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first for zeus is a nonce
How many kids do you lads want?
Unbelievable the amount of nonceposing lately. Better be some wigs split at the middle meet. Poley, I want a full blog rundown like last time. Cant make it myself lads, but have fun.
What's the laws on noncing lads? I'm not a nonce but I'm genuinely curious about this.
What's going to stop a 40 year old nonce from having a 13 year old boyfriend as long as he's only kissing him and has never had sex with him? Isn't that completely legal or what? Or does it count as grooming or something?
Yet another episode of the undateables where all the females get bfs but the guys get nothing.
>That episode where the girl was "undateable" because she was in a wheelchair.
Laughing my ass off family
It's sexual activity. If a 16 year old boy kisses a girl aged 15 years and 364 days it's illegal
at school my 16 year old friend was going out with a 13 year old. i found it really weird and stopped hanging out with him.
if you nonce you're a nonce, empoleon nonce.
Surely kissing isn't classed as sexual activity? Parents would be committing crimes every time they kissed their kids
I miss my dog, lads.
dead now though
Its funny, when I watch other autistic guys on that show I can see all of the cringy stuff they do which puts the girls off, but if you were to put me in that situation I would probably do some horrific things without realizing too.
Like there's a guy going on about dinosaurs and singing a clingon song from startrek, the girl didn't look too interested. Makes you wonder what kind of stuff we do to annoy people without our knowing.
>houseshare has five rooms but only four of us
>me, two other guys and a girl, all white
>girl has a bf that's around sometimes
>fifth guy moved in on Monday
>black guy
>literally this morning saw him leave the girl's room in his boxers
>gave the girl a 'what the fuck?' look when I saw her
>she just says "what?!" and rolls her eyes
just like that she goes and cheats on her bf
why is the world full of such shit people?
God the average British citizen is a fucking idiot. It pains me to say it but its true. Jesus Christ.
I'd tell the bf about it, say something like "oh I thought you broke up".
As an added bonus the nigger might move out.
knock her out and put her in her place
I don't watch it because second-hand embarrassment kills me. Just the description of some sped singing a Klingon song disturbs me greatly.
Normies are the worst offenders though. I don't care how "polite" society deems it is, I hate normalfucks asking me "so what did u do on the weekend" like seriously you don't fucking care and neither do I. My actual friends never ask me shit like that because they're not normies and it's wonderful.
oi lad you cummin to da footie later lad?
Feeling lazy but just imagine I replied with something racist and sexist
Do what this bloke says You wouldn't want to answer for it when it eventually comes to light, and I'd hope that someone would do it for you as well
Disgusting lad. It's bad enough when girls sleep with black men but cheating on her bf with one is basically animal tier mentality.
t. middle class nonce on the way home from watching Romeo and Juliet at the theatre
I want nightwalk user to make a brainlet of me
Yeah I'm gonna say something to him when I see him next. Gonna have the inevitable bitchy backlash from her, but fuck it, I'm not the bad person here.
If it were a different time lad...
That's okay I appreciate the sentiment.
Yeah will do.
It's so absurd to me, like really why would she do it? Is it just muh vag?
>tfw got work with old folk later
fockin kill me lads
cremate me after you cum on my lips
honey boy
Basically every girl I've met who is attracted to black guys or sleeps with them has incredibly poor impulse control and are generally slags. I don't try to over analyse it. I simply write them off as people.
why is the uk cucked lads? russia has killed people in our country and we do fuck all. if russians killed me i'd haunt the uk government until they did something about it.
Definitely, act like you're really surprised to see him at the house. He'll want to know why you're surprised to see him there.
Do it when the nigger is there but don't let anyone see you speaking to him, niggers are violent creatures and probably won't want to risk you getting him thrown out.
Russia pushes our boundaries because they know we won't do anything about it, and nobody starts big wars with major players anymore as we've all got nukes.
That's why Putin invaded Ukraine when he did, since they had no nukes and weren't part of NATO.
