how can I be INFP and INTJ at the same time?
I don't know but ENTP is the objective best MBTI you can get.
Go with the "grant-brownsword" one.
why is that? I imagine it's the name.
Oh I know this one!
It's because this test is a wee bit pseudo-scientific and dumb. It's out of date, like the Rorschach test.
link the website, faggot
It's based on the Jungian cognitive functions which is apparently more scientific than Myers-briggs
guess I'll have to start writing poetry
>Oh I know this one!
Its because its the same exact person as millions of others, and can only deal with what is current and popular, because it is unable to think for itself
i just took that and this is what i got
>apparently more scientific
It's not. Retards who uphold the cognitive functions because they believe it to be scientific are delusional.
Functions are just made up psychology as all of MBTI is. Please stop spouting this pseudoscience.
how else am I supposed to find an identity that tells me how to act? Not even being sarcastic, having a framework which to rely on is too convenient.
Type this girl based on this picture
Why do you say that? [spoilers]I wish the picture was higher quality so I could tell whether she has big boobs or not[/spoiler]
J-flipped a coin
Intuition and introversion is more common in women
Yeah but she can't be an INFJ because INFJs are ugly and flat lmao
wrong, s is for dumb people and girls are dumb and they wont shut up so they get e
Look for a better framework. See pic related.
>Intuition and introversion is more common in women
[citation strongly needed]
gimme a test that also tells me how people of the given type usually act
>how people of the given type usually act
This is your problem. You're looking for a How To Manual, rather than understanding that personality assessments are just assessments.
You aren't going to find one single description that applies to everyone. At most, you'll find one description that just happens to apply to you via Barnum Effect and will make you feel comfortable about it.
That pic you posted is introversion and extraversion btw
thats exactl what I want, so give me the test now
>a picture somebody posted online is proof
You people are so fucking gullible Jesus Christ.
Doesn't exist. You sound like a typical INxP.
>Big Farce
>better framework
>cognition: the perceptual and evaluative mental processes that one uses to make sense of the world and navigate it successfully
>behavior: characteristics, traits, or actions that are often easily observable or measured by others
A person's type is best identified through cognition as opposed to their manifested behaviors. Too often, people only look at behavior. For example, both ESFPs and ESFJs tend to be open and friendly people. However, the cognitive process that gives rise to the "friendliness" trait and subsequent "friendly" behaviors is different for the two types (Fi versus Fe). Therefore, if you were to try to type someone based only on the observable trait of "friendliness" without knowing why or how that trait arose, it becomes all too easy to mistype or confuse the two types.
Without cognition, you wouldn't have ideas, thoughts, or feelings, and your behaviors wouldn't have much meaning because you would be ruled only by your autonomous "animal" brain that is geared for physical survival. It is through cognition that we develop a sense of self, make meaning out of life's events, and visualize what is in store for us in the future. This implies that cognitive processes can go awry because some people do not develop a strong sense of self, some people have difficulty finding meaning in life, and some people cannot envision their future self very well.
The challenge of type theory is not only to categorize people according to their similarities and differences but also to make sense of those differences, especially when they stem from cognitive dysfunction. Therefore, there is an underlying developmental aspect that is baked into Jung's conception of personality.
Big five=behaviour
Dammit, it only greentexted the first two parts lol
Well whatever, it works
Well I got INTP on all functions and every test I've ever taken so pseudoscience or not, I have a lot of INTP traits. I think MBTI is a fair attempt to break down the types of personalities out there and that can be useful. I'm not schooled on Jung or anything but I think the weakest point is the tests and all the little biases that can be made by the test writer and the subject. Also a lot of people use them wrong. They act like mbti is a scientifically justified identity hand job in the same way astrology is an esoterically justified identity hand job.
Only ENTPs believe this.
>very adaptable
ENTP seems god tier
Their confidence is cute and funny though, so, maybe not the best but definitely, top tier.
It judges individuals based on independent traits, rather than classifying them into 16 categories.
Why don't you like the Big 5?
>thinking P = adaptable
>thinking N = intelligent, wise
>thinking E = funny
Don't be so fucking dumb user. An ISFJ could easily be more adaptable, smarter, and funnier than an ENTP. MBTI isn't personality.
>its another "mbti doesnt mean anything"
Nah fuck off
He is right, ENTPs usually are funny, adaptable and intelligent. But that doesnt make them the best. The right response here is that in addition to those things, they are also annoying, cowardish and scattered
are ENTPS and INTPS pretty similar?
>It judges individuals based on independent traits, rather than classifying them into 16 categories.
