Who are the most robot philosophers Jow Forums? In my opinion, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Stirner are the holy trinity of robot philosophy. I do also kinda like Camus.
What are your thoughts?
Who are the most robot philosophers Jow Forums? In my opinion, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Stirner are the holy trinity of robot philosophy. I do also kinda like Camus.
What are your thoughts?
Antoine Lavoisier and Ted Kaczynski
Camus would approve of the direction the world is going.
Nietzsche died of an STD after fucking one thot too many. Farthest thing from a robot.
>Nietzsche died of an STD
He had a mental breakdown and died in the streets, he had a history of being institutionalized. He never got married but tried to propose to the same girl three times. He was so unsuccessful with women some people historians think he might be gay now. Pretty bot.
Disregard, dude went crazy but died of pneumonia. Rest applies still.
easily philipp mainlander
>Antoine Lavoisier
Most robot probably any of the German philosophers
The best though? Lao Tzu
what if this is like, code for the author's strategy to winning at Life (the board game)
or if it doesn't fit, what if it's the author's house rules for Life (the board game)
well, whatever it maybe i think it's good to have goals and actively strive for them
Weininger obviously.
Nietzsche was a robot personally, but his philosophy itself was the epitome of chad
Kafka was a robot undoubtedly.
Cioran is the doomer philosopher
bump. A Short History of Decay is very Jow Forums + non-racist-Jow Forums
problem with Cioran is that he uses such metaphoric language he can be hard to understand.
John Gray's "Straw Dogs" and "Silence of Animals" are very robot. He's even been called the modern day Schopenhauer.
>first kiss
>first holiday with friends
>anything social
>anything to be proud of
It is so blatantly obvious that you're a pseud who has never actually read the works of these individuals.
Stop. Fuck off. Go to . If you'd read Nietzsche, you'd know how disgusted he would be by Jow Forums.
Nietzche would've been an excellent Jow Forums shitposter
Sartre was an alpha robot.
>Hell is other people
Nietizsche despised fascists, and despite being German he heavily identified with his Polish roots.
Not him but, again you know jack shit about the guy.
I like Camus too.
Stirner has done more harm to discourse than any other philosopher
Why are they so fucking bad at life?
>this question is rhetorical
I dunno I am too dumb to read philosophy and the philosophy course I took at community college had us read readers for philosophy instead of the philosophical texts themselves