Why aren't NEETs happy? It seems like the average NEET is absolutely miserable despite living a life free of any physical labor or effort.
Why aren't NEETs happy...
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Why would a life free of effort make anyone happy?
Apparently it gets boring after a while if you literally just stay inside all day.
NEETs who keep themselves busy with /x/ LARP are a lot happier.
You can be an extroverted neet dude
>Why would a life free of effort make anyone happy?
Ask that to the scions of the worlds richest families.
we don't really live
we just just exist
yo might be confusing cause and effect here. someone who's absolutely miserable is unlikely to get any satisfaction out of working or accomplishment, it'll just seem pointless, so they aren't likely to try and do much.
It's really what you make of it. I've been a NEET for a while. Eventually you realize how hard wagefags work for a life they won't even enjoy.
A lot of people have misconceptions about NEET life and many don't actually even KNOW what would make them happy. The only really happy ones have something meaningful to put their time into.
I can say with confidence that i wouldn't get bored if i was off my anti-psychotic meds
It's literally impossible when you're amped up on dopamine levels that are thru the fuckin roof
I used to play video games for hours and jack off for hours on end, now i don't play at all and my sex drive is non-existent
Psych meds make you a normie and functioning adult but my god i was happier being a reclusive weirdo
This guy gets it, we got no hobbies, no friends. We just exist online, no one would notice if we dissapeared
Id be happier if normies left
They don't have anything to fill their free time with. They don't have friends or relationships so they're alone 24/7 and humans were not meant to live that way.
>look at me
>heeeeeey loook at meeee
>im hav a sword on muh butt lol
>am i kawaii sugoi now like sakura from dragon piece z?
Can confirm this, once you've fully transitioned into an /x/ psychosis, nothing can get you down.
Just came in to say:
>dat ass
Don't even care about the thread.
Because she has a nice ass you faggot.
It's less living and more just existing. I sit inside all day with zero goals to focus on, other than trivial shit like gaming. A lack of peers also means that if I walk away from my devices, my options are do chores, sleep, or some uneventful exercise at best. I legitimately see going to the store for some food as a fucking feild day. Fuck yeah, a reason to go outside. Hell yeah, a chance to go pick up whatever I want so I can look forward to cooking it later. Alright, I get to go buy a dumb toy for my cat and make his day... Having no obligations, goals, or important social interactions makes you restless, lonely, and bored. And God forbid you're a NEET with depression, because you literally have nothing else to do but over think and wallow in apathy.
I'd still take it over having a job though. At least in this situation I can blame myself for not using my time wisely, instead of actually not being able to use my time wisely while also getting my soul sucked.
Probably crippling loneliness
First and foremost, they're probably incels, or at the very least hasn't had sex since high school
They also don't have money to go out, so they become distant from their irl friends
>I'd still take it over having a job though
So I completely fail to see how being a NEET is the root of any of your problems.
It isn't, it's the side effect of not being able to function well in society. We're social creatures and you can only focus on solo hobbies and interests for so long before you just end up miserable from isolation. The root problem is that most neets are also people who get shunned by society for being seen as creepy, autistic, awkward, threatening, boring, useless, and/or depressing
You guys aren't happy?
licentious retard with shallow thoughts detected
>it make my dick hard so it good
>despite living a life free of any physical labor or effort.
You answered your own question. Life without activity, effort or struggle is worse than a life in which you struggle for your life. Why do you think the worst punishment in current prison system is being on isolation just with yourself. Even the most comfortable ones, in Scandi countries where you have a computer, television and you can learn crafts or musical instrument, is considered goddamn atrocious by guys who spent there five and more years. And robots live in seclusion and isolation far longer than that.
And what makes it even worse than if/when you get a job, it will probably be some mcjob which gives you no sense of accomplishment, nor you will ever see something you did made with your hands - just never ending same toil every single day. Being a craftsmen is different - you actually create thing. Roofer or builder, both can see the fruit of their work at the end of the day, metalworker too. But a guy working in factory or corporate drone? Nah.
