How can women be lonely when they can get this whenever they want?
How can women be lonely when they can get this whenever they want?
because failed women will just get pumped and dumped and wont actually stop being lonely
They can't get Chad as often as they want. Therefore women can be lonely
fucking doesnt feel as good for women, or rather theres more that needs to be done to get them off, and a one night stand often doesnt give enough of a shit to do it.
theyre used like a cumsock by a stranger and ghosted right after. arguably its worse than never getting laid
women like shoes more than sex
Failed women is a good word for them
Then why the fuck do they do it twice a week+ if they hate it so much?
I'll let you on a little secret pretty much everyone who's not a complete retard knows:
Women want a high-status man to COMMIT to them. They want that high-status man to spend resources on them, their children, etc.
But what happens mostly is they get fucked by some high-status man once or several times, but he never commits. Thus - those women are lonely.
lol normalnigger btfo
based position desu. even better if the girls spreading herself with her own hands
for validation i guess, its okay if chad does it basically
damn this gif is a e s t h e t i c
they love the attention
Bbut the long line of men I can get to have sex with me and pretend to be interested in me won't stay with me and listen to my problems and try to defuse the atomic bomb of ex-related drama that I've become after they're done fucking me :(
I guess the solution is to just try the same thing again with another man ad infinitum until I'm 40 and I can't even get chads to fuck me anymore instead of gaining some self respect and actually expecting a man to put in some work to get to know me before I open my legs for him.
Why is there so much porn advertisement on this board? On Jow Forums it's just random adds, here I get spammed with porn from every angle.
Jews trying to keep us down and control us.
go to the sfw boards if it triggers you so much
I did nofap for one week runs and I've never felt so full of energy since I can remember. The brainfog completely gone. But I relapsed due to porn urges and increased test. I wish porn never existed man, It's scary how addicted I am to it. Didn't realize until I legitimately tried to stop.
>having a dick up your holes will make you feel less lonely
you could also find a horny gay to fuck you, OP
haha, the advertisers obviously know their target audience
Because every woman is just a sex-machine. Fuckers like you are the reason women feel lonely
Sex with random strangers != good company or fun
I'm not sure why men are so obsessed with fucking
nofap only works if you actually replace pornography with value added activities and social relationships. Chronic masturbation is not the cause of social isolation, it's a result of social isolation.
pathetic! have you never heard of post-coital clarity? the grim mysteries of this universe are denied to you
They don't feel emotions like women do. To men, sex IS love. They are simple.
I didn't have urges for porn at all while I was with my friends this summer, and I live live on my own so maybe you're right. I just find it hard to get out of this loop.
t. slut that got pumped and dumped by chad
Women prefer emotional closeness, men prefer physical. Sex can make a man feel less lonely because it's something that it takes effort to get. It does nothing for a woman because she can get it whenever she wants and she knows the person she's fucking may not respect her or care about her
There's a body of literature spanning millenia that disagrees with your idiotic stereotypes, stupid illiterate roastie.
Damn incels, slaves to lust.
>me like fuck woman, me write about it, that make it art durrrr
But I cant, Im too socially and sexually repressed for that
Everyone is truly alone in their thoughts. It would be weird not to feel lonely
I mean, technically speaking it makes you feel less empty.
No shit op, are you new?
Whiteknights fuck off!
Except i don't want this. i'm a very solitary person
Do you have a fetish, femanon?
>gaining some self respect and actually expecting a man to put in some work to get to know me before I open my legs for him.
Which she will
A.either not be able to respect because he feels too beta after gettig dicked down by all the thug boy chads
B. fears that FUCK out of falling in love with, because he seem so pure and nice, and she feels she is dirty trash and needs to treated like that. And she will just disappoint him anyway so she better drives him away with cheating on him asap.
But the OP equates it, that's the topic. Whatever some 2000 years dead ancient civilisation wrote about love is irrelevant.
Pretty spot on actually, "women can get an unfulfilling sexual fling that ultimately makes the feel worse afterwards whenever they want" is worse. Can't find anyone genuine because they just want hole.