Those things are not mutually exclusive
INTP=Beta sperg who hasnt talked to anyone in years
ENTP=Beta sperg who keeps embarassing himself in front of people
ISTP=Aggressive sperg who hasnt talked to anyone in years
ESTP=Aggressive sperg who keeps embarassing himself in front of people
That's the rundown on Ti types
as far as i know im intp and i embarassed myself in school by being autistic and being nervous during presentations and being a loner
am i entp now? or do you mean deliberate embarassment by sperging?
>He is right, ENTPs usually are funny, adaptable and intelligent.
You could say this about any xxTP type, especially ExTP. ENTPs are also usually obnoxious, egoistical, and overestimate their intellect.
No, two NTPs are wildly different. They have 3/4 the same letters, but somehow, they are completely different, and have nothing in common user.
What do you think?
>You could say this about any xxTP type, especially ExTP.
That doesnt undo the fact that ENTPs are that way
>ENTPs are also usually obnoxious, egoistical, and overestimate their intellect.
Thats not mutually exclusive with those other things
>or do you mean deliberate embarassment by sperging?
Thats what i mean but i wouldnt call it deliberate. Its more just not having good self control
i think INTPs act like ENTPs online when they aren't arguing with someone. always act like INTPs irl
ENTPs act like ENTPs irl always and sometimes like INTPs online when arguing, but still more of an ENTP version of INTPs with how weird they are they can't fully act like INTPs
ok that makes more sense. but i thought ENTPs dont feel shame or embarassment but other people find them embarassing
They are just unaware. Once they realize how cringy they acted they get really insecure
Free hugs for everyone except me.
If the way we process information doesn't dictate innate personality, what does?
>Why don't you like the Big 5?
The traits are too malleable; conscientiousness neuroticism is to-a-degree dependent on circumstance, responsible a position you are in, how involved you are in different things, what things, are you on medication etc.
>brain never shuts up even if i don't realize it and i think my brain is quiet it isn't
>only depressant drugs can shut it up
>i wake up and immediately start thinking things i was thinking before i went to bed
>the ride never ends
What makes you think that the way we process information (according to MBTI) is the actual way we process information (according to reality)?
>are you on medication
People who're on medication or have some sort of mental difference are usually exempt from these personality assessments.
I don't know for sure, but I'm yet to find a model that explains how our minds might deal with data that's both comprehensive but generalized enough for it to be easily discussed and identifiable
>its another INTP unironically tries to make the "tfw too intelligent to be succesful" argument
Why do you guys do this
>thinking = intelligence
maybe you should think about that
What point are you making to ?
>brain never shuts up
>tfw too intelligent
how does this problem correlate to tfw to intelligent to be successful
>tfw too intelligent to make a real point
INTPs are schizophrenic
LMAO INTJs blown the fuck out of the water
the only tier list there is
ISTP who wishes he was an INFP
is this normal?
just let the threads die only make them once a week
Is this Se or Si? Explain why
Mbti-notes-sama? You browse r9k?
I copypasted lol. I dont think he browses r9k, he'd think most people here are very underdeveloped and way too ego based.
Oh, my IQ isn't actually 85 (probably) - that's just what I scored at the time, back when I was so nonfunctional that I was basically untestable. I still have a report written up by a social worker in May 1991 which says as much, in large part because my speech was so delayed - my speech skills around the time of my 4th birthday were deemed as being on par with the average 18 month old. I'm guessing that by the time I was 5, I'd have scored above 100 if I was made to take an IQ test again.
As for the INFJ vs. ISFJ thing, hmm. I'm very future-oriented for one thing, both on a personal scale and a more global one. People often think of me as being lost in thought and having my head in the clouds. I don't pay much attention to my surroundings; if anyone in a group is going to try crossing a street while a car's coming, it's me (though the lines are blurred here a bit by the fact that the stroke damaged me some cognitively). I put a lot of faith into my intuition whenever it flares up; there was a weird feeling in the air the first day or two of this year that gave me the feeling that 2019 will be important, and I fully believe in that even though it's based off nothing.
In examples that demonstrate S vs. N differences, though I do relate to some things from the S column, I see more of myself in the N side of things. While hiking I'd probably spend more time lost inside my head than enjoying things on a sensory level, or at least I would after those initial first few minutes spent enjoying the warmth of the sun. I always spend a lot of time inside my own head no matter what my environment or surroundings, only coming out whenever it's socially expected of me.
Well, they have no time for it. Still, good to know that there are robots of culture here, like you.
Thats a stereotype. Im an Se type and i enjoy simply taking in sensations a lot. It is true that Se generally is about going and actually doing things, thats the core of the function, but it does things in addition to that as well.
What type are you and how is your development going? I am an ESFP and just entered 4th level in December, have been looping and gripping previously for a year. M-sama helped a lot in stopping it.
well as an ISTP that video made me uncomfortable due to the restrictive nature of the close ups and how orderly it all was. I would say enjoying certain sensations (personalised sensations) is very Si. Se wants to take everything . that video especially annoys me because I never see the entire room
It's funny to me that I get a -6.6 on Judging now when I used to get INTJ all the time in High School.