What were these used for
We probably killed plenty of people in other countries
Some lad made them for the world cup and stuck them in local football pubs.
anxiety is bad today lads. Don't know why, fucking hate this tbqh.
That's great. I might make some Norf F.C. ones and stick them in the toilets at work
Might order a pizza and go get more cans
fucking do it lad DOO ITTTTTTTTTTTT
Like these? Football hooligans should be rounded up and put in pens for our amusement.
Ok I've did it
I used to work with this bloke who was obviously some kind of closeted homo because he absolutely hated gay people but had some obsession with touching the lads at work and basically going "haha n-no homo".
He posts Norf shit on Facebook all the time and one of those plebs who bitches about "muh beautiful sport" being ruined by sponsers or some shit and then posts videos of foreigners beating the shit out of each other after futbul games have been won or lost or whatever and captions it with "this is what TRUE futbul is ;-;"
I don't get it. Imagine being such a fag that you get genuinely outraged at a bunch of jigaboos failing at running around kicking a ball into a net that you go and start a riot.
He was also one of those people who said video games were for losers until the 22 year old girl he obviously liked said she was playing Halo on the weekend and then suddenly he changed his mind.
The state of this country.
Day 3 of nofap. My power grows. GTK! RWN!
Gotta change my sheets and make my bed, lads. Wish me luck. Don't think I'll survive this time.
Daily reminder that it is a night walk as soon as it gets dark.
Cam on user change those fackin sheets
Its bizarre, besides chasing a ball around a field with other men is totally not gay.
I've seen those kinds of normiebook posts too, my neighbor is one of them and most of his posts are him and other middle aged men circle-jerking over the latest football match, or pictures of him getting drunk and watching football (also with other men).
Did your school have a big football presence too?
>hating gays makes you gay
That's Freudian and he's been debunked to Hell with his treatments being less effective than no treatment.
might go out for a cheeky 3:30pm nightwalk tonight then
Sounds good matey i might join you
>Did your school have a big football presence too?
YES it was all those stupid fucks would talk about. It was 2006 when I left highschool and this is just around the time video games were getting more socially acceptable, so I never really got to discuss nerd shit I liked with other kids at school because everyone was just talking about Nbungu scoring goals for Norf F.C.
I only noticed a few years later that the kids who had the short "styled" hair and the certain clothes were all emulating their favourite Norf F.C. players. How fucking gay do you have to be to want to LARP as a footballer. Jesus Christ.
What was even more turbo cringe was when we were forced into playing football in P.E. and shit. We were supposed to do other stuff in the curriculum but all the soccer legends complained so we just did football solid for like 4 years. I didn't even bother participating and just hung out with the grebs laughing at the soccer legends running around screaming and crying at each other over a school game of football and doing that "hands on head with look of disbelief" thing that football players do all the time like they had a camera on them. Looking back it's really fucking hilarious.
Not him. I remember when video games suddenly became "cool", i swear it was because of call of duty 4. Everyone was the same in my school, all obsessed with football, but fortunately i had a very small group that consisted of fellow nerdy autists. I literally never done P.E, i would make up an excuse everytime until eventually the teacher stopped asking lol.
Nonce Hunter 2: The Noncening
Actually user I do tell a lie, video games were socially acceptable but only to a certain degree. Most of the chav kids would play GTA and listen to the nigger music in the game and then try and act like niggers. This was the other side of the school. The school division was pretty much this:
>Chavs or "the kids who think they are hard because they smoke at 15"
>"Chav Soccer Legends" (Not exactly chavs but they were the ones LARPing as footballers, and there was usually a crossover with the Chavs).
>Grebs/Metalheads/Nerds (generally the guys I hung out with because they were the most autistic and most fun).
>Literally whos who don't fit in anywhere.
While the Chav Soccer Legends were emulating Mohammed Unbunga, the Chavs themselves clearly played too much GTA:SA and started thinking they were black.