Yeah, a few but none is too strong I guess.
>Yeah, a few but none is too strong I guess.
Well what are they?
Impregnation, forced both me and me forcing, armpits being touched. Why do you ask?
>Why do you ask?
Do you really have to ask that?
Also how would you force somebody to get pregnant?
>armpits being touched.
Are you ticklish?
You've never done drugs have you
Where do I find one of those who will give me a chance? So I can love them forever?
Sorry, I do, I have no clue. Im a bit autistic. You can laugh.
Im extremely ticklish but normally hate being touched because of that.
there are a ton of failed women(most women) if you're eccentric and smart enough you can easily manipulate them into being loyal and decent wife. Pretty sure that was the idea of "make an honest women out of them" came from. A lost art for sure. Now guys are just smooth enough to manipulate them into giving them a chance, they pair bond with the asshole and then he just physically enforces his will until everything falls apart.
A woman who has self respect actually doesn't expect to be dominated (and provided for) by a man. Most women who seek out the alpha masculine dominant men have no self respect. This includes all kinds of "woke" feminist girls who just want to get dicked by Chad and are completely turned off by men who respect them. Sadly women with self respect are still rare despite all of the opportunities they have that their mothers and grandmothers did not.
Yeah, women who look like the girl in the pic can get attention any time they want.
But there are girls out there who look very ugly and homely that can't get laid at a blink of an eye.
>you will never rape a fembot's pitpussies until they're pregnant
so what you are saying is that women have it worse?
What the hell do women want? just marry the rich business guy and have their villa in beverly hills?
It's so easy for them to get laid that they take it for granted. Also women tend to have different views than men when it comes to emotional attachment vs sex.
I don't want to manipulate anyone man, I just want a chance. I'm socially awkward and can't make eye contact. I'm fucked.
All I really want is to share my life with someone.
>What the hell do women want?
Depends on age of course, but overall women want a man who is:
1. Rich
2. Attractive
3. Loyal
4. Able to connect with them emotionally
In that order of importance.
>A woman who has self respect actually doesn't expect to be dominated
Pfffff! Yeah okay.
Slightly autistic girls are the best so I'm not going to laugh, I do it so I can masturbate to the thought of a girl masturbating to her fetish, especially if I'd enjoy the fetish aswell.
Would you like to get tickled by the person that plays with your pits or should he try not to?
you can omit 3 and 4 since they are basically overshadowed by the importance apathetic roasties give to 1 and 2
Loneliness doesn't have an absolute value. Loneliness is relative. Women can be lonely when they can't find someone who really loves them and commits to them.
It's like saying, how can anyone in a first world country be unhappy when there are people literally dying of starvation.
So, women's sense of loneliness is not comparable to men's sense of loneliness. Considering that women feel emotions greater than men, the average woman probably feels MORE lonely than you guys.
I tried finding some on okcupid but no one really matches. All I get is single mothers
I want to love a chubby honely fembot, bros. Please help.
>A woman who has self respect actually doesn't expect to be dominated (and provided for) by a man. Most women who seek out the alpha masculine dominant men have no self respect.
This is absolute nonsense, unless you're using "dominant" in some kind of extreme fetish sense. Nearly all women, even in "liberated" and nominally gender-equal cultures, expect men to take the lead in most aspects of a relationship and be the dominant partner when it comes to sex and providing income. This has backfired somewhat in the modern age as women, especially young women, are earning more than their male counterparts but still expect a bf/husband to make more than them, but it's still the expectation.
lmao, at least you don't fap to porn
fucking porn I hate it fuck the jews
True, I probably should have put a big gap between 2 and 3. My dad is good-looking and rich but wife #1 and #2 put up with him openly cheating on them for a really, really long time before finally snapping. Women don't seem to be too freaked out about that part.
You wanted to hear it so don't laugh at me now.
>How can women be lonely
Where did you get that idea? Women are never lonely. They are constantly on their phones, social media, getting messages from friends and men and getting hit upon by men. They are never alone the way men are like going 10 days without stepping out of home or talking to anyone.