What is personalized sensations? I just enjoy taking in the experience basically.
I do get what you mean, but i didnt feel that in this video. The aesthetics were nice enough for me to not notice it. I do feel it quite often though. For example i hate playing FPS games on console because the field of view is really narrow and it makes it feel weird, claustrophobic and too far zoomed in. I like to see the full gun and hands holding onto it to feel like im actually a soldier in the game and not just a floating gun, and i like to see more of the environment to not get that claustrophobic feeling.
Is that what you mean?
Put the cummy in my tummy :3333
I have no idea on my type to be honest with you. I can understand all functions well enough to not really have too strong of a preference, or at least i feel like i dont have too strong of a preference. Maybe its apparent to others but to me on the inside i dont feel tied to any specific function order. Never felt like it, ever since i have been studying mbti i always felt like the idea of strict function orders were a bit silly and that i can just use any combination of functions i want. For example, you can use Ti to formulate a framework and with Te test it, although usually you'd use Se or Ne to do so.
I do realize there is a logic underneath this all that makes it impossible for certain functions to work together, but i just dont feel that way about it. I also realize im probably wrong, but again, the way i feel about it is that there is nothing stopping me from creating thoughts using all manners of different functions in combinations.
For what its worth i think im some kind of Se type, but im not even sure on that
Now I got INTP again
"Unclear N preference"
Of course
Why are you doing this? You big dummy
Public anouncment from INFJ-user here :D
I like big cumm dump in my bum :333
U cute?
I can't believe I'm being bullied. I'm a prude, do not believe user's slander.
>not a trap
you failed
What the fuck is going on in this thread, I just joined yesterday
Can I get a quick rundown?
I don't feel smart enough to be an INTP though
25 year old NEET though
What does this all mean, fellow robots? I'm only familiar with the big 5 personality test.
i usually get intp is this a good or bad thing?
A pretty good thing. INTPs are pretty cute. Softer deep down than their INTJ cousins, who really are as cold as they seem.
but i got entp am i a nigger?
>entp am i a nigger?
Post something that'll excite us or make us laugh.
Then we might ''let you in'' on our lil' thing here
kill all **T*s right NOW
Shut the fuck up ISTP cunt
Talk shit. Come on, talk some more
Anyone else here think that Ti users are by far the most unpleasant types to be around? Unless well developed, almost every single one i have come across is argumentative, extremely selfish, lacking empathy, refuses to listen to anything but their own ideas, etc etc. Im an ESTP myself and i used to be argumentative and stubborn/conceited myself, so i can understand where its coming from, but you have to grow out of that shit by the time you are 18. If you are 23 and still doing that shit you are a manchild
>he thinks "woman's intuition" actually means anything
no wonder this place is so terrible, most people here are horribly underdeveloped Ti users
I'm working on a INFP bf meme. (since I couldn't find one on google)
There is still some space left and I'm running out of ideas, so let me know what you think.
I am an INTP so I am completely comfortable in my ideas and constantly have to reconcile the fact that most people don't think like I do thus arguing endlessly is entirely pointless. I've noticed ESTPs and ENTPs are ruthless in their use of Ti and are completely oblivious to how pointless it is to constantly assert what they think. and they often consider their mediocre logic to be nothing short of genius
You are completely wrong. Its Ti dominants who constantly go around arguing with people and trying to assert their "superior logic". For ExTPs, logic is just a tool to serve the ends of Se or Ne, we don't care about being right we just want to get things done. We only care about logic insofar it is relevant to our goal.
Ti dominants on the other hand invest their ego into being right all the time, which is the cause of their argumentativeness and unwillingness to listen to others. They feel like they are lesser if they are not right for once, it actually hurts their ego.
Nice underhanded jab though at the end there. Perfectly showcases my point. Underdeveloped Ti users will jerk off to muh troof and will talk about not caring about yOuR FeELiNgs at the drop of a fucking hat but if you tell them a truth about them that hurts their feelings prepare for the petty underhanded womanlike counterattacks.
Underdeveloped Ti users and specifically Ti doms are a joke. Literally the most unpleasant people to be around.
takes an ESTP to interpret completely dry and plain statements as subtle insults
It has to do with the way this is all nonsense with no basis in science
>and they often consider their mediocre logic to be nothing short of genius
Clearly an underhanded insult
INTPs are no smarter than any other type, so don't worry, you can still be stupid and an INTP.
there isn't a right answer
It's shit! You shouldn't try and force memes unless you've got a solid plan for it desu
It has some moderate basis in science, and it correlates fairly well with more accepted tests like big5. It's true that parts of mbti are trash, but others are valuable and could be developed further.