Core of the problems is in civilization itself. The more civilization you get, less struggle and meaning there is. That's why automatization will bring the worse catastrophe in history and maybe even extinction. We are going full mouse utopia mode now. Also, more civilization = less women actually need men. In the past, women HAD to settle with men. Nowadays? Why would they do that, what is incentive? They work on their own, earn money on their own. State helps if there is some issue or if they decide to be single mothers. There is very little danger, no need to hunt or protect anything. When the need rarely arises, you just call the number and men from state will help.
We are going full speed into a shit town boys. And either we will tear this whole thing down to start anew or it will be the end of us.
Are we shitting on the cosplayer or 2b because 2b is cool
Why are people who don't go outside, barely take care of themselves, have poor nutrition and only see life through the lens of others via the internet not happy?
Hmm, let me think about it
Sauce, who's she?
I would be happy if that girl was my gf and I was having sex with her right now
user the doctor said you have gay
false assumption, they may not have any problems that the poor people have, but they must put in effort or lose their position at the top. They must relearn the skills of their father to retain control of the world.
A lot of this. Along with being told my entire life that "you can do anything." So I went to college, got a degree and can barely get a mcjob. Wow.
>you can do anything
This too is one of the worst things out there. How can you do anything, when nothing has inherent value in the globalized world? When everyone is beautiful, no one really is. When everyone has everything, no one really has anything.
We were born, lead to believe that all girls are princesses and queens and all guys are knights and kings. What we got? Whores and crooks.
Wageslaving itself is miserable but the good things about it are socializing even to a low extent, getting money, maybe feeling accomplished or purposeful, and once in a blue moon doing work you are actually interested in. If we could find something that fulfills these needs without waging, we wouldn't feel troubled
Shopping or groceries is also the most notable recurring event for me
yeah, neets should be happy, no friends, isolation, no values, no reason to go outside, etc
>NEETs brag to normies that they have all of the free time in the world
>said NEETs then vent how boring and sad their lives are just 30 minutes later
no they dont you utter faggot
I was absolutely miserable while working, beeing a NEET has some downsides if you don't know how to handle your time but I feel much better now.
I am pretty happy, all said. Far happier then among people and witha job at least.
The only trouble are women and their staggering demands, especially in being so damn needy about a social llfe.
Give me a shy NEET qt who likes me and staying at home with eachother and I am happy.
Yes they do.
Otherwise the family friend will deceive him & take over.
no shit sherlock its literally going against our humanistic need to be functional and productive
show tits roastie
>our humanistic need to be functional and productive
Your needs are not invariably mine.
hedonism does not ever lead to fulfillment
this is pretty obvious
Only the retarded neets are unhappy, i love being a neet, just not when my bux are about to be cut
dear diary, the ass was fat
Lol shut up retard.
I prefer being NEET to wagecucking. That being said I feel like I do a lot more self reflection and start overthinking things a lot more as a NEET. My attention span has also gone to shit.
It's just the lack of agency. They're happy as long as they set their mind to something.
Most can't do it since they have such bad attention spans. Plus they come to places like Jow Forums and poison their minds with negativity.
this is because kids aren't socialized to sit down and be quiet anymore. They're constantly kept moving. There's always another activity to go to, always people around, always sounds and noise, never once a quiet moment. Isolation in prison drives normies mad because for the very first time in their lives they have to be alone with their own thoughts. Being alone is like learning a language. If it happens when you're growing up its second nature and you think nothing of it as an adult, but if you grew up without it, your brain will never be able to handle it.
As a side note don't over-romanticize trade work. Just being able to say you made something is no guarantee you'll be proud of it or that you'll think what you spend your days doing is worthwhile. After you fix the roofs of two dozen mcmansions you just shrug and get through the job to get your check.
A bowl is most useful when it is empty.
I prefer being NEET, working makes me even more unhappy and depressed. The loneliness gets to me sometimes though.
