You don't want to be loved and cared for by a gf, that's not what you want her for.
You are sexually starved and you want a cute gf so that you can pleasure yourself and perhaps have her for validation. Then you will be able to tell yourself "I am not worthless, I have a girlfriend!". Your dreams of cuddling and playing vidya together are no more sexual and not any purer than your dreams of penetrating her, you want to tell yourself that you are doing all of that so that you can tell yourself that you are doing this with a hot girl, so that you can feel like you're an alpha male. You would not be willing to be in a longlasting relationship with a horrendously deformed woman or with a beautiful woman who will never let you touch her. Your dreams are not wholesome, nor virtuous, nor are they pure. There's no difference between wanting to date a smoking-hot biker girl with tattoos and wanting to date a church-going orphanage teacher girl, you want to fuck either of them and the difference is whatever turns you on; stop pretending that your fetish has the moral high ground. Stop pretending that you are starving for affection, you want to get laid, leave it there.
The reddest of pills
affection starved is a real thing though. I agree with you to a point but some people are severely lacking in affection and meaningful, intimate relationships, romantic or platonic. This isn't me pulling copes out of my ass, doctors say this. Going prolonged periods without affection is bad for one's health, mentally AND even physically.
every single post on this board proves this
>says something obvious
>calls it a red pill
okay move along.
And? Women want to get validated this way as well by chasing Chads out of their league. Fuck off OP
this is normal for the majority of young males
If it was obvious I wouldn't have said it.
Almost everyone I've talked with who claimed to feel loneliness are coincidentially looking for a girlfriend. Nobody seems to know what loneliness means here.
Affection > Sex. As someone who took a 3 year break from relationships, I'm happier now than I was during that period of being a fuckboi. Humans are social creatures and even if you are a loner, we crave it.
This also applies to women though. Seeking emotional fulfillment in a relationship is just a way to avoid saying "I'm horny af".
You are of course correct.
But I actually am starved for affection
I agree with you. You can get friends and family members to give and receive affection. If you are good at something, you can even get affection from admirers. The hypocrisy comes from wanting a girlfriend and claiming that the purpose is sentimental.
Would you say the reason is always sex? I wouldn't say it is (though it is a benefit) but most of the time I'm just content being with her.
I hired an escort to hug me and cuddle with me. She didn't even take her clothes off and neither did I. I ended up sobbing awkwardly because I hadn't been touched in ten years and it was too much for me.
You would not be that content if she was missing half her face from a shotgun accident.
I think it's because how men express love, which is through sex. That and most people here are affection starved, and friends and family usually don't show affection. I know mine didn't.
thats pretty deep OP
you get that from a popsicle stick or fortune cookie
As a psychologist I'd be denying basic biological principles if I said attractiveness didn't come into play. It's a big deal. But I also believe that if my girlfriend lost half her face or already did I'd still feel the same. Maybe less attracted but still.
OP's just listing off his inner problems with himself and calling it a redpill that is applicable to all of us, similar to most posts on this board. Move along folks.
Wrong, I want a virtuous gf who shares similar interests with me, but that we're also attracted to each other. Pic related is what I'm asking for, I don't care about boobs or butt, heck, I'd even tolerate not being sexual until months later if it meant she was a truly kind and supportive gf
I agree its a problem with me. How do I get un sexually starved then?
There is no reason it cant be both.
I dont understand why shit like this is always pulled out.
Paraded around as if its some kind of big refutation of what people are complaining about.
>so that you can feel like you're an alpha male
>you want to fuck
> stop pretending that your fetish has the moral high ground.
>Stop pretending that you are starving for affection, you want to get laid, leave it there
Why is it always this?
Why am i lying?
Im not fucking lying.
Its not my fault women choose to get pumped and dumped.
Its not my fault women feel so threatened by my very simple complaints of their methodology in selecting partners.
Its not my fault.It simply isnt.
Ive been doing everything by how women tell me to,my mother my grandmother,my aunt,all women that raised me.
Yet i still following them and their words to the letter brought me nothing but disdain from my peers of the oposite gender.
>You don't want to be loved and cared for by a gf,
You're wrong that is what I want a gf for.
I want someone to analyze and wrap myself up in
It's all about mutual vulnerability imo
If you don't care about sex and you just want to be loved, why do you need a GIRLfriend then? It's all about sex, isn't it?
Depends on your assets. If getting fit can turn you into a 7/10, then do that and sleep around. Otherwise, masturbate.
Oh so women don't think sex and relationships are related and that's why they cheat?
Just don't get a girlfriend and fuck whores
>he has the nerve to tell me I don't want love and affection
who the fuck are you to tell me want I want and why I want it
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you mentally retarded? Google it. No one should have to teach you basic English.
>friends and family usually don't show affection
This is what makes OP mindless drivel to me. Maybe one could feel enough affection through friends but we are talking about Jow Forums, nobody has friends here.
Family is useless for affection because even if they do show it, how can you be sure they don't just do it because they are stuck with you due to being family?
Wanting a gf is completely natural as it is basically friends and family in one person so way easier to manage. Hell gf even implies a stronger relationship/emotional connection so you don't have the fear of her leaving one day with no hints (of course this could still happen but it's at least possible to get hints of a downward spiral with a gf than with the friends and family you have no true connection to to begin with).
> the instinctual leftovers from our animalistic times are not a simple facet of a mans mind but the entirety of their mind and being, which means men can't possibly have emotions or feelings
Go back to tumblr roastie/fagboy, you are not real humans because of thoughts like this.
>listening to what women say they want
This is why boys need fathers
They train you wrong as a joke and test to see if you are independent enough to force your will even against the wishes of everyone you know or interact with.
Do what you want and tell everybody who is against you to fuck themselves, there is no other way to live in a society this sick and antagonistic, even when it ends with you dead. Life and the world are worth nothing if there is not a single thing that bends to your will.
As if he could help him, his father was probably defeated by the same women and wants to keep his son down the same way. Just like how OP internalized this hatred and made it into self-hatred.
Fair point, bad dads are just as bad if not worse than no dad.
You're close, but not quite there. It is not really about affection nor sex, its about validation. People here, me included deep down wants to be validated. They want to be seen as good enough, good enough for a girlfriend, good enough to get laid.
Good enough to be considered a human, not an NPC to everybody elses lives.
>Random arm chair psychologist on Jow Forums tries to tell me why I want the things I do
But the reason that he can be parried is, as stated by Miyazaki, is that they wanted to make sure that every playstyle was able to beat him. Apparently parrying everything is a valid playstyle.
Yes, put it even better, to be considered human.
I think I would need a long time with a girl before I would be comfortable enough to get naked with and have sex with her. Sex is something I eventually want but I want to start slow. I want affection, I want to hold and be held. I haven't felt a woman's touch in years. The last time I held a woman's hand was when my grandmother was dying of liver failure and cried out to Jesus to take her already and asked me to hold her hand because she was scared to die alone. I sat there for hours with her trying to console her until she finally said she was ready and asked for a morphine drip. That's not the kind of wound that you ever really heal, it's the kind you just hope to grow around, knowing it's always going to be a part of you.
Frankly before that nobody who really mattered to me had ever died in my life. I was fine being edgy, young, stupid and goofy. Shit like that changes you. Makes you consider what's really important.