Who REALLY gets it tho?

Who REALLY gets it tho?

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Your "ano est"

A is a smug little dipshit. C can cry me a river. B is the only one with a legitimate claim to it. So B is the only correct answer

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B, because people should be able to choose where their production goes. She'll never learn if she doesn't have it, so A and C can make/buy their own.

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B you fucking brainlet

Child A has no concept of learning
Child B fucking made it, even if it's a half assed flute they should have it
Child C can go starve in a muddy pit.

child a. like divorce, women spend money better than men do, so women deserve the money in the settlement.


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B has lawful ownership of that flute unless she was compensated in exchange for its creation l.

I snap the flute and tell them to smoke some fucking drugs instead

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Child A deserves to be executed in town square for being such an entitled shit.
Child C can go cry in his shitty cardboard box.
Child B made it so it's hers.
The adult who took the thing in the first place can be executed along with child A for being a piece of shit for even considering to give something not belonging to them to a child it has nothing to do with.

A is just an asshole.
C just wants it for the sake of having it and would probably never even bother with it after failing to play it for the first time.

Of course B deserves it.

possession is 9/10ths of the law

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They can all play with it together.
Why is this so hard?

/b/ girl gets it

Dammit user I wanted to say that

I get it and shove it up the ass of the retards that keep making this thread.

C gets it
Kill the rich
Help the poor

>normiegram meme

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Child B, he made it
Its hers

it's the property of B but to what end should they want to keep it apart from selling it to A? If they have no musical talent and have no intention to learn, what value does it have minus the ability to barter it for something that would give B value?

Also, how does having the flute improve C's life "immeasurably" if he can't play it? This problem would be a lot more complex if the flute was something like food

B sells it to A. A gives C lessons.

That user supports exploiting the working class. They are no communist.

Child B, obviously. It would be theft to take it away from her

How does giving a dirt poor person a flute help?

Break it into three pieces and give one to each of them.

i duknow

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The government.
really original

If I want to hear music, I will give it to Child A. If I want to be fair, I will give it to Child B. If I feel sympathetic, I will give it to Child C.

The best course of action is to make Child B teach Child A and Child C how to make flutes, and have Child A teach Child B and Child C how to play the flute. Give a man a fish and whatnot.

Why does C deserve how to make or play flutes? What can C do for the others?

>It is now year 2019 and people still aren't giving the flute to the rightful owner, Child A
If it weren't for Child A flutes wouldn't even exist and Child B wouldn't know how to make a flute. Bitch wouldn't even know what a flute is. And as always Child C should be gassed.

Doesn't matter. I'm in charge of these kids. They have to listen to what I say, or else I break the flute.

Kill C, Fuck A, Marry B

A is a 100-IQ mulatto
B is white
C is a mestizo

I graduated in night school fuck off with your harvard shit man i dont come here to think

That's a recorder in your image, not a flute.

Bro weed dude bro weed dude weed

Wholesome and based

He can fuck A and B with his peepee

>recorders aren't flutes

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Anyone who doesn't say B is a nigger

did you just make this

This is literally a fake scenario to subliminally make you agree with communism, watch out guys. This situation would never occur IRL. The person who made the flute would get it by default if they made it on their own, or if they work for a company that makes flutes, they would agree to a contract that pays them for their work and the flutes would be bought by people who know how to play them.

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Suprisingly reasonable choice from an ancom

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If you knew the least about Marx's ideas, you would be surprised to Know that according to him, Child B would be the rightful owner of the flute, since she is the labourer who is being deprived of the fruits of her work. You probably believe in a misconception that there's no property rights under communism, when in fact marx envisioned a world where workers would seize the means of production precisely to take back what was stolen from them by the bourgeoisie through the "mais valia", the exploration of their time and workforce by a powerful minority under the disguise of property of the means of production. Notice how she even claimed her time invested in her flute, a key concept to Marx's logic. I'll tell you, if there's a commie in that picture, it's child B. It's a revolutionary waiting to happen if I've ever seen one.

I am a nigger and I still say B

Child B keeps the flute. If A or C want it, they can pay for it.

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B should get it and then A should pay B for it