One particularly embarrassing thing they did was start a gang called "The 6.9 Crew" and tagged some walls with black spray paint that just said "6.9 Crew" in regular handwriting. No art behind it or anything. No need to tag it. My town is full of old people and charity shops. What were they a gang of? We may never know.
>virgin shut-ins in charge of gatekeeping what is or isn't gay
Let me guess, watching anime and wanking all day isn't gay.
Chav soccer legend detected
Reminder that coffee is redpilled l.
Reply to me if you agree or if you are currently sipping? If not where are you not sipping a coffee?
buzzin for my lad
Too fucking right it is lad. Be sinking some of this in a bit.
Oh god same here, every lad was a wannabe footballer with the same hair styles, t-shirts and team branded bags.
Even in other lessons they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it or what went on during that breaks football match. Our school was branded as a sports college, but given the area it was in I doubt the science college down the road was any different. After the school day had ended all you could see was kids playing football on the fields and in the streets, they lived a breathed it and if you didn't think like them you would be the subject of ridicule.
I've still got old school photos from the early 00's and every lad has got spiky hair with blonde highlights or a mohawk.
Unfortunately I was too weird for the outcasts so spent my later years as a loner, I left after that and went someplace where football wasn't really the be all and end all (it was heaven).
I don't hate people for liking a certain sport, but it gets a bit much when its all they go on about and expect every other lad to be super sporty like them.
I prefer tea, coffee gives me the shits.
might have to give it up lad, get panic attacks every time i drink a cup
been a devoted coffee drinker for years
Ok where is my pizza
Well, yeah, i agree that the average lad always played gta and fifa, but a lot of things beyond that were seen as nerdy, at least that's how it was in my school.
Funny thing is that me and my mates actually left the house quite regularly despite gaming being our major interest at the time.
Don't think the lads at my school started any cringy gangs and tbqh the main "group" that disliked me and my mates were actually alternative normies that were in a band. The chavs mostly left us alone, a few befriended us because they got into gaming, while the alt normies hated us for whatever reason. The alt normies were obsessed with football and classic rock, rather than being obsessed solely with football like the chavs.
Heard poleaboo is really looking forward to the meet because Birmingham will feel like home for him
What years are we talking about here? I was in school during the early 00's and lived in a poorer area so video games hadn't really made it around here yet, I still remember 2005 and kids thinking I was weird for having my own laptop and broadband at home.
What's the biggest lie you told on britfeel?
"I live in Germany and work as a self employed creative consultant"
That my parents are rich and I made lots of money from bitcoin.
that I wanna cum in Moni after forcefeeding her 4 shots of alchy at midlands meet
>I don't hate people for liking a certain sport, but it gets a bit much when its all they go on about and expect every other lad to be super sporty like them.
That's it, lad. I don't even hate football myself, I find it an enjoyable sport especially when the World Cup is on and I can place a cheeky tenner on England losing. But they act as though it's the be-all-and-end-all of everything for some reason. That IT Crowd episode "Are We Not Men?" really hits the nail on the head with the normalfag fascination with football and how they deem you as a lesser human if you're just not interested.
Reminder that - for instance - if your only interest was Star Trek and you went around yelling about how other people who didn't like Star Trek were subhumans and it was the only thing you ever talked about. You go to school and talk about Star Trek, you go home and watch it. All your friends do is watch and talk about Star Trek. You'd get diagnosed with low-functioning Autism for fuck sake, but it's okay when the footballfags do it? Typical NPC nonsense I'll never understand.
It's a lot better being an adult because other adults soon cotton on that you're not interested and talk about other things, but as a 16 year old it was torture.
>Did you watch Norf F.C beat Souf F.C. last night?
>Sorry I'm not interested in football.
>footballconversation.exe has stopped responding.
>The alt normies were obsessed with football and classic rock, rather than being obsessed solely with football like the chavs.
