I deserve a gf. I'm a good person, I have value to offer a female. Why do drug addicts and criminals get gf but I don't?
I deserve a gf. I'm a good person, I have value to offer a female. Why do drug addicts and criminals get gf but I don't?
>Why do drug addicts and criminals get gf but I don't?
probably because your worldview is faulty and you think that women only want drug addicts and criminals
to be fair though you're not completely wrong
I never said they only want anything, but it remains a fact that junkies and criminals get gf
>I deserve a gf
And you failed right there. Sorry user. That's where the druggies and addicts win. They just GET a gf without even pondering if they deserve one or not. The "I deserve x" meme is a huge trap.
every type of person gets a gf. i suspect you aren't that good at flirting/playfulness and also don't know how to appear attractive though. it's definitely a skill to be learned.
what potentially gf-acquiring activities are you engaged in right now user?
plenty of people deserve a million bucks working 9 an hour wageslave jobs.
>every type of person gets a gf
>except your type, you need to change
your type isn't defined by the skills you currently lack, anyone of any type can pick up skills.
>I deserve a gf
user most of us don't even deserve to be alive let alone have a intimate relationship. There are many reasons you don't have a gf like you aren't 10/10 chad or you're too picky or you are a completely horrible person to be around. The main reason is that life is unfair so accept that you aren't going to get everything you want or suffer.
okay now you've just outed yourself as a stubborn entitled fuck who thinks gfs should just flock to him for "who he is on the inside ;)" without giving them anything to work with or knowing how to make them interested in what he really has to offer.
fucking go home
don't people who are of the type "stubborn entitled fuck" also get gfs?
I am home. Get off my board, normalnigger
>>except your type, you need to change
Everyone changes and adapts. Unless you're eternally a 5 year old kid that stayed like that through early teens, late teens and early adulthood.
>everyone finds love
>I can't
>ergo everyone has to change
probably drug dealers and criminals who attract genetic trash because of their status. but even then, they have a visible status whereas OP doesn't offer anything and just sits around waiting for a gf.
well then go outside
Your posts exude unmanliness. There's something thugs got that you clearly lack.
Define "type" then, big guy
>Why do drug addicts and criminals get gf but I don't?
I pondered the same question and came to the conclusion that most women just have trash taste.
>most women go for drug addicts and criminals
Post source and numbers.
Where did I say that? Drug addicts and criminals are just one part of the equation.
Who are you quoting, normalniggerfaggot?
does anyone else not even really want a gf? seems like a lot of work
females value swagger and charisma, whatever you say you have is worth jackshit
You think you have it bad in the gf department?
>tfw have a job, try my hardest, workout, almost 6'0", good car, my own small place, had to fight for every inch in my life and nobody helped with nay of my problems
>no gf ever, never even touched one
>NEET friend, parents pay for his rent and food, never worked, 5'7", skeleton, doesn't drive
>a cutie gf and together for 5 years
>it's not even his first gf
Explain this injustice right this instant. We both started talking with her at the same time while playing an online game. Why the FUCK did she choose him and not me? Why exactly am I even trying if someone who achieved nothing in life gets love, but I can't even get a chance at it. This isn't even the only time this happened, but he's the full package of being a complete loser.
NEET friend's life is gonna be shit when she leaves him after realizing the biggest thing going on in his life is her.
>friends with a loser
>video games
I wouldn't date you.
Are you ugly?
Actually, I don't think that counts. I'm ugly and I have a wife. I'm also a bad person.
They're good looking op
Details you side pushing mong
He's still a friend so of course i'm happy for him, but i'd be lying if I said wasn't counting every day and thinking "okay, she's finally gonna leave him". But no, they're both slowly improving, self studying and turning their life around. So i'm not sure if it's gonna happen. It's such a shit feeling because i'm both happy for him and her, but it makes me feel like complete garbage.
I've had so many plans on how I'd try to split them up and ruin their relationship, but i'm glad I didn't do it I guess
fuck off. Worse people get gfs. Why? You have complete pushover betas that get gfs that for some reason love them. You have people that have nothing in life, nothing of their own and they get actually cute timid gfs that attach themselves to them. It feels like everyone I talk with, no matter how big of a loser they are, for some reason get a gf and i'm just there sitting with a smile and supporting them, while dying inside and wondering how I could steal the girl from them and showing her that i'm better than them in every single possible way.
>I can be a loser because others are losers
I would never date you.
you have no charisma which is all girls care about, not listing your achievements off of a checklist
probably because he had more time to spend with her. i've observed this irl too. went camping with some normals and watched as the guys who fucking set up the tents, brought all the supplies, made food, etc, didn't click with the women because they were too busy. and while they were doing all this the lazy dudes chatted the women up and shit.
but really, you probably wouldn't be happy with a girl like that. if she can be wooed by some loser with a lot of free time, she's not good enough for you.
I dunno. What details?
I'm ugly. I have an attractive wife. I'm not a good person. There's not much more to it than that.
I met her via a dating site (not tinder). We dated for like 8 years before getting married.
When I say I'm a bad person, I'm not HORRIBLE. But I've done bad things in my life and most of the time my only regret is getting caught.
What else do you want to know or what do you think will help you?
>I have value to offer
Like what
My semen and genes for procreation.
>just be taller
>just get a better face
>just get a car
>just get a job
>just get a house
>just workout
>just learn the guitar
>just be an alpha
>just get charisma
>just be an astronaut
I love these goalposts
I don't care what you'd date
Maybe. But I still talk with her and him, so I know she'd be everything i'd want. I keep tormenting myself by still being their friend, but everytime I see them together it's like a stab with a knife. I just like everything about her. Her voice, the way she thinks, her interests, her looks, how upbeat she can get and motivating. I know she helped my friend a lot and changed his life around and as far as I can see they're both happy now, but I still wish she just went for me when we were playing.
