What is stopping you from being a normie?
What is stopping you from being a normie?
I was a normie for a time.
I'm a robot, that stops me from becoming a normie.
>I'm a robot
What makes you a robot?
I don't want to be a normie. Normies are retarded and uninteresting. I'd rather be a rogue.
My mind and perception of the world around me.
Because I cant even read or post on an anonymous internet board without people reminding me what a piece of shit I am or feeling like I should be dead
Atrocious social skills and schizophrenia
I'm basically fucked for life
i tried to kill myself lmao
inb4 u fuckers tell me to kms etc
lifetime of social rejection and bullying shaped my inescapable identity of an outcast loser
>i tried to kill myself
what method did you use
Nothing really, I'd just hate it because it's be more of a facade than I already do. I just want to be loved for my authentic self, I hate betraying that authentic self.
suffocation, i dont remind much desu its so fuckin blurry, like i recognize the smell the trees outside and the touch of water but otherwise nothing much
The fact that all their interests bore the hell out of me. I used to try to blend in with them but it was soul crushing.
>go to pub
>everyone seems to know each other and can socialise effortlessly
>not too much of a retard to not be able to talk to people, but the conversations are always bland and don't really go anywhere
>not attractive enough to keep girls (or people in general) interested, or for them to approach me first
>sometimes feels like i'm an alien on another planet
That's basically it, lad.
Depression and avoidance
I was I knew. Normieness is one step away from godliness.
I used to be a normalfag. From the ages of 17-21 I was relatively normal. I still had quirks, obviously, I was a nerd who played a lot of video games, but I was able to interact with people pretty freely with both genders. I was in 4 different groups of friends at one point. Can you believe that? I had 4 separate groups of friends where I was the only overlapping member. Women eventually ruined everything for me though. One time I said I couldn't hang out with a group of friends because my cousin was in town, I was really hanging out with a friend of mine who was a girl visiting from Florida and she posted some status saying we were at Applebees eating food. They never spoke to me again. Another time I urged one of my friends in another friend group to break up with his dumb bimbo GF so we could play more WoW, unfortunately she targeted me next and I started dating her because I had fear of missing out on dating someone so beautiful. That fractured the largest friend group I had. Only 2 of the 10 people from that group still talk to me, not in person of course and only when they need something.
Being normal is all about adhering to normal peoples group politics. You can't do things they don't like or they will literally just cut you off like your a cyst or a cancer and have no qualms about it. They literally won't care about about ever speaking to you again.
I think I'd love to be a robot
I have always been a fraud between normie and my biggest fear as always been to be found and cast aside.
So I have this weird need to clings to normie and appeal to them that destroys me
Especially since I've been unable to play the normie game of fucking and dumping whore so everytime they hit me with the "hey user how come you don't have a GF" and I feel like the wall are closing in on me
I'm still not a functionnal adult and a virgin because I have extra high standard (from fear of getting mocked by other normies) and because I have an autistic respect for love (which I'm not even sure exist anymore)
I could have fucked as early as 14 years old but I chose not to because my GF was way more into me than I was her.
I tought it would not take long before I found a girl I really love (I was still a foolish normie at that time)
Found a few of them but never got past the first kiss which has left me with a deep hatred for myself and women
Then I just quit that fucking game and somehow got happy living a semi recluse life until I met a QT that got me thinking I still had a happy ending
I tought that I was pretty happy in my general condition but the feeling she gave me made me realize what true happiness was. I finaly made it as a full time normie since I was so high all the time playing the normie game was fun to me.
I only went on two dates with her and didn't fuck her because I genuinly enjoyed getting to know her so much I let the time pass.
Now I never got a third date and she started to slowly ignore me so I wanted to leave on my own term and sperged out on her, she never answered.
As happy as I was previously I met the exact opposite in term of sadness and in a moment of weakness, when I couldn't take it anymore, I messaged her because I wanted to be sure that it was over (couldnt live with the infinite chance that we might have been together) she logged in, then logged out, and never answered
Autism and lack of motivation
Also I am anti conformist
Story's not over but I reached the limit
Anyway, i'm not gonna bore you with my stupid story anymore
Keep hanging robots, soon i'll be with you
stfu faggot your not a special snowflake all you need is confidence and will , look as normal as you can and don't be a pussy .
I think i am a normie, i have a girlfriend and and am shipping to basic in a couple months. Life doesn't suck for me