Loneliness and lack of adventure. Lot of them aren't right in the noggin as well.
Watch Jordan Peterson's lectures, he explains it very well, basically dopamine bursts are just short term pleasure that will make you miserable in the long term, but if you sacrifice your short term satisfaction to achieve actually important things in life, then that is much more rewarding and that's what gives life meaning, however to do that you have to embrace discomfort and be willing to be a fool before you can be a master
you have to actually find things that are that important though. If you work hard and struggle and eventually accomplish something that you don't see the importance of, it brings you no satisfaction. You just feel like you wasted a lot of time and effort on something pointless. That's the problem a lot of robots have, nothing in life seems particularly important in that sense.
He also talks about that, if you don't know what makes you happy then just try anything, if you do that it might at least give you a different perspective and help you discover what you really want. Even in the worst case scenario it's still a hell of a lot better than not doing anything at all.
Decent proportion aren't neet through choice and people just don't do well without anything to do.
What med are you on fampai
eyy, I do my groceries daily exactly because of this
>Even in the worst case scenario it's still a hell of a lot better than not doing anything at all.
this is incorrect. Doing things that wind up making you happier is better than doing nothing, but doing nothing is better than doing things that don't make you happy. "just try anything" is not a can't-lose proposition.
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill him.
when you have infinite free time, even fun things become dull.
I was a NEET for 9 months, and I grew to hate all my favorite games, books, shows, browsing Jow Forums, even jerking off.
now that I started working and only have 6 hours off a day, all those things are exciting again
NEET here. once i start receiving NEETbux i'm moving to hawaii and living in a van. i also qualify for medical marijuana there. going to be a comfy ass life playing video games and smoking weed in my van. hopefully i'll get to fuck some island cuties too.
cant wait
if you take any "meds" you are a slave to"them" and their brainwashing
The human mind feasts on adversity and problem solving. We are coded to feel that way because only the genetic profiles who have kept their nose to the grind are still around. Being a lazy fucked breeds self resentment and waywardness which is ultimately the root of all short sighted or self sabotaging behavior the alienation from ones natural state. We were literally designed to suffer.
How do you sustain NEET life?
It turns out living a life free of physical labor, effort and purpose isn't very satisfying, you run out of entertainment after a few years and eventually find yourself numb to all the pleasures you wanted to indulge in that you didn't have the time for before.
I really enjoyed being a NEET. Being a NEET was the only thing that motivated me to do anything. Because I had infinite free time I would finish all of the things I wanted to do the most, that left the other things that I wanted to do.
Source on the model please? I'm an artist and I need this for material for my studies. Please help.
Probably because they aren't independent.
My goal is to make enough of a passive income so I can become a NEET without having to be a burden on friends and family
Id say it is the most ready to be useful. If it never actually gets filled then it has no purpose.
>"doing nothing is better than doing things that make you unhappy"
Assume no you are not a slave and you can stop when you want this is not true. If you do something you dont like you may get stronger and learn more about yourself and the world. If you sit and do nothing you ideas are never challenged and you can very quickly become delusional. The goal is to eventually find something meaningful and to do that you have to make mistakes. Making mistakes is better than pretending that if you did do something it would be great or incorrectly thinking you could never do anything good if you tried for a thousand years.
What bothers me maybe the most about it is that nobody respects you. You are a parasite to society and everywhere you go you have to lie about your life. You learn to entirely avoid meeting people so they cant ask you the most basic question that terrifies every neet. "What do you do?" After that you are either a mask or a dog.
I have been at this game for almost 5 fricken years now. It is like a black hole that sucks you deeper into its all encompassing dull blackness. The truth is the rest of the world moves on but not you. You stay still while your friends get girlfriends and get married, they build careers, they meet new people and have memorable moments that you couldnt handle. After a while the elephant in the room suffocates you. "Why do you still bother with me?" Nobody looks directly at you because they dont want to affirm how shameful your existence is. You just pretend until that gets too painful. The last time I went over to a friends house to hang with strangers and just chill I had tears in my eyes the whole time. It was just so hard to try to seem like a worthwhile person. I was so uncomfortable trying to hold the dense mask in front of my face. And if you ever drop it even for a second people dont even look at you anymore. They wander away and leave you with yourself.
