Thoughts on girls who only have guy friends?
Thoughts on girls who only have guy friends?
pretty understandable; female friendship is shallow as fuck.
Why do hapas post threads like these every day?
They like getting attention from a lot of guys without having to be in a relationship with them
I would call em whores, and they usually are. But you're still correct. Women are horrible people and I don't think I've ever heard a single woman contest this or say they liked other woman. Not in real life, and not counting (((feminists))) which really still hate woman and themselves but found an enemy, men to detract from it. Litterally no one like women, litterally never meet a single person who has good things to say about them.
everyone hates women, like unironically. even women despise other women. girls despise their own best friends. all women are whores to varying degrees anyway, i don't give a shit if some chick with genuine intentions (unlikely) only wants to hang around guys cause literally only men are capable of friendship.
I dunno, but honestly the girl is pretty cute.
>Thoughts on girls who only have guy friends?
>attention whores
>insecure of being alone
It's weird. They usually are sluts and have or are sleeping with 1 or more from that group of "friends"
Same thing applies with guys with ONLY (girl) friends, they are either gay or just to beta to talk to men
Either lesbian or a whore. Who is the girl in OP video?
they are usually the backup plans, don't be fooled
>they are usually the backup plans
all girls have backup plans. All of them. If they are remotely attractive they will have unsolicited dm's or being approached by randoms that will be their backup.
And it will never be you. Even the most unattractive girls will have chad or chadlite backups
I get it. When I was in high school I was friends with mostly like-minded guys and this Albanian girl would always hang out by us because she didn't fit in well anywhere else. She was actually really prudish and wouldn't date anyone (because FOB Albanian parents), but she was really nice and funny to be around so we all hung out with her. She was tiny and only a few of us found her attractive so nobody thought anything of it. But usually if a girl is insufferably hot and she has a bunch of guy friends it's obvious something's up. It just depends on the girl and the guys she's around.
the males fostering her are usually trash as fuck
Huge fucking red flag. If they have only male friends, they are horrible people, just letting you know.
jordan she's my future gf
They are usually degenerates and ride the cock carousel.
They are usually so obnoxious that other girls can't tolerate them and so of course the only people willing to tolerate her are those who want to fuck her.
They just want attention. They know all the guys around them want to fuck
i fucked one and can confirm this
did you have a lot of eskimo brothers?
why is whitey so insecure~?
Well... I like women. Shit.