That's so funny, user. The 15 year old Boomers. My friends and I enjoyed 80s rock and metal and the Chavs made fun of us because they all listened to 50 Cent and thought they were in gangs.
I was in high school from 2003-2006 I think, I remember talking to lads about Halo 2 but no one was really interested. I even went to a gaming convention (only one I've ever been to in my life) and they thought that was really weird.
Whichever years you want, so long as you agree with their long-winded and rambling posts in their entirety.
Probably that I owned a home on Portobello road worth about 2.8 million and receive about 80,000/year in rental income. Ive kept this LARP alive for quite awhile, giving it sporadic mentions
you just know they got their heads kicked in by the football players at school
>I was in school during the early 00's and lived in a poorer area
exactly the same. Gaming started to become completely mainstream in around 2007-8, at least here.
I have not been massively into games since about 18 btw.
t. Norf. FC.
t. Souf FC
Now kiss
>My friends and I enjoyed 80s rock and metal and the Chavs made fun of us because they all listened to 50 Cent and thought they were in gangs.
The alt normies had good social skills, were funny and sorta mates with the chavs so they got away with it. Although the chavs did take the piss out of them for it sometimes but only in a banterish way.
>That IT Crowd episode "Are We Not Men?"
I've not seen that before, checking it out now.
I've really been enjoying reading this conversation tbqh.
>you just know they got their heads kicked in by the football players at school
Pretty much. All gay football players though, who went on to have far more successful lives than these really really straight, intellectual anons.
But they certainly all turned out gay.
Anyone forced to play rugby in school? Now that was gay, ruffing it up with other guys in the mud.
>he didn't hang around with the emo kids for free weed
I didn't and don't smoke weed because I'm not a degenerate.
I didn't actually have a problem with the football lads/chavs, they were mostly ok with my autist gang and we were on friend terms with some, it was the alt normies i mostly disliked.
Why do anime girls have that one little tooth
Makes you wonder how it is in schools these days, as everyone our age has since become merged into one (except the real losers like me).
Kids from 2005 who enjoyed video games and not sports are now hanging out with the lads who spent all day on a football pitch, they've all become friendly with each-other on normiebook.
Rugby is a fine sport. My problem with being forced to play rugby is that it's a full on contact sport, but not everybody is built for it. I'm a short guy with a slim build and I got fucking merked every time we played rugby because I simply don't have the body for it. If someone five inches taller than me and 40lbs heavier slams into me I have literally no chance. None; it's just physics. So why am I (and other small kids) being forced to play a contact sport against much larger people who slam me into the fucking ground every time I have the ball?
At least divvy up the teams by height or weight or something like that, or maybe let the students pick from a range of different sports instead. Or hell just let us in the gym for two hours - we only ever used it for a few months a year and the rest of the time it just sat the unused.
It's considered 'cute' in Japan.
>He did drugs in highschool
n*rmoid detected
Not once actually, although I hung out with the autist metalheads - who also had their share of closeted bum bandits - I got along with a lot of people and even the Chav Soccer Legends seemed to like me. I was doodling some shit in Flash during an IT lesson and one of the regular wigger chavs started watching me doodle instead of paying attention to the lesson and told me I was talented which made me happy. Thank you based chav.
>Dominate any sport involving jumping like long jump and high jump or even basketball
>Get forced to play football
>tfw literally fucking shaking
Yeah, that is crazy. If you were boxing they'd have you in weight classes. It's fucking mental to just throw different sized kids into a rugby game.
Right. Think I may just get my lazy ass up and go out with my detector today. Leave house time half 2 to 3.
I shall update if I find anything good
Okay user I'm going to stop talking about Chav Soccer Legends because the Norfs are getting triggered.
Time to go pick up heavy objects and put them back down again and probably injure myself because it's fucking freezing. See you lads later.
A trip in the op image. What a narcissistic. He's said several times he's going to stop tripping too. Sad lad.