>do things that make you happy blah blah blah
See this is where you are wrong yet again, JP also talks about that, you never have to act for shit that makes you "happy" define happiness, it's just am emotional state which can be easily achieved by doing anything that release dopamine in your brain like jerk off, play videogames, etc. Now if you define happiness as a long lasting sense of meaning and accomplishment or something along those lines, then anything you can do to get closer to find that sense of meaning is better than nothing, learn to embrace discomfort, get out of your damn confort or you will be miserable for the rest of your shitty life.
>no day to day interests
>usuallyrots with entertainment
>no steps for taking care of oneself or being taken care of properly
>physical health deplorable.
I can go on but do I really need to? isn't it obvious? Sure you have no labor but you also have no life.
Also this originaligator;
If whatever you're currently doing is incorrect, doing anything else is more likely to be correct than whatever you're currently doing.
While not everything you could do is likely to be correct, more of it is likely to be more correct than doing nothing, especially with some degree of thought or selection put into it.
Time moves too damn fast. A year just evaporates in fully entrenched neetdom. Before you know it your 25 and have done nothing with your life. Time is fucking bananas man. AT WHAT RATE DOES THE PRESENT CHANGE.
Because pic related. That's why.
NEET and happy about it, but only because I'm the very few percent that has it easy. Parents are supportive and don't pressure me too much, middle class family so money isn't a huge problem. Able to self study, focus on hobbies, have interests and improve. Don't beat myself up for games, sleeping too much or lazying around. Overall positive attitude on life and even if I do something minor I try to celebrate and pat myself on the back for it.
Will eventually climb out of being a NEET when I start trying to post my work online to make money. Or take up job offers because i've shared it with a few communities and was offered them by small companies after interviews. So that gave me some self worth, even if i'd prefer to work from home for myself, but at least I know i'm wanted somewhere.
Been a NEET for about 7 years now. Therapy helped over the last 6 months, hopefully it will push me those last few inches. Not really rushing.
How often is it for the unemployed to freak out and kill?
I always wonder the same about wageslaves.
They act like they have it all but you can see in their eyes they have even less joy than us.
Happiness comes from fullfillment. You can get it by either working a shit job in a factory 12 hours a day or wasting away on the floor from drugs. It all depends on what makes you happy, feel complete.
Don't forget freeloaders and parasites, which they definitely are if they depend on welfare or disability benefits.
wow very deep user i guess with all this free time you're gonna be the next great philosopher huh
Truth is just subsidizing doesnt equate to happiness. Hapoiness comes from fullfillment of goals and dreams. Men are human doings. Not beings
So stop being a parasite? Idk man.
You guys are thinking too hard.
Happiness is a balance between wealth and free time.
NEETs have all the free time but no money to do anything except rot in their room.
Normies have money to do things but they are too tired from their slavery to do anything. Everyone is basically the same sort of miserable on this scale. As a wageslave all I wanna do is NEET again now that I have tons of cash saved up.
>monks are unhappy
>off the grid recluses are unhappy
Those people are only happy cuz they don't have to pay taxes.
Some of us don't have the luxury to run from society. We don't have anywhere to run.
>"wah I don't have discipline unless someone is on my ass 5 days out of the week"
also you
>"Neets are retarded and going against natural instinct"
You get mentally bullied into blending in with other wagies a lot
Its not as soul crushing as working retail but it gets to you
This is the worst part. Working isn't that bad but dealing with people still stuck in the Matrix wears on you really quick. Even worse is they subsist on drama because decades of TV brainwashing turns people into hiveminded cliques who squabble over the most inane bullshit.