.
>women make their fortunes off of men via feminism.
>women spend the most amount of money fueling capitalism.
And so the cycle continues, balanced as it should be.

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>women are literally leeches

Look up the rothschilds

Central banks arent some shadow organization, user. The family that owns them owns your money and the money of many other countries.
Every dollar printed is a dollar owed to them.
>they aren't counted in wealthy people lists because they're part of a "royal family"
>even though they never ruled a country

he was on joe rogan's show saying "money doesn't make you happy" while appearing genuinely lost some months or years ago. I recall reading he really wanted to be a navy SEAL or us special forces but his health problems fucked him over

check out his insta, the harem pics just seem off

better than nothing i guess

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men are leeches too, after all he made his fortune off of the work of others.


yeah no shit hes unhappy, thats too many women in the room and not a single bro

No he made the money off his own work.

You don't make that kind of money off your own work.

Anyway hard to shed a tear over richfags getting less rich, if I had my way they'd lose a lot more than half.

fucking feggot

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It's called working smart. He is completely self made and not even in a taking advantage of others way, he ran a store.

>braindead communist worships women

ran a store, and used the paid labor of others to make his fortune. and women carefully marry such a man and make their fortune.


what is your definition of white user?

yeah i heard he's had a few heart attacks. from what i've read about him he just spends money on escorts to show off an extravagant lifestyle he can't really afford full time and i imagine its really sad when you're surrounded by women who are there to work and not actually are attracted to you

haahahhahaah fucking white knight faggot gtfo
>run a store and let a woman take half of your work in terms of money/power
you really call that balance ? fucking idiot

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I imagen the main ones that stick around him probably nag him as well
Imagen being nagged by more than one women a day, on paper that life seems nice until you consider that.

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Bezos made his money in one of the straightest ways possible - graduated university with an engineering degree, had an idea to sell books online back in the 1990s, got a loan from a bank since he didn't have enough money, started his business as a 1-man operation, and went from there

Imo that's far more respectable than inheriting it, trading stocks or crypto, what Trump did, the way Chinese factory bosses get rich despite operating in a theoretically communist country, etc


he just needs at most 2-3 women to sex. and the times hes not fuckin em he needs to be chillin with his BROS.