Is this the quintessential white people smile
Is this the quintessential white people smile
that's no smile, it's a yikes face
Every time I see a dumbass wh*tey make this dumb ass face I wanna punch him in his stupid face or smack him upside his little head
this. wh*toids are subhuman
Its the nigger detector face.
No it's how they really smile
Thats the 40 plus year old white person with a stick up their ass smile
Itt: Niggers who don't understand it's their buffoonery that sees them on the receiving end of this smile
you wont do shit to my face but make passive aggressive little facial expressions whiteboi ;)
>Newfag falls for extremely weak bait
I miss when "Lurk moar" was at least somewhat taken seriously.
this is why white people don't get shot by the police
*Gives you both THAT smile*
no thats cause of white privlege dude
>police pulls me over
>i roll down window
>give the officer my most judgemental yikes face
>"woah, e-easy there, cowboy. I'm gonna let you off with a warning this time..."
ook ook ook ook EEK EEK EEK EEK EEK
B-B-B-Bait combooooo
I'd call it more of a grimace.
C'mon you can bait better
That's the "Welp." face
no. ur doing something wrong. maybe stop staring at them
That's the "I acknowledge your existence but please don't engage me in conversation" face you make to people you know when you pass them on the street and it's definitely not race exclusive.
i do this and it's made me so insecure to the point where i scream profanities at passersby who inadvertently engage in eye contact with me.
That is how I smile but I am a pajeet. Pretty goofy smile but whatever
I don't smile in public or in photos, mostly because I dislike the way my teeth look, but also because it feels deeply insincere and performative. Sometimes I might nod if I'm forced to make eye contact with somebody. The tight-lipped grimace is also an unnatural expression. I think it's popular with white people because we're unsure how to properly acknowledge the presence of the strange brown people who occupying our communities and homes.
I think it's a very strange, very American thing to feel socially obligated to constantly present an image of happiness and satisfaction. I've been told my natural resting face looks sad or angry, but I don't see it myself. To me it's just neutral.
I do like receiving smiles from women though
This is the face I make when the person I'm speaking to I dislike but I'm trying to not cause a scene and am just waiting for them to leave.
Just add a gun and ure done