Is it wrong to ironically like Nazis?
Idk but I find nazis kinda cool looking and somehow funny, yet I'm not to keen on the whole genicide thing.
is this normal?
Is it wrong to ironically like Nazis?
Idk but I find nazis kinda cool looking and somehow funny, yet I'm not to keen on the whole genicide thing.
is this normal?
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The Nazi's had style and were innovative.
Yes because it's a stand against tranny Jews and nigger gays.
The only reason normies don't like it is because >muh morality
Chances are that they know little to nothing about nazis. They're just parroting their grade seven history classes
Why would you like autistic losers?
They conquered all of Eurpe all alone and you call them autistic losers? They had also technology which was far in front of other countries
Everyone on this site has memed about Nazis before, and they did have some cool stuff that was unique and not done before that is interesting
The line is drawn at joking about it vs actually, unironically believeing in it. Before this site became a dumping ground for reddit, tumblr and stormfront, no one ACTUALLY believed in that shit. Its only when retarded kids found the site and they thought memes were real life that people actually started believing in nazism unironically.
So the answer to your question memeing about it is ok, but actually believing in it is retard tier
t. Nervous Schlomo
Your time is coming lad. This time for real.
In fairness, that can be said for any form of military uniforms.
Can they though? Weren't their uniforms designed by some recognizable big name designer?
Didn't have that notion until you pointed that out.
They only got a headstart because nobody else was a warmongering asshole
>still get beaten by Soviet "subhumans" after taking off the kid gloves
Glad german women got raped wholesale and german men died and got cucked
>They only got a headstart because nobody else was a warmongering asshole
Imagine being this illiterate.
By Hugo Boss himself. Anyone saying nazis weren't hip as fuck is a goddamn plebeian.
Facism is very likable, we're mostly just made to dislike it through propaganda.
Childhood is idolizing Allied aesthetic because it's all you know. Adolescence is idolizing fascist aesthetic because it's "edgy and cool". Adulthood is idolizing communist aesthetic because it's more effeminate, thus looking better on females, and thus more fuckable. Fur, loose clothes, scarves, thick cloth, all these things are best suited to accentuate the vulnerability of femininity, while the standarized and functional style of fascist attire and equipment is inherently masculine, making it less fuckable, and therefore, inferior.
Soviet > Nazi
Tbqh the nazis had a lot of great ideas that work really well.
Just to scratch the surface, nationalism.
If all countries were ethnically homogeneous, stuff like racism, affirmative action, hate crimes, etc, wouldn't exist.
It's only when countries are "diverse" that such things are of a concern.
"Melting pots" sound good in theory, but in practice they just accelerate the fracturing and demise of societies.
And in recent cases
>European Union
The rule of empires is that most empires prosper for about 150 years, and then they are destroyed from within and create "dark ages".
Meanwhile, smaller homogeneous countries usually stand the test of time.
Don't believe kike propaganda. The world today would be a much better place if Germany won WWII.
t. tranny
Go back to your containment board. You get the rope too.
>imagine being this much in denial
germany was like a school shooter who cried unfair when the swat arrived
if some group would murder half of your people, bet you wouldnt like that group
Lol no you tard. What they were was old and extremely unprepared military. Hitler gambled as fuck three times in a row - with Poland, Czechoslovakia and ultimately France. France for example was probably the greatest gamble, since French had much greater military presence in Rhineland and would rekt Germans if they wanted. But they let them establish military force there from which later the attack was launched. Attack lead by mostly captured Czechoslovakian tanks mind you, they didn't even had enough of those.
Same applies to Czechoslovakia - if the Czechs would have defended, they would probably make German army unable to do any other conquest for years and that would probably also weaken Hitler's position up to the point he would maybe leave his place. This is another point - in early campaigns the national socialist government still didn't consolidated power absolutely in the state.
That brutal late-war total war machine was something completely different from German army for most of the war.
>the clothing a man wears should be determined by how good a woman looks in them
>if you disagree with me then you are [insert thing i don't like]
Go back.
>what is the rheinland, austria, sudeten crisis?
Why would you where the clothing? You're missing the point.
germany on a strategic picture relied on operational surprise to win operations, pretty much all the battles in 1939 and 1940 could have been averted if the defending countries succesfully mobilized and defended to the last
that is why the soviets ultimatly won, they refused to surrender
Hitlerino originalino