How do I tell a Reddit fuck apart from a robot? You all look alike. I want a robot friend IRL (I'm retarded)
How do I tell a Reddit fuck apart from a robot? You all look alike. I want a robot friend IRL (I'm retarded)
if they double space, and improperly use greentext
>they're a reddit
hi devyn
If they are super positive or if they only ever talk about being an Incelibate then it's a dead give away,
I tried to make irl friends with people from here and its fucking trash.
Or maybe I'm trash,
I dont want be your friend anyway.
Fuck you.
Check his mobile phone. If he is a redditor he has the app (If there is one).
Or if there is the little robot thing on the top.
Richfags are way worse than the Reddit bogeyman. There's no counter to the classic bait "I live in a mansion while working at my six fig software engineering job but still depressed :( help me bros" The only true solution is to reject everything these normalshits say. Stop letting arguments be won with paychecks and "job experience"
you realize a shitload of redditors are also software engineers right?
software engineer is the only viable career for most internet autists who spend their lives online
also the money is worth jackshit when you are an adult friendless virgin and your work is robotic and soul-draining
If you see them in public, they're a redditor
Ask them when the narwhal bacons xD xD epic xD
>also the money is worth jackshit when you are an adult friendless virgin and your work is robotic and soul-draining
Cope cope cope you're a robot she's a robot, everyone's a robot! I have a loving girlfriend but even she needs some down time, can I have a hug from a fellow robot?
The incel retardation comes from how people can't just shut up about no gf no gf no gf and likewise, wagecucks are fucking annoying with their little competitions about who makes more and using their damn job and money to be the top of this pitiful food chain. Why? Because they can't leave it at the door, insufferable cunts that bring it up "ironically" and unironically ruin every fucking discussion on this ANONYMOUS forum. It used to be that, hey don't worry everyone's pretending but no, some autists obsessed with winning their little arguments have to post proof of how much money they have. So who the fuck wants to talk to some shitfaced braggart that insists on being better than the people he wants to talk to? FUCK OFF
>i have someone who loves me and get sad sometimes
fuck off normalfag
No I'm a robot because sometimes I get sad
just like how software engineers sometimes get sad when they work even though they make boatloads of money and spend all their time showing it off
This post. I like it. It's a very nice post, also very meta.
I know a redditor IRL and he is verifiably mentally ill. You can spot his reddit from a mile away:
>he talks way too fucking much
>he tries to guide the conversation toward topics that are currently trending, so he can keep talking and not feel left out
>he has exclusively non-problematic opinions
>he laughs at his own jokes
>his jokes aren't funny and almost always referential humor of some kind or inside jokes made to exclude certain people in the room
>when he gets serious he starts dishing out platitudes that don't make any fucking sense
>he talks down to people like he knows everything even though he's a drunk clown who breaks into people's houses and treats them like lower class
>he is a dickhead wageslave who forces himself onto people during christmas because he is forced to work for the entire rest of the year and thinks he deserves to keep his friends after treating them like crap
>he is almost 40 with no relationship ever
He has more problems than being a redditor obviously but I think reddit made it worse
Well, for one, nobody here is a robot. Robots are mechanical. Try using your eyes. Sometimes, they look like this.
None of these are robots. They don't even make beeping noises.
Google what they post.
Redditors cannot into independent thought they just use the same rote arguments and memes.
You replied to my thread yesterday! What a coincidence, I have the archived thread opened in my browser.
been posting here since like 2005 and people call me out on "reddit spacing" constantly even though I've posted there a grand total of zero times in my life
If he uses the word incel ironically or unironically hes a redditor
You mean in real life? It's actually pretty easy. Redditors make no attempt to hide the fact that they use reddit and will name drop the site left and right. They also tend to have characteristic interests in things like 'geek culture' (cosplay conventions, comic cons etc), vaping, bitcoin, etc. Also, you can often tell a redditor by the 'approach' they take to a certain thing, even if that thing is a common interest that goes well beyond reddit. Like for example, a lot of people who are into drugs, but you can tell a redditor druggie by how they constantly yammer on about harm reduction, test kits, microdosing, etc.
Jow Forums posters have fewer outward tells IRL but in general they tend to be non-descript losers without the outward trappings of geekdom that redditors have. Almost nobody talks about Jow Forums openly IRL although posters are often interested in niche stuff that's not popular anywhere else like Sam Hyde, Terry A Davis, 30 year old boomer memes, etc. I'd say if someone name drops Sam Hyde there's about a 99% chance they're a Jow Forums poster. As for r9k posters, specifically, I wouldn't be able to tell you. I'd say the same tells for a Jow Forums poster apply but uglier and weirder than average.
You missed a 1 and got an extra 0 in there somewhere redditor newfag.
yeah cause im pretty sure incels originated from reddit.
It doesn't matter where it originated, it matters how it is used. Just like rage comics and pepe
but it does matter. because robots are often confused with incels, when thats not the case.
incel reddit faggots came to this board and shitted it up and made a meme out of us.
but i agree that it matters how it's used. memelords GTFO off my board you fuckking faggots.
Incel is a dead term used as bait by people pretending to be women and roasties. It's time to move on to something else, it should be wordfiltered.