>high school filled with ignorant blacks
>go to an hbcu for college because of family obligation (and scholarship)
>holy shit there are so many ambitious black people
Going to an HBCU is a real boost in identity cause there are blacks of all types you can make friends with.
Why aren't more blacks doing this, robots?
High school filled with ignorant blacks
arent HBCUs expensive as fuck? meaning only boujie blacks can afford those schools
I'm pretty sure theyre free for black people
>create a HWCU
>people flip the fuck out
equality huh
It's a good step forward to living in a segregated society. Next step is shipping all the nigs to Africa and then we'll be a first world country again.
Because of the black stereotype that is glorified in Rap music
>t. white pretending to be black again
>whites respond and larp back and forth
>being this stupid
there are no 90% + white colleges and you know it faggot
history continues after segregation
Are you what they call an Uncle Tom?
Which hbcu bro? I went to Morehouse and that shit was TIGHT
Like 99% of the students there are on some financial aid, whether its scholarships or loans, but it depends if the school is a private university or a public one. Schools like Spelman and Morehouse are expensive as hell, but public universities like North Carolina A&T are relatively cheaper.
Imagine actually going to uni in 2019
Because most blacks are dumb as fuck due to shitty intellect genetics and thus don't even give a fuck about going to high school, let alone college.
You're among the best of your lot, so obviously you're going to be around people you want to be friends with or find interesting.
It's like asking why intelligent people move out of retard mining or agricultural towns.
I know that sounds snobby, but it's just the way it is.
>Which hbcu bro? I went to Morehouse and that shit was TIGHT
offensive white larp
Why do black people think theyre gourmet chefs because they dump 10 lbs of seasoning on 1 drumstick?
I wish I went to a HBCU going to a PWI makes me wanna kill myself constantly
Who the fuck eats drumsticks? Humans can't eat wood.
most colleges in america are already HWCU
the onlyreason HBCU'S are so predominantly black is because of geography and that the HWCU'S already have a name for themselves written in history
this is why he thinks you're dumb
>grew up in black neighborhood, high school I went to was 75% black or greater
>go to a university that is almost exclusively white
Feels weird lads. Like I got stripped of my identity a bit. I except both black and whitebots to call me mean things for this but I prefer the company of black people most times.
Obviously meant expect, not except. Outted as a phoneposter.
I go to the only HBCU in West Virginia, it is filled to the brim with the most backwoods fuckers on Earth. I know this is the "Wrong Turn" state but I know someone whose property has a fucking minefield.