high as fuck playing vidya like a big boy, edition
3rd for having to wait to post first because i just posted the op link in the last thread
going to tesco to do my shopping, wish me luck
So a norf fc parks his van outside my house
and he smokes joints. Lots of joints. They're filled with weed.
He smokes half and throws them away.
Am I a pikey for picking them up or am I getting the last laugh by never having to spend money on weed again? Literally have grams I've collected off him for free.
good luck user bring me a baguette if you will lad
report him for drug driving lad, theres a good boy
I'm a goomer
Whats his reg plate?
>Call it drag racing
>None of the cars are in drag
Nah he only smokes it after he finishes work
>being a snitch
Poley's extremely well-rested so I cannot wait to see what he adds to this edition. Gonna be something AMAZING I bet!!
if i won the lottery i would probably spend money it on nonsense like hiring zeus and britfeel boys to sting nonces and record it
Full of pizza and cider and a bit sleepy desu lads
he will find out one day, and he will beat the living shit out of you
dont ask why its just the norf way
>Take a look at my pictures folder
>Filled with Neptunia and Konosuba porn
What kind of stuff do you groom lad?
Im hoping failing that job interview taught the lad some humility but some how I doubt it
tell us what street you live at and the reg of the van and we'll do the rest
>Call it race cars
>None of the cars are cracker, black, asian and hispanic
im a dog groomer
im also attracted to underage boys
God Dammit I can't get over them
He'd fucking knock you out mate he's built like a fucking brick shithouse and he hasn't done anything wrong you moral guardian prick
>Reminder that a number of women regularly post in /britfeel/ - Seethe harder newfags
>Drinking on a weekday
You fucking bum lol
Come on lad, trannies dont count
trannies dont count, allison
How many have you groomed? of both
Based and anti-tranny pilled
>drug driving
>hasnt done anything wrong
give us the doxx and stop being a softlad
Good lad, tell those str8 edge cunts to fakking do one
n-none it was a joke please take me off the list andrew
some lad who lives on my street drinks 16 pints then drives through school playgrounds, running over kids then vomiting on their corpses, what a lad, done nothing wrong
He doesn't smoke and drive you utter fucking illiterate retard. He comes back from work and smokes in his van as he isn't allowed to smoke in his flat
You fucking cunt.
>n-no you musnt smoke marijuana it's illegal!
bootlicking faggots
weed stays in your system for alot longer than booze, norflad, he'll still fail a drug driving test the next day, dont you think about the people who he could end up killing by running over them?
Too late sunshine you're already on the list, me Daz and Phil are already on the way down to kick your head in.
Is this Poleslaws accomplice?
good luck wrap up warm
You'll be alright dude
You make the sting account and I'll do it for free
Bless ya lad, you think youre making a clever point
>Druganons seething.
I do smoke it, not all the time though..it gets boring
>implying you wouldnt be a degenerate animal if weed was legal
A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a license to behave like an asshole.
What scary 60's anti-drug PSAs are you watching that you think smoking weed means you're incapable of driving the day after? Not him btw
need to become a big lad honestly. Lanky boy is shit tier
its common knowledge that it stays in your system for a long time and impairs things like driving skills, and lets be honest, norf fcs dont have much driving skill to start with, the last thing anyone needs is for them to be stoned or drunk
>tfw regularly drive stoned
Making a Maccies trip later lads and theres nowt ya can do to stop me
>He thinks the psychoactive compound in weed keeps you stoned for 20+ hours
holy shit you're a moron
people say alcohol is a drug. its not a drug, its a drink.
cba lad. I would only do it if i had money because it would be funny to have my own personal nonce hunting group. You would have to get into lifting though, its one of my requirements, i need fit lads to hold down the nonces for when they act up.
hello i am high and one bottle of wine and a few beers
this brexit gayer ex who grew up in a middle class family objected to the hsbc adverts saying 'we're not an island'
no... the UK is not an island, neither are any of its countries
why is he trying to be funny on facebook with 'my geography teacher told me we were one island'
can someone explain
>tfw anons relatives get killed by a drug driver
cant wait to giggle at you
>Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
if you can regularly drive stoned, thats not your main problem, the problem is you cant even get that high anymore, costs a lot to do it, am i right people
Got my army interview next week boys.
