Are comic enthusiasts lower on the social totem pole than videogame enthusiasts?
Are comic enthusiasts lower on the social totem pole than videogame enthusiasts?
whats sadder a dude at a bar reading a comic or play a switch?
games are different media
you should compare comics to manga/anime
When I started collecting, comic books were below anime and video games, but still above tabletop gaming.
This was 20 years ago. It's interesting to see how much more open to talking comics people are than anime or video games. Even tabletop gaming gets a pass now.
Thanks for taking me to tha Vidya store, mom! Can we stop for a tendie meal on the way home???
>at a bar
The fuck is he doing there, he can drink and feel miserable at home.
yeah i never understood going to a bar to drink, it's twice as expensive and you have to put up with the noise and socialization around you, it's an overall miserable experience whereas you can spend a dollar for a pint of beer and another dollar for a half pint of whiskey and go home and waste away peacefully
comics are for over 30yo old guys, while games are for mainly youth, like games are an easy target of media, always blamed for causing crimes in media
i think collecting comics has been a kind of "dads hobby". so its higher i guess
I think it stems from the alcohol prohibition days, when you specifically HAD to go to a bar to get drunk in peace. Interesting to compare to the current weed legalization wave.
Maybe it would stink less without the dilation stations.
I would say for normies comic book geeks are higher on the social totem pole
I've been to Magic tournaments. It's not a good place to be if you can smell.
No way. I got into collecting comics two years ago and find that like 90% of people who read comics are for some reason socially active, (usually) well mannered, and well educated. Meanwhile, every idiot can pick up a controller. Just look at "discussions" in video games, it's usually low-life retards and ill-mannered assholes who play games online.
Also, all forms of reading will always be superior to just playing games, no mather whether it's intellectually or socially, and this comes from a person who has played games all his life
Yes, although that depends on the game.
Senran Kagura enthusiasts are pretty damn low on the totem pole...even if the games are legitimately fun and well designed.
Titties pretty much knock anything down a couple rungs.
Normies play videogames nowadays, m8.
Nobody cares about comics lol
Its also, y'know a place to socialize and meet people. The answer to my question though is its sadder to play a switch at a bar unless you;re their with someone also doing it. But say what you will about /v/irgins at least their medium isn't being eaten alive by films both building and destroying the whole arts styles (admittedly thin)reputation
I used to have to specifically avoid my old local comic shop on MTG nights because the place would suddenly like a hamster cage.
Bing bing wahoo
everyone >>> fortnite
Comics are starting to become normified now with the bugman movies more popular than ever
Went into a comic book/board game store in Norwich a few years ago, looked pretty packed but I figured I'd browse their comic and manga collection.
As soon as I stepped inside, my eyes started to tear up, the fucking smell was horrible. There were like 8 guys playing magic or Yugioh and they looked like they had never even heard the word hygiene or deodorant. Smelled like a bathroom with all the toilets being plugged up and having an extra 6 people's worth of curryshit spewed all over the bowl and the floor. My friend who went in with me ran out the door immediately but I pushed on.
I managed to quickly find a few volumes of a series I followed and quickly walked in line to pay. Don't remember if I waited 30 seconds or 15 minutes, it didn't matter. Somehow the smell kept getting worse, it felt thicker and made the air feel hot and sticky. The cashier was near the tables where these guys were and it felt humid being in their vicinity. And getting this close gave me a quick and unfortunate enough look at them. Underneath their hats, their hair looked so fucking slimy and oily that one could mistake them for just getting out the shower and only combing their hair back. Baby blue coloured t shirts had stains of brown and fucking green somehow, as if this one guys body had it's own ecosystem of fungus growing on him. They all looked like they were a few cheeseburgers short of getting their own 600 lb life spinoff, hell one of them even looked eerily similar to Steven Assanti. I look forward and the cashier is struggling with the card machine for fucks sake, I'm struggling to stand still and keep composed, each breath harder to take than the last. And then finally the last putrid smell hit me. If I closed my eyes and had to guess, I'd say someone was hanging a bucket below my nose filled with dead rats who were stewing in shit, ate one another and shat them out before dying. I drop the books and sprint out, never went back.
In my humble opinion to goes somewhat like this, please keep in mind that this is a chart for enthusiasts, not normies who have "geeky hobbies XD":
Foreign and Arthouse Film > "Yeah I'm an artist man" > Film buffs > Theatre Kids> Tabletop Players > Sci-Fi Junkies = Comic Book Fans > Horror Movie fans > GAMERS > Anime & Manga > "Real" JRPGs & VNs > Western J/K-Pop fans
Depends; fighting games arent exactly a niche video game. I would say speedrunners (and speedrunner spectators) are the worst. What is it with nintendo that attracts the exact caricature of manchilds.
Gamers are the scum on the bottom of society's boots. There is no lower life form.
Why are Marvel movies so fuckin popular?
They're boring as all Hell. Predictable in every aspect, one dimensional characters, same story arc every time, gratuitous CGI usage, unfunny one liners, etc.
I'm inclined to believe it's simply because we've reached the monoculture. Any and everything regarding pop culture is being poured into a melting pot to become easily digestible for everyone. Deviating from the norm no longer spawns anything other than rejection and ostracizing. Where are the groups of freakazoids? Literally everything is for everyone now. Music, movies, sports, media, television, Internet. There's no room for something different.
It's a first world problem, I know, but it's been talked about before.
thanks for this, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time