I will after my shift ends.
>I don't care
This is why you're alone. You act like a child. Women want a man.
>you know what women want
Considering I am one, yes.
>if you don't care about my opinions you're not a man
That's not valuable. She can get that from anyone.
because they have more to offer. you're boring and you don't meet many women.
He's right though charisma, confidence and masculinity is all these hoes care about at the end of the day. The car, job, house and nice body just add to it
Are you implying that all women are the same?
>i'm a woman so yeah, my opinion matters
If you whine like a petulant child, then whine when called out and given advice, you are not a man or even adult.
>everyone I talk with, no matter how big of a loser they are, for some reason get a gf and i'm just there sitting with a smile and supporting them, while dying inside and wondering how I could steal the girl from them and showing her that i'm better than them in every single possible way
Maybe find your own bitch instead of trying to steal other people's
Most women are the same, same with men.
Not that user but yes all women are more or less the same. They have slight differences in personality but they all want similar shit, just presented in different ways
Let's go through the options, starting from the most likely to more unlikely possibilities.
1) You don't come into contact with enough females to get a gf.
If not one then 2) you lack the confidence and conditioning required to initiate a relationship with prospective gfs
3) You have a repulsive personality, which is what the posts you've made heavily suggests, however, it is still possible to be a hideous, stunted little creature and still acquire a gf
4) Media, id est, anime, has given you unrealistic standards. The average women repulse you and returning to 1, you don't meet enough women that meet your standards or 2.1, your personality/appearance/lifestyle doesn't appeal to the women that you desire and you lack the sufficient charisma, looks and/or monies to overcome this hurdle.
5) You're ugly. Unfortunate.
6) You're a jobless NEET.
>women know what women want
>charisma, confidence and masculinity
Bullshit. How did he get a gf then that stuck with him through bad times, picked him up and all that nonsense?
Lets say you have some weird imaginary definition of charisma and he had it, you can throw the confidence and masculinity away. you mean to tell me a girl will ignore the fact that someone has nothing, dependent on his parents, plays games, is depressed, doesn't go out, is a skeleton and short and will be with him because of CHARISMA?
You spend your time comparing yourself to, and judging strangers. That's creepy.
So all women are sluts that have no worth in them. And here I thought some women are different and people aren't the same.
All things that would never hold a woman back in the slightest
women are all about muh feefees and muh tingles
if it makes her feel good to be around him nothing else matters
Well fuck, I guess I need to get into crying, i'm already bitching like a woman, just need tears.
All women are sluts and all men are whiny children.
>I deserve a gf
Well then go and get one.
If you have ridiculously low standards for female company.
Literally any semi-normal man can get a woman to fuck them, finding one who isn't completely hideous inside and out is the hard part.
just be yourself user its the latest meme just be yourself and you'll get a gf
so what does? women are all on a worldwide conspiracy against you personally?
>How did he get a gf then that stuck with him through bad times, picked him up and all that nonsense?
Attachment, love, loyalty, realizing the bad times are temporary
>you can throw the confidence and masculinity away
Why? Those are essential parts to attracting a woman
>you mean to tell me a girl will ignore the fact that someone has nothing, dependent on his parents, plays games, is depressed, doesn't go out, is a skeleton and short and will be with him because of CHARISMA
No she won't, because she also needs confidence and masculinity. If this is a man's lifestyle, then there's an incredibly good chance he lacks both of those things
>its the latest meme just be yourself and you'll get a gf
It's true though. Just be yourself and take the initiative.
"Just be yourself" is good advice. The only problem is you need confidence in who you are first to just be yourself
just be yourself*
*on the condition that you are a normie and your true self falls into societal expectations. otherwise get a personality transplant
then what? if you don't want to accept yourself and you don't want to change, what is it that you suggest? should women be forced to want you?
Not him
Women should stop having shit taste, and until they do I will ostracize them.
do you like men sexually and have the capability of producing offspring with them?
if you don't, then your taste is irrelevant.
No. Just be yourself means don't do shit for other people's approval. Don't fake opinions so people will like you. Don't pretend to like or dislike certain shit for approval. Don't do shit that you don't like doing just because others think it's cool. If you have a nerdy hobby, just accept it, don't try to hide it from people. If you wanna make a joke, make the joke, don't worry about who doesn't laugh. Say what's on your mind. Have standards and morals. Tell people when you feel like they've disrespected you, express yourself. Stop stifling yourself because you think that what you say will sound stupid. Do what you feel. Say what you feel. That's what "be yourself" means.
Don't care, normalnigger.
your arguments always fall to the ground once you have to face some logic, don't they?
You offered no logic, redditnigger.
i pointed out that obviously men are not the ones who get to choose the reproductively attractive traits of other men. which is fact, whether you like it or not. and your "ostracism" won't change a thing.
> Why do drug addicts and criminals get gf but I don't?
In a word: opportunity.
You have to remember a lot of these people with girlfriends got them due to where they were at the time, a lot of people were just fortunate with their surroundings, they may have met them at school, work etc. Then things just so happened to work, at least temporarily. A large part of why people like/dislike others isn't always because of themselves as people, it's sometimes due to the instance in which they met them. Basically, if you take the steps any normalfag would for a gf, then it's most likely not you that's the complete issue, they just got lucky. Even so, most robots who are at least somewhat socially adapted, there are still some dumb mistakes we overlook. It's likely you have a lack of connections, and many outer circles of friends, and that's also where some get girlfriends. Basically, you're getting fucked by fate.
>It'll happen for you one day
I'm 30, that time has passed.