Fembots, what you're you do if your bf said his last gf cheated on him?
Would that devalue him in your eyes?
Fembots, what you're you do if your bf said his last gf cheated on him?
No why the fuck would someone else's actions devalue him
It's only a red flag if he says something like "oh yeah all my exes were crazy bitches" since the common denominator is him
>T. Larper that presents women in a good light.
Probably would yeah, shows that he lacks status and well. No one wants to date a literal cuck.
??? don't know why that seems like a larp, it's my genuine opinion
Cause you're obviously not a girl. Just some white-night trying to convice people that women aren't shite.
>everything that contradicts my worldview is fake
nice, my wet-ass vagina disagrees
>shows that he lacks status and well.
yeah, if you were cheated on, don't tell your possible future partners, it is a big red flag, even if you aren't at fault
>nice, my wet-ass vagina disagrees
Fucking sick, that's exactly how women talk. Or is this Amy Schumer im talking to?
I would take extra care of him and show him that he deserves to be loved
No. It would make me feel really sorry for him and angry that someone hurt him.
I'd be a red flag if it's something like "I'VE DATED 35 WOMEN AND ALL OF THEM WERE BPD CRAZY HOES WHO CHEATED ON ME", then yeah, there's something wrong with him that makes me devalue him. Shitty people are shitty people.
TITS OR GTFO you'd think they'd learn by now
Well it'll put me on edge since he would have most likely developed trust issues
No? Least not if that's the only information given. Without further context, she was just a bitch and he, unfortunate. It would only devalue him if some red flag patterns start showing up to make me think "You know, his ex's actions are starting to make sense".
Damn good thing I read this because all my previous exes were crazy bitches.
That's a lot of brown subhumans.
Unless she flat out asks, wtf would you would ever even mention an ex-gf to a girl?
I wish i could strip naked in this thread
It wouldn't devalue him at all and I would definitely be glaring at her in public. I just want her to have the feeling of being watched, some guilt. Because she did a bad thing to someone I romantically love.
I was cheated on. Didn't tell anyone let alone a future gf. My ex told her friends I was the one who cheated and that she left me. A couple of her friends had sex with me after that. Women are fuxking weird man. Never show weakness or anything that you are ashamed of.
And the reason you didn't is?
habbening to me, honestly it does concern me, because at least 2 out of 4 of his exes have cheated on him. also he still is friends with some of them on social media. uwu I don't want to be the crazy gf so I try not to ask about it, but he always brings them up out of the blue.. especially last time, when I gave him Xmas present and he said "lol my ex gf gave me a really shitty present that showed she didn't know me at all" like that was supposed to make me feel better about the gifts I gave him. make me frustrated
>white night
Underage or rarted.
You're speaking logically and asking a question that requires reasoning to follow. Women don't know what "devalue" means, they just know how they feel. To answer your question it all depends on the context of how you say it and your reaction to her response
Run out of shit to talk about I guess