why dont you robot create a dating site for fellow robots.
maybe some thots will even try to adopt you to feel better about themselves
why dont you robot create a dating site for fellow robots.
maybe some thots will even try to adopt you to feel better about themselves
Have you seen how this board is now? It would just end up filled with normies who think they are robots, which would make the whole thing moot anyway.
i hate how the term robot pretty much lost all it's meaning and everyone who browses the board calls himself that
it would be fucking funny and lead to a faster happenning.
same as le epic greentext
le epic robot date would be the new meme
so you go on a date with becky for the lulz she ends up drinking too much wine and you fuck :)
maybe normies will develop kink on tism and spergs
im the op
im not a robot im a cyborg
but i hate normies im just able to jew them
you shouldnt be so elitist and everybody know the 4 is crippled by norms migrate to wiz or 8 if your tired of the bullshit
best girls i had were aspies they were really nice to fuck and be around so thats why i was thinking about a site like this
That's a beyond retarded and bluepilled idea
its fucking redpill
bunch of lonely autistic start to fuck and meet
create a massive connection beetween autistic folks
uprising 2.0
+ creating millions of white autistic babies hahaha
I thoought there already was one? I remember it being posted in some threads, it was like a map and each robot entry would be a point on the map or some shit
we just want to stay inside on our computer whinning about muh wymen and play vidya waitin for da tendies.jpg
i dont want a cute aspie gf that will act as my sex slave :( fuck your blue pill ideas
whats the name of the map site we should definitely give it a bump 2019 robot year
>20:1 male:female ratio
>the girls will end up gravitating to the outsider chads from /soc/ who join to score free pussy
dumb brainlet
i wish i knew. hopefully someone else does
Low iq. There's way more robots than there will ever be fembots. We shouldn't have a dating site for the same reasons we shouldn't have fembots.
you mean zeemaps?
dang it's been so long since I've seen one of those threads. My post is probably still up on the Jow Forums one and there's still gonna be nobody within 2 hours of me.
How is this different from any other dating website? Why would girls join this site? Any girl can get a menu of dicks on any dating site. Maybe gay? Maybe mixing with other socially retarded people on a disabled dating site. Call it the short dick bus.
yeah thats it
i remember a fembot talking to me on it and them me screwing it up
your awesome robot thanks for helping me
people complain about the 20:1 ratio but they dont get that its the same shit on tinder
and the website could be made for man instead of women oriented like bumble tinder okc etc...
this way only real fembots or girls would interact and dont worry (you will have your traps to0) and no fucking orbiters this way.
even if it would be cool to see autistic fembots becoming more famous than stacy than stacy get jelly and fall for the new jew trend after getting blacked she needs to go prowling for the incel to be IG famous and to get attention.
Literally all girls are stacy you beta fuck
how about this
>robot dating site
>you don't get to browse through members of the opposite sex
>you post your profile, what you're looking for, etc
>site admin looks at the females, picks out best matches
>males get a message "you were matched with a female"
>if it doesn't work out, the male and female go back in the pool, matchmaking continues
>men don't have to deal with women getting attention from dozens of men at once
Prostitution should be legalized and there should be and incel registry for hookerbux
trust me ive fucked a lot of women in my life ive fucked my life too one thing i know is there a lot of weird girls that going on date with the chad the brad or the norm and they would rather spend some time with somebody different.
you think all women are succubus just because succubus are NPC's the jews tricked your autistic mind to think your fate is sealed.
you have the power of computer in your hand you can take over the world and you really think theres no matching number 2/10 that would suck your cock wtf
ive used to be massive autismo been sent to psych ward when i was a kid i made my life goal not to be autismo but guess what tism one day tism all day
so ive realized that i cant stand normal white girls the only women i was able to stand (after you program them ) are the aspies type ones
good idea ! thats how the jewish date
rabbi choose the matches
and guess what jews are lording us everyday hahah
a robot site also probably needs some kind of life coach to tell robots how they're fucking up, much like what the jews do.
Problem is, jewish community has respect for their authority figures, robot community has no such respect.
thats what makes it even cooler
we could even film that shit and give autism/tard/neetbux to the participants
stupid becky going to a date with fedoraedgelord
or even better stacyspie going to sperg's place and enjoy his tantrum over not getting his tendies at exactly 11
anyways probably a lot of user would have a great time/fuck too and that would be a good pratice for them to interact because who cares if they fuck it up with someone who already fucked it up in their life
that would be cool, have the femanon and maleanon greentext the date after the fact for the lulz.
I wouldn't mind throwing together a barebones rails app to submit the profiles to, but i don't really want to spend the time to make matches.
What makes you think actual robots want to be bothered?
i can spend time playing the rabbi :)
do the app user youll have the best greentext ever
sounds cool. It's my birthday, but if plans fall apart this evening, and if updating packages doesn't give me too much trouble, I'll have something up and running in dev mode tonight, and have it up on a free-tier cloud instance tomorrow.
Gonna need some contact though if I'm gonna get you set up as the Rabbi.
Based app poster
cool, i'm gonna make it, so give me some good profile templates to work off of, like ideal bf/gf thread templates.
it's because it never had any meaning newfag
happy birthday user if you read my post gove me your discord and we can talk !
Not how the women are fucking up? Women literally don't even try
yeah i'll be on for another hour or so
That's literally what the term robot meant at first. Just someone who posted on this board. until it became Jow Forumsincels 2.0
if you're a guy looking for a gf, you shouldn't be demanding that women change, you'll never make any progress. Instead, it's better to figure out how you're fucking up, because that's a problem you can do something about.
Women don't even give a fuck anymore because of cuck mentalities like yours
Nice try history reviser.
yeah, but what's you or me bitching about it gonna do to change female behavior on the whole?
besides, we'd probably tell women to cut out their shit as well, but your "what about the women though?" shit is pretty insufferable.
robot was just a Jow Forums poster until moot changed Jow Forums to /bawwwww/ as bants against feelsposters, then they embraced it and had the board shut down. When he started it back up, the implication was that Jow Forums was a containment board for feelsfags.
Yeah but that was long before r/incels got deleted, like 7 years before