One shot at life and I got dealt the manlet card.
One shot at life and I got dealt the manlet card.
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You lucked out and got the most attractive height. Why are you whining?
>balding since I was 17
Never stood a chance.
>most attractive height
hell no
You havent seen anything
Why isnt this original
Everyone knows it's been proven, stop pretending.
women are trash and their opinion is worthless
stop basing your self worth on the preferences of stupid roasties
you are beautiful to me no matter what height you are
now you must be beautiful to yourself
Wouldn't the most attractive height be 6 feet? That's usually what women say the most.
My boyfriend is 5'2, this manlet thing is bullshit
nobody asked your opinion faggot
I'm a girl you moron
Well that's surprising. I think the internet memes are actually negatively affecting my self-image. Maybe I should leave this place and never come back; it would probably do me wonders.
im 5ft 6 and have never had a problem getting women.
maybe its your shit personalities.
See? I already want to fuck this guy just cause of this comment, even tho he's short by your standards
That tiny bit of self-confidence is all it takes for you? You sure you're not just a loose woman?
Based flapped roastie. Thanks for the upboat! :D
TF id happily be 5'8 I'm 5'3 and people confuse me for a kid in public
Were you born with a vagina and how big are your tits?
Women don't know what they want and are shit at estimating height. When they say they want a 6 feet guy they mean don't be Tyrion Lannister.
Has your life changed in any way by knowing this?
>5 foot 6
>live life to the fullest
Stop living to the retarded standards of others and just live.
Nah, but that's for telling us anyway. You sound fun. Once you're done with the 5'6" guy can I have my turn?
>tfw 5'10
>tfw so close to sweet victory you could LITERALLY FUCKING taste it.
>but no, you're just shy.
every male, including myself, under 6" should just transition and learn to be sissies desu. What kind of man isn't even 6".
This isn't very useful though, it should be measured in terms of height difference, women still prefer a guy taller than them. This is just a broad average, it'd be interesting to see what taller girls like, doubt it's 5 foot 8, that's why a difference would be a better metric.
>anything lower than a D
chestlets lmao
when will they learn
Nah, tall girls don't care about a guy's height and will date guys shorter than them without thinking about it. A guy's height only matter if it's way outside of the bell curve, if he's way shorter or way taller than average, that's a negative.
This is a lie and a tranny poster.
Lying trannyposter trying to do a pre-emptive attack detected. Stop trying to tell people they can't get girls and must turn into a girl.
My husband is 5'6. The men in my family are 6'5 to 7'+. Not all women care about height. We dont all have pre requisites like that. Even when we are around tall men. My sister cares about a man height and her min is like 6'7 before she will eve consider going for you, even then you have to be like an army or firefighter guy or a cage fighter
My cousin doesnt have a height requirement either and my other girl cousins are incels so they dont really contribute
Bot sure if thus data helps, but I also agree with 5'8 is a good mark
Okay, sure, there are outliers in every group, whatever.
Round up a billion heterosexual women and ask them if they would rather sleep with a man who's 5'2, or 6'2, and I GUARANTEE the SMALL, SMALL, percentage that actually answers 5'2, will do nothing to comfort you from the fact that 99.9% of them picked 6'2.
I'm 5'6 and have had several girlfriends, been dating my latest girl for almost a year. The "manlet card" is an excuse. I mean granted I could probably date a much larger pool of women if I was tall, but if you think that your height is the only thing preventing you from romance then you are sorely mistaken.
You're the same height as the girl I took to prom.
Truth is, if youre under 5 6 its over. Ive seen a lot of shorter guys with qt gfs. Just dont be a 5 2 turbo Manlet and youre good.
It's must b hard to see anything at your height
5'8" honestly ain't that bad
Talk about lanklet virgin insecurity. You should ask them if they want to sleep with a 5'8" or 6'2" guy. Most likely the 5'8" guy would win by a large margin if you show them, because he will be better looking.
Ask women if they'd rather sleep with a 5'7" guy or a 6'7" guy and I GUARANTEE the SMALL, SMALL percentage that actually answers 6'7", will do nothing to comfort you from the fact that 99.9% of them picked 5'7".