It's not, you're overestimating the number of women who actually have self respect. Just because a woman has a nice job, looks nice, comes from a nice family, ect doesn't mean she actually has self respect.
Same with women who fake the whole bad bitch act because they can score a tinder date every night, they get continual male affirmation but never actually build self respect. It's not something you can be given but something that has to be built.
Ah right then, sorry. Yes tickling in sex sounds nice though in real life I would kick by reaction.
> Just because a woman has a nice job, looks nice, comes from a nice family, ect doesn't mean she actually has self respect.
What is your definition of self respect in this context?
> Considering that women feel emotions greater than men
that's just so fucking bullshit, you women are truly retarded
men find bound and emotion connections with other men, since we are rational, intelligent, creative, artsy etc. Meanwhile women are illogical annoying stupid little fucks that are schizo psychos and change their emotion/behavior from a day to the other. So it's natural we avoid women to form soul connections and look for bromance because my bro is my bro and can really feel me.
Instead women are fucked up and treacherous by nature, and the sismance is not even a thing because even girls hate each other, because you beings are absolutely disgusting pathetic pieces of apathetic shit. You just want this "phantomatic bound with a deserving man that commits to you" because your nature (rightly so) just want a man to provide you and your little unborn shithead you will have in your belly, disgusting animal, worthy only of being a vessel to reproduction. And after that, you only care about the little shit, and that's it.
You females are actually insane and with no emotions, you are apathetic, clearly fucking schizos.
Pity is that nature made us so we really fucking desire to have sexual intercourse with you filthy f*Male animals, you know, so that this cursed human species won't go extinct.
Hopefully in this new century ,the trap century, and with technology advance, we can declare females officially useless and leave you miserable bastards on your own.
Would you ever want to be tied down and overwhelmed like that?
spoken like a true incel who will die a virgin
you are a mentally ill human since you're a f*Maloid and you deserve to be alone and lonely, you just want the "moral shekels" (aka the white knight) to provide for your lazy woman ass and your shitty baby
Yeah thats good too. Sorry I cant give you sexy details I suck at expressing myself too. But being forced its always a nice fetish.
Alone != lonely
You have shitall understanding of a robot if you can't understand how you can be lonely af in room full of people, but not feel lonely at all while alone.
Where are you from, user? I want you to be my aspie gf.
No need to apologize. Now excuse myself while I fantasize about you forcefully leglocking me in and ordering me to lick your armpits if I want to escape impregnating youand you still wouldn't let me pull out
I not anywhere near you, im sure of that. Also I dont have aspergers. I have a very low form of autism, I function ok in real life. Just a little odd sometimes.
About 12 years and 100 pounds from now.
My forcing others fantasy are a bit different but Ill try that too
How can you be so sure?
You mean you're high functioning?
Experience, im not from an english speaking country.
Also yes.
Please go into more detail how those fantasies would play out.
>Ill try that too
Do you have somebody to try that on or do you mean you're going to try to masturbate to that?
I will take a 32 year old fembot. Where are they?
Its normally me riding a guy who is struggling to get away but cant, while kissing him or licking his chest or biting his neck. Or another one is a younger me blackmailing an older guy into being my sex slave and making him go down on me. Armpits is like an intimate thing so I cant imagine me being dominant while having them licked?
Masturbate, I dont have anyone to have sex with.
>Its normally me riding a guy who is struggling to get away but cant, while kissing him or licking his chest or biting his neck. Or another one is a younger me blackmailing an older guy into being my sex slave and making him go down on me.
I came, thanks.
You are welcome, hope you enjoyed it.
>Glorification of being a slut in media
>Peer pressure from friends to go on nights out and drink
>Alcohol/drugs eroding judgement, self control and increasing arousal
This. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it's connection.
>muh relativism handwaving
Just fuck right off with this chickenshit. Men go their whole lives scrounging for moldy breadcrumbs while women bitch and moan about endless free steak because it's not the cut they wanted.