>fell for just learn a trade meme
Fell for just learn a trade meme
>fell for the "comfy night shift" meme
sure is nice making minimum wage
how is that a meme? thats the best course of action imo,i learned engineering and am making bank.... dont tell me you learned some shitty trade user
I learned how to stick metal together
that's to make retards feel better about themselves.
you get literally one life, why wouldn't you shoot for something higher unless you're a retard
When you learn a trade, you will eventually have to learn other ones that synergize with it. You can't just rely on one. Don't stop now.
>not getting stable, secure emnployment before trying something higher
That's like the retards who open businesses using bank loans, and considering the absolute state of american education, going to college is just as risky for anyone who's not a highly intelligent person with chad social skills
oh youre a retard OP always go for golden tier like engineering and shit... welding is ass tier, i did electrical engineering got my master trade license and have been living nice ever since im not even a khv anymore i just come here cause i have an emotional attachment to this place
>fell for the "why don't you just lift dude" meme
You're retarded.
high risk high reward. but take the safe way im sure once you're 35 you'll have enough money to leave your hometown and pursue something worthwhile
Sure, enjoy never actually achieving anything due to your poor decisions.
The fuck are you talking about? Welding is golden tier, i can easily make close to six figures if not actually make six figures depending on how i feel.
It paid off for me. I have my dream job and make a lot of money.
100k isn't a lot of money.
not even enough to live comfortably in a decent area of the country unless you want to live rural.
no career path is a meme
the redpill is that every single career path requires a strong work ethic to be successful and you probably have none
Do you live in Los Angeles or something? I can make 70k here in Florida and afford a nice suburban house and not worry about basic expenses.
> computer addict loser wants to become a blue collar worker
youre obv the retard user if you think engineering isnt a trade and no its not the engineering youre thinking about.please think before you speak
yea dont get me wrong welding is alright but not to brag just stating a fact i dont know if you can get a mastership in welding or not but i have mine and i make six figure base ~180,000 without doing too much work i just sit on my ass and instruct the fodder... but i were to be actually doing work( taking my own jobs, working incalls and shit and still be on a salary with union id be netting around ~350,000 im just comfortable so i dont go out of my way to have joint probs in my later years and i can guarentee you electric engineering is a whole lot easier than welding
Travel? Kids school? 70k ain't shit
>risky for anyone who's not a highly intelligent person with chad social skills
If that's your takeaway from college then a trade will do you nicely. Also I'm flattered at your inadvertent description of my alpha status
i'm trying my best here user. I hate it when my colleges chastise me for no reason. Yesterday the alpha laborer who's attending class with me shoved me and yelled
Then later that day my instructor said that if I don't like being humiliated like that I better get used to it, because that's how it is in the field. I'm close to graduating and now I feel like I've made a huge mistake. I left early that day and tried sleeping it off. Surely someone as autistic as me should qualify for NEETbux
The fuk? If by decent you mean only the big ass cities in comifornia than maybe. I'm living pretty comfy on less than 10k. Granted that's with roommates, but still comfy. And this is without any kind of welfare or anything.
I can travel fine, and I dont have kids, even if then your wife should have a job too.
Electrician by trade and I make more money than most my peers, but there's a point in life where money won't matter much to you.
currently doing an apprentinceship to become an "electronics technician for automated technology" in a factory, working for the 2nd biggest car part supplier worldwide.
Im literally autistic when it comes to actually practically doing stuff...
I have never worked in my life (20, graduated late since repeating a year) so even the most basic chores are super hard for me. Its been 4 months since i started and i already feel like im either gonna get fired or break due to huge incapability-triggered depression.
So ye
I fell for the "Being alive" meme.
>and no its not the engineering youre thinking about.
Then it's not engineering. Learn what a word means before you use it dumbass.
any decent sized city. are you a child? 10k? you will never retire. you can't even buy your own food and pay rent with that. don't talk about money while mommy still pays rent
> engineering
more specific plz there's a hundred types of "engineer"
Not him but fuck man my bills are only $700/month. If I wanted to live like my parents in a suburban area of a large city (Orlando) a house is $250,000. You can do that on $50k/yr. Hell my parents raised my sister and I on that much.
If you haven't paid any attention to these past 20 years, literally everything is more expensive. EG. My rent when I was kicked out 6 years ago in LA was $325 for a 2 bed apartment splitting rent. Now I have to split with 2 others and it's $650. And that is on the cheap side. Single rooms go for around $800 when you split.
You don't need a lot to live, but you need something. I am pretty comfy at $20/hr, but work is physical and most of my coworkers can't speak English. So I used the little I saved for more certifications, and by next month I'll move up the ladder. Always look forward, you can always be more comfy.
lmao, what did you do to piss him off in the first place