hopefully this will gain traction
Delete Jow Forums
when the White Ethnostate becomes real in Europe and North America
fuck off, Jow Forums has the best memes
Then where would we go? Do you want insufferable Jow Forumspots all over every board?
delete /lgbt/ so the transfags will leave this site and never come back
Both of these
then they will spread everywhere and Jow Forums will become a safe space for them
>"haha nigger/muslim/pajeet/chink" repeated ad nauseum is good comedy
To be expected from a low iq politigroid
>trying to silence uncomfortable opinions
as expected from a NEET leech. You're probably a socialist aswell
Jow Forums is unironically the funniest and one of the most active boards.
OP is a fatherless nigger
pol is shitty, but at least most of the retards post there and don't shit up other boards
Jow Forums is the only thing keeping Jow Forums afloat. If Jow Forums dies so does the rest of Jow Forums
I like Jow Forums. Any place that can flip flop from natsoc to Ron Paul freedom memeing and back in just a few short years is bound to be good for some laughs.
keep Jow Forums but actually contain them
i miss the incels, at least they irrationally hated everyone rather than just being plain boring racist
>Deleting a containment board.
If we nuke those retards more of them will just come here.
>containment board
>doesn't contain shit
That's like saying /lgbt/ is a containment board while half of the threads here are about traps
Trap posters at least post cute anime girls and are cute in general while /p*l/ posters are mostly retards that stir shit up for no reason.
No that's /tv/, Jow Forums just takes existing memes and adds a political spin to it
Jow Forums is utter cancer, its like a 12 year old who just read Hitlers Wikipedia article discovered anonymity
Jow Forums is the only reason Jow Forums is still a viable website.
what makes you think i want to consort with niggers? fuck them. arrogant worthless shitskins destroying white countries.
I'd rather just keep those tards in their own containment board. Yes, I know a few of them scurry away from pol once in a while, but as long as pol keeps most of them in, it serves its purpose.
>Spamming cartoon frogs and throwing around buzzwords in all caps.
>Best memes
Oh is this the thread where we pidgeonhole a board just as easily to access as this one and we pretend we are more intellectual in anyway when the catalog is nothing but /b/ shit? Solely because leftpol discord trannies think they are fighting some culture war against this website? I mean take your own politics to Jow Forums instead of r9k, /tv/ and Jow Forums and stop being a coward.
I think it's time to get rid of those troglodytes. /pol is a cesspool of ignorance, bigotry, hatred and frustration.
You could swap Jow Forums with Jow Forums and that statement would still be true
They would all migrate here, sadly.
better delete this board so all the neets kill themselfs
Jow Forums can go once /LGBT/ and all the fags on it go and die in a hole
Too late for that. They've already pretty much made /b/ and Jow Forums their second homes at this point
Jow Forums's not going anywhere you pasty white whiny limp wristed liberal cry babies, you think gookmoot gives a flying fuck what you want?
>delete the board that makes the absolute majority of the ad money to line gookmoot's pockets and keeps the site afloat
Yeah, keep dreaming buddy.
Can we please genocide Jow Forums and /lgbt/ both? These are the two biggest cancers on the internet right now. These people think the sole purpose of the internet is to broadcast propaganda. It has completely many many places on the internet. Look at for example. A completely unrelated and innocent site was once again literally forcefully taken by tranny retards. They planted themselves in the mod team and now they are slowly but surely turning it into another place to shill transexuality.
Same shit happens to anything Jow Forums touches. Slowly but surely it turns into another place to yell nigger at eachother all the time and then the importing of little kids from reddit, twitter and facebook alt right pages starts, and soon it has become complete and utter shit and literally all it is just kids repeating the same memes every day 50000 times a day.
Fuck politics
>completely many
Completely destroyed*
it's not just Jow Forums, /v/, /vg/ and /b/ also holds the same level
That will never happen. We Europeans hate each other more than we hate outsiders, as our history has been showing for the last millennium. Just look up how we kept divided when the Ottomans invaded and stayed for almost two centuries because of that.
White people create their own problems. No society other society has ad much of a tendency to have sociopaths end up as their leaders as the West does. White get fucked over by other people and then lash out at other ethnic groups instead of addressing the real problems in their society.
>by other people
Other white people*
You're half right and half wrong. It's not only here, African and Asian tribes/nations kill each other over trivial shit all the time, too. The only reason why the first world is getting mixed because of the higher standards of living and freebies. Definitely not the clime, all the blacks I've ever talked to (they are rare as fuck here, unlike gypsies) freeze their asses off throughout the year.
fuck off back to leftypol you nigger
Jow Forums is just the new /b/, this isn't anything new. What we all saw with hating on /b/, is the same shit with hating on Jow Forums.
Though credit to /b/ they actually did more damage to the site than Jow Forums could ever hoe to achieve.
Its not killing eachother, thats normal. I mean inside the societies themselves. White people are insanely sociopathic towards other white people in their OWN societies. The rise of racism recently is an attempt to reduce the inner sociopathy of white people by finding an external boogeyman "common enemy" to unite people by. Its the oldest trick in the book. In some way i can empathize. A lot of white people grow up in this sociopathic climate and realize something needs to be done. Its better to think that way than to simply accept it all or even participate in it. But the conclusion that they arrive to is simply one of complete hysteria. Its just lashing out at other ethnic groups because of the suffering they experienced at the hands of other whites, instead of uniting to destroy those people.