She killed herself so now she's on what advice do you have for her now, robots?
She killed herself so now she's on what advice do you have for her now, robots?
Other urls found in this thread:
>There is literally no reason to kill yourself. There are plenty of people that deserve to die. Take some with you, you dumb cuck.
I remember her from /b/.
Do you expect to feel sad and fake a connection like some narcissistic normie? "Uhuhu she was such a bright person and made everyone happy nobody saw this coming I was her best friend"
Browsing this website kind of makes me want to do it. Its encouraging in some ways.
This teenager has more balls than us
What is the governmnet doing about suicides?
for me, it's just knowing that there's an easy escape for when shit gets too wild. it's a genuine feeling of relief.
Depression and anxiety. I know that feel bro
Cough, cough, I guess her suicide was voluntarily crashing into a tree.
Maybe related to the 1929 economic collapse?
Just be yourself girl.
Real life zombies would be scary.
fpbp and I completely agree
>You should've taken more roasties with you.
Hmm?? What do you mean exactly?
Trade in your Hell Tokens from moving boulders for infinity to get ice packs at SatanMart. They'll help with the eternal Hellfire.
>What is the governmnet doing about suicides?
Encouraging it mainly.
>You have so much to live for goyim!
His children didn't called him on father's day
I hope you don't do that robots
Well if you're a newfag this might go over your head: a long time ago back in /b/ 2010 some guy took this pic at the funeral of his cousin that died in a accident (she lost control of her car and crashed into a tree). Ever since then, you can see her image circulate around.
this site just shows the uselesness of life
So she's a meme then? Or?
This kid was 16yo. Imagine how blackpilled he was
Think of her as one of those old memes, that appear once in a blue moon.
>What is the governmnet doing about suicides?
I don't know, but they don't seem to be legalizing euthanasia. The video makes me see suicide as even better than I already think it is.
>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
What would she look like now as a meme haha
>Ryne was a very loving person who suffered from Bi-polar for about 5 years. He took everyone's problems as his own. He loved and turned the other cheek (real man), Ryne was saved and sang in the church choir, but battle a forever ending depression. Ryne was a great son that would do anything for anyone.
same surname and same state, possibly related
i dont know what to think of this one
>Why, dad did you choose to die? You left a note but made me wonder why. You thought you were doing what was best and right. Why, oh why did you end the fight. Your pain is something I will never understand. You must have been so afraid to take the stand. You left me with this title I am sad to attain. Suicide survivor, but who should I blame? I know your decision was painful to make. Now that your gone, I think of you a lot. You couldn't have known the suffering this has brought. And still year after year your memory remains. We try and look for a glimpse of you through all our pain. September 24th is when I received my title. As I will always be known as the suicide survivor.
>Richard was a quiet, but kind-hearted individual who put the service of others before himself. His untimely death sent heartfelt shockwaves through the Cerritos College Police Dept and Cerritos Community College District in which he served for 26 years. Richard, we think about and miss you daily, and wish we had just one more day to share with you. You left us all too soon.
Child molester guy for sure. Too big of a coincidence and weird verbage on the suicide comments.
Cameron was bullied.
I hope the underage robots that are still going to school arent missing the opportunity of gf'ing a bullied 5/10 qt pie
>Cameron was loving, caring, and everyone loved to be around her. She planned on becoming a Pediatric Surgeon and had so many other plans for her future until being bullied consumed the innermost of her loving soul. Thank you Cameron for letting me be your mother for 14 wonderful years, and my angel for the rest of my days on this earth. Someday, I will hold you in my arms again.
stand up for her, silly!
>John was employed by Motorola as a metrologist for 22 years, and after being a devoted and loyal employee for that length of time he was given 15 minutes to clean out his desk after being laid-off. He was 11 months away from retirement. He tried desperately to get his job back, but to no avail. He was never the same again. John's spirit died the day he lost his job. He was here physically, but was never the same again. He lost all joy in life. All the love and support from his wife and children could not help him
this site only confirms my handler's opinion that Jow Forums users should be rounded up and shot
>Henry was a lost soul. Many people loved Henry he was a nice person and a great cousin.[...] He was angry when we talked last. I heard the pain in his voice.
>No matter how much time passes, the hurt of loosing a loved one by means of suicide never leaves.
There are some many old people killing themselves I wonder if it really gets any better
Enjoy not being trapped in this shit existence. Godspeed, whatever the fuck that means.
A lot of people are described as nice, and they give away a vibe of being empathetic.
We're already in hell
fuck, I want to end it but I also don't want to unintentionally massacre my family