Might treat myself to a boiled egg tonight.
Good thing money isnt an issue then lad
>legacy will never come back
>he consumes drugs
Guys, I just want a futa gf.
>Ebin will never be a police officer
well good for you dear i.4cdn.org
You're a fucking melt mate.
Good luck Private!
I want a pollack gf to scrub my toilets and fuck me on command. :)
>The fattest britfeelers are souf
>The thinnest britfeelers are norf
Where is the evidence for such a claim?
I'm NORF and BMI says i'm obese, but I don't look it at all.
>childish name calling
typical druggo
the lads out for a mince about Ulthuan
zoose sounds like he's 30 stone
Saku/shippy are souf
Ebin/poleaboo is norf
excuse me, do you have seasonal beers?
I'm norf and I'm a big lad. Love me pies.
Mazdamundis coming for you man. WARMIES OUT
Almost feel sorry for stoners with such an abysmal life they turn to drugs. Glad I'm not dependent on 'herb' to be happy
Reminder, radio is on tonight, 8PM. be there or be a fag tranny
You do call the police on your dad when he drives the morning after a few pints?
Roley Poley is far from skinny lad
They're talking about noncehunters on the radio
I know this is bait, and not even smoked regularly til I was 27, but weed gave me the happiest, horniest, and exciting moments of my life for like two years
He never does, so that's not an issue
You post this in the wrong thread lad lmao
Feel sorry for you lads who think your life has to be in the shitter to enjoy a bit of drugs
Weed being illegal is a vestigial attempt at placating those on the right; marijuana laws are simply not enforced at this point on any meaningful scale. The only times they are are when industrial quantities are seized and they can't simply sweep it under the rug. In all likelihood, unfortunately, it seems that weed will be made legal sooner or later in this god-forsaken country, making it just that little bit shittier.
Smoking weed, or doing any drugs for that matter, is disgusting, degenerate, bad for your health and a drain on society and the economy, while promoting adjunct criminal behaviours.
Stop smoking it.
Oi lads i go oyt to me van to av a smoke aftr work. Calms me down a bit. I look out me flat window an i sees this greasy little man filching me old joints i threw out. Utter state of the gobshite. Hope he doesnt die from the meth i lace them with
Almost feel sorry for posters with such an abysmal life they turn to bait. Glad I'm not dependent on '(you)s' to be happy
So you would if he did?
Glad my parents weren't degenerate stoners and were instead responsible adults
There's bad news on the Poleaboo Radio front.
It ain't happening.
I know this is britfeel, but this level of COPE is still sad.
Smoke THIS
*farts on your face*
>Smoking weed, or doing any drugs for that matter, is disgusting, degenerate, bad for your health and a drain on society and the economy, while promoting adjunct criminal behaviours.
I will devour your flesh, and leave your naked mind to the Lidless Eye.
Fartposter would smoke a human shit placed in a bong, always shows up when weed is being slagged off
>Lidless Eye
imagine not being able to see the lids
he got off on the idea of Zeus farting in his face too
>Gobbles down prescription meds
fookin luvleh
>Guzzles down pint after pint, wine glass after wine glass
fookin hit the spot that did.
>Smokes a 20 deck of fags
Love a durrie,me.
>See's someone smoking a joint
Fookin disgustin' druggo. Fookin scumbags. Should fookin' lock 'em up. Glad i dont do drugs absolute fookin disgrace.
that answer isnt actually me but similar to the other user, my dad doesnt drive drunk/stoned, he wouldnt do that
You can just imagine what dribbling mongoloids are on the other end of a pro-weed post