>all these giants itt
5'4 here, girls don't even see me
Being a manlet is a whore filter. Only self centered women care about height
So almost all of them, I really dodged a bullet there.
I agree with what you're saying about 6ft guys generally being viewed as more attractive, but just dismissing girls that don' care as "lol outliers" is retarded considering most people on this board are considered "outliers" too in some way which is why you end up here.
They're not though, 5'8"-5'10" are viewed as more attractive than 6'.
lol that's the most retarded study ever. you think most people are swiping right on people because they read their height in their bio? keep coping
I know you
You were too short
You had bad skin
You couldn't talk to them very well
Words didn't seem to work
They lied when they came out of your mouth
You tried so hard to understand them
You wanted to be part of what was happening
You saw them having fun
And it seemed like such a mystery
Almost magic
Made you think that there was something wrong with you
You'd look in the mirror and try to find it
You thought that you were ugly
And that everyone was looking at you
So you learned to be invisible
To look down
To avoid conversation
The hours, days, weekends
Ah, the weekend nights alone
Where were you?
In the basement?
In the attic?
In your room?
Working some job - just to have something to do.
Just to have a place to put yourself
Just to have a way to get away from them
A chance to get away from the ones that made you feel
so strange and ill at ease inside yourself
Did you ever get invited to one of their parties?
You sat and wondered if you would go or not
For hours you imagined the scenarios that might transpire
They would laugh at you
If you would know what to do
If you'd have the right things on
If they would notice that you came from a different planet
Did you get all brave in your thoughts?
Like you going to be able to go in there and deal with it
and have a great time.
Did you think that you might be the life of the party?
That all these people were gonna talk to you and you
would find out that you were wrong?
That you had a lot of friends and you weren't so
strange after all?
Did you end up going?
Did they mess with you?
Did they single you out?
Did you find out that you were invited because they
thought you were so weird?
Yeah, I think I know you
You spent a lot of time full of hate
A hate that was pure sunshine
A hate that saw for miles
A hate that kept you up at night
A hate that filled your every waking moment
A hate that carried you for a long time
Yes, I think I know you
You couldn't figure out what they saw in the way they lived
Home was not home
Your room was home
A corner was home
The place they weren't, that was home
I know you
You're sensitive and you hide it because you fear
getting stepped on one more time
It seems that when you show a part of yourself that is
the least bit vulnerable someone takes advantage of you
One of them steps on you
They mistake kindliness for weakness
But you know the difference
You've been the brunt of their weakness for years
And strength is something you know a bit about because
you had to be strong to keep yourself alive
You know yourself very well now
And you don't trust people
You know them too well
You try to find that special person
Someone you can be with
Someone you can touch
Someone you can talk to
Someone you don't feel so strange around
And you find that they don't really exist
You feel closer to people on movie screens
Yeah, I think I know you
You spend a lot of time daydreaming
And people have made comment to that effect
Telling you that you're self involved, and self centered
But they don't know, do they?
About the long night shifts alone
About the years of keeping yourself company
All the nights you wrapped your arms around yourself
so you could imagine someone holding you
The hours of indecision, self doubt
The intense depression
The blinding hate
The rage that made you stagger
The devastation of rejection
Well, maybe they do know
But if they do, they sure do a good job of hiding it
It astounds you how they can be so smooth
How they seem to pass through life as if life itself
was some divine gift
And it infuriates you to watch yourself with your
apparent skill at finding every way possible to screw it up
fuck you i wish i were 5'8"
it's always the double spacing
For you life is a long trip
Terrifying and wonderful
Birds sing to you at night
The rain and the sun the changing seasons are true friends
Solitude is a hard won ally, faithful and patient
Yeah, I think I know you
Songwriters: Sonny Rollins
This is actually really supporting thank you user. Much love
>Prepubescent girl's voice
>Hairy af and can grow a beard
>Wide hips
>Also large shoulders
>Pretty masculine face with good jawline
What did God mean by this?
Fuck I replied to the wrong guy
Guess you can add brainlet there as well