Why don't you try being more assertive? Why are you such a submissive bitchboy? Your quality of life is complete shit because you're such a pussy. And women don't like that shit, you know. You'll be so much better off if you man up. So why don't you?
Why don't you try being more assertive? Why are you such a submissive bitchboy...
Other urls found in this thread:
>supporting evidence
You forgot something
I'm a scrawny manlet with a high pitched voice, any attempt at "asserting myself" will look like an insecure cope. Chads arent made, they're born.
C-c-can I still watch chinese cartoons?
If I don't get a decent girl(read: family oriented) in a few years, I'm manning it up and converting to Islam.
t.not a virgin
>You'll be so much better off if you man up. So why don't you?
I don't understand
I have never had any incentive to be assertive since people have more or less ignored or shunned me my whole life. How am I supposed to be assertive with no drive or self confidence?
Because a lot of us just wouldn't fit that image. As long as we can't look the part, it doesn't matter how we act. Looks are everything.
I never get into any situations that require me to be assertive. I hardly engage in social situations where there are women around in the first place.
Because being assertive often means coercing others, and I'm not about that.
I prefer cooperation above all else, other people have a right to their own autonomy, and I'd be a jerk if I went around telling others what's right or wrong, how to think, and so forth.
The Doormat
Th Enabler
The Coward
>You'll be so much better off if you man up
How do you man up? Just Be Yourself?
i dont leave ze house
This really. I don't like to exert my ego on the world anymore than is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately this world is driven by ego on both a social and biological level. It disgusts me on a fundamental level and I don't want to participate if I have to play by such retarded rules. I think most of us are too innocent to be incarnating in a place like this.
>just be more assertive lol
few things are more offputting to people, especially women, than a man with a recessed chin trying to act assertive
>be me
>5'3 white
>skinny asf
>try be assertive
>get told i have a napoleon complex
>there is no winning
Why would other people be worth the hassle of "asserting yourself"?
If you are a male or some female who is stupid enough to be impressed enough for a RL by that behavior in general, in both cases you are simply of no value to me. I want to spend as little time as possible in your company.
So it is not worth the effort to place myself in your pecking order. I'll either have you guessing or will be automatically place as a doormat. Good for you, no skin off my nose.
No you have me mistaken.
I just don't assert myself over others.
But when others attempt to assert themselves over me, I believe I have the inherit right to escalate assertion over myself above their attempt to assert themselves upon me.
If they get violent, even in the smallest measure, I reserve the right to escalate violence to whatever degree I feel as necessary.
I've seen enough vids on the net to know that just one good punch can end somebody's life.
So, somebody raising their fist to me, is a threat on my life, and I will happily gun them down without thinking twice about it.
I'm more of "The Humble but Psychotic Hermit Polymath" type.
The Projector
North korean cartoons are the real shit ffs
I tried, it's not worth all the trouble it